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week Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such larynx-lightening stories as:
- Man Says He's a Divining Rod for Mysterious Alberta Hum - - Gef The Talking Mongoose Baffles Researchers - - "Where is Olive?" An Unusual Poltergeist Account - AND: New Life to Prague’s Golem All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ YOU WILL BELIEVE A MONGOOSE CAN TALK! ![]() GEF THE TALKING MONGOOSE HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. He sang songs.He mimicked other animals and sounds. He could read minds. He was able to move objects through the air although he was no where near them. He chatted with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language.But they could not see him, because he said he could become invisible whenever he wanted to. All the time living in the walls of a remote farmhouse located on the windswept coast of the Isle of Man. To the Irvings, especially their teenage daughter, Gef was not a frightening creature but the family’s pet who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas, and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by by intimating, “If I were a spirit how could I kill rabbits.?” When quizzed as to why he was so reclusive Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” In addition to original material, included is the full text of the 1936 book by psychic researcher Harry Price. Exceedingly rare, copies have been selling for upward of $1,000 among collectors. For here are other strange stories – such as the talking stove, the Squonk, and the Bell Witch, as presented by Tim R. Swartz and today’s leading investigators of the strange and unknown. This is one of the top Fortean stories of all time. An occult masterpiece. An adventure into the unknown, and the supernormal. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - LISTEN TO THE HUMMADRUZ DEPARTMENT - Man Says He's a Divining Rod for Mysterious Alberta Hum By Colleen Underwood Dana Negrey jokes he's determined to enjoy a moment of peace before he dies.
One that is free of the low-frequency rumble bombarding his eardrums 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and void of the whirling fans, sleep headphones and other types of white noise he uses to drown out the mysterious hum he first discovered in 2008 when living in the northwest Calgary community of Ranchlands. He even continues to be hounded by the sound at his home in Edmonton, where he has lived since 2012. Negrey said he's often asked what it sounds like by people who can't hear the hum, sometimes while they are standing right next to him. "It sounds like a locomotive diesel engine idling in the distance … sometimes it's so loud it actually will drive me out of the house or room that I'm in," said Negrey. CBC News first spoke to Negrey back in 2009 when he and others tried to uncover the source of the Ranchlands hum. But despite recordings done in the neighbourhood, nearby construction sites, a C-Train power station, and even a rail yard, nothing matched the 40-hertz tone being picked up by audio recordings in Negrey's and others' homes in the community. And after a few years, the search kind of petered out, until Negrey moved to Edmonton in 2012. "I thought, 'oh for goodness sakes, here we go again.'" Negrey started digging into the hum phenomenon 10 years ago when he first noticed it in Calgary. He worked with the local community association, an acoustic engineer and a noise expert. Together they would analyze recordings in order to try to pinpoint a source. One of the homes they investigated was Terry Avramenko's. "The other day I was in the basement just standing there and all of a sudden I went, 'oh yeah there is the noise.' So for myself I can hear it but also because the frequency is so low you actually feel it," said Avramenko, who describes it as an idling transport truck. He recalls once trekking through the neighbourhood with Negrey, following the source of the hum until at one point it just dropped off. He and his wife have just come to accept the noise, although they would like to know what's causing it. In 2012, the investigation into the Ranchlands hum trailed off when Negrey got a job in Edmonton. He said when he packed up his family and left, he believed he'd be leaving the hum behind. But he said it didn't take long before his ears picked up a similar disturbance in his new home. "And that's when my suspicions popped up … I'm convinced this is far beyond what Ranchlands is experiencing." Negrey said he's heard the same low-frequency hum in Lethbridge and St. Paul, Alta. The only place he hasn't heard it is at the top of the Bald Hills Trail in Jasper National Park. His wife doesn't hear it but feels the hum's vibrations. And they've both noticed the mysterious phenomenon intensifying over time. "When we were in Calgary every so often she'd say 'I'm feeling a bit of a vibration' and I'd say 'isn't that something, cause I'm hearing the hum really loudly,' whereas here she will sit down at the dining room table and she'll say 'my goodness I can't even sit here. The vibration is so bad.'" Negrey said some people hear it, and some people don't. But he said he feels better knowing the hum has been recorded by an acoustic engineer in both of his homes. Here's a sample of the hum taken in Ranchlands. Negrey said the samples rule out an inner-ear issue, or, as some have suggested, that it's all in his head. And for whatever reason, whether it's environmental damage, age or genetics, he said he is more sensitive to low-frequency sounds. "I'm very much like a human divining rod, whether it's a blessing or a curse, I don't know." 'Undercover' investigation Negrey and acoustic engineer Richard Patching say they have no idea what's causing the hum, or possibly hums, nor whether it's being caused by one thing or a combination of things. "We're kind of grabbing at straws here," said Patching. One of those straws involves the construction of a Faraday cage. It's an enclosure that blocks out electromagnetic radiation, such as radiowaves, Wi-Fi and cellular signals, and static electricity. The idea is if Negrey can still hear the hum when he's inside the cage, then that would rule out those sources. And if it blocked out the hum, then it could also be used as a preventative tool. Negrey wanted his steel box to be cost effective and portable so he built his Faraday cage out of wood. He then wrapped it in chicken wire. It is about three feet wide by two feet long and four feet high. He then had to find a way to ground it. Negrey said he was nervous to test it out. But eventually he did, while it was in his garage. "So I hopped in and I heard the hum. And so we, both Richard and I said 'oh, darn it.' "And then I said, 'Richard are are we sure that this Faraday cage works?'" Negrey and Patching say before they rule out anything they want to make sure they have built a proper cage. Negrey also put in a battery-operated radio to see if it would work. And it did. He said that means the cage is letting in radiowaves. So they are now doing further testing on the Faraday cage. They are thinking of swapping out the chicken wire for better aluminum wire. Possible explanations The problem with their investigation, they say, is that it's part-time and voluntary so any real progress is taking longer than they'd like. But over time they've developed some hypotheses. Negrey believes it's man-made, either mechanical or electrical, and came online in Alberta in 2008. He also believes it's a combination of energy sources or noises that's creating the hum. "Whatever it is it's definitely increasing in scope and definitely continuing to be frustrating to deal with," said Negrey. In the meantime they don't want to rule out any good ideas, but Patching said some of the ones people have sent him are out there, including solar flares hitting the Great Pyramids in Egypt and police surveillance satellites hovering over their house. Patching said, for one, satellites don't hover. Negrey said he too isn't open to fantastical explanations. "Like people saying it's aliens or some sort of thing like that, that's absurd." Once their cage is properly built and tested they plan to take it to different locations throughout Alberta to see whether the hums Negrey hears elsewhere are similar. They also plan to eventually offer to test the homes of others bothered by a hum so they can generate a bigger map to help pinpoint a potential source, or sources. And then, maybe then they could find a way to shield themselves from it, or stop it altogether. "I cannot continue to live a life … having to deal with a hum that somehow has appeared because somebody has installed something somewhere and if I'm any indication, and the responses we've had, it's affecting a number of Canadians." Source: CBC - SPIRIT? GHOST? POLTERGEIST? DEPARTMENT - Gef The Talking Mongoose Baffles Researchers By Sean Casteel ![]() If there were such a thing as a top ten list of unexplainable phenomena throughout history, Gef would rank right at the top.
Fortean researchers, parapsychologists and skeptics alike would have to admit that they have never encountered such a bizarre but apparently well-documented case that is so completely devoid of hysteria in the timeless annals of the unexplained. If Gef the talking mongoose is what it is claimed he is, he should certainly turn the heads of the scientific community, who at first glance would probably consider this to be a case of mass hysteria. There is – as we shall see – every reason to recognize this talking animal as the Eighth Wonder Of The World, a title for which he is wholly deserving, for it is said that Gef, an otherwise unassuming small rodent, could: ** Sing songs. ** Mimic the sounds of other animals. ** Read minds. ** Move objects through the air although he was nowhere near them. ** Chat with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language. ** Hide himself from curious eyes and become invisible whenever he wanted to. Whatever the powers that lurk behind the curtain of paranormal mystery truly are, they usually manifest in dark and frightening ways. They are not shy or apologetic about inducing extreme levels of terror in the hapless percipients who encounter them. But in the case of Gef, the Talking Mongoose, it seems as though the spirits are having a bit of childlike fun, indulging in a whimsical playfulness where no one is really injured or frightened – just perplexed and made curious by a creature who crossed over from the other side and took up residence in the home of a farming family living on the Isle of Man, located in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. Publisher Timothy Green Beckley has done his readers a favor by resurrecting an out-of-print book about Gef that is not only extremely rare but very costly. The book is called “The Haunting of Cashen’s Gap: A Modern ‘Miracle,’” by Harry Price and R.S. Lambert, and was first published in 1936. Original copies sell for up to $1000 nowadays, but Beckley can provide not only the original text but the updated research of present-day writers like Tim R. Swartz and Hercules Invictus for the price of an everyday paperback. “James Irving and his family found themselves in the crosshairs of a series of increasingly strange events,” Swartz writes, “that would dominate their lives for years to come. James ‘Jim’ Irving, an educated man, had previously been a traveling piano salesman, and although the farm was his retirement project, it was proving insufficient to support his wife, Margaret, and their young daughter, Voirrey. The farm was called Doarlish Cashen – Manx Gaelic for ‘Cashen’s Gap.’ There were no neighbors nearby nor was there a telephone or electricity.” Beckley’s updated reprint is called, simply enough, “Gef The Talking Mongoose,” and opens with a chapter by longtime paranormal researcher Tim R. Swartz. Swartz provides an excellent overview of the Gef saga and equips the reader with the basic facts as a precursor to the more detailed treatment by Price and Lambert. GEF INTRODUCES HIMSELF
Gef made his first appearance on September 13, 1931. “According to Jim Irving,” Swartz writes, “he first saw a small, weasel-like animal in his farmyard that could bark like a dog and meow like a cat. Even more amazing, when Irving made other barnyard animal noises, the little animal would repeat the sounds back immediately. It wasn’t long before the Irvings became aware that this creature had found its way into their home, announcing its presence with random scratches, rustling and general activity between the walls and the matchwood paneling.” Thinking the sounds were caused by rats or other pests, the family set traps but caught nothing. Jim made a last-ditch attempt by growling like a dog at the invasive vermin, only to hear something growl right back. He then realized it was the animal he’d seen outside. “Whatever it was,” Swartz recounted, “it proved to be a talented mimic. It would repeat Irving’s imitations of various animals and birds, and soon he had only to name an animal and it would promptly respond with the appropriate sounds. At other times it made a gurgling sound like a baby that soon changed into actual words.” Voirrey, the family’s young child, was fascinated by the new guest and would ask the creature to repeat nursery rhymes, which it would do in a clear, high-pitched voice. The family called the interloper “Jack,” but he soon told his hosts he preferred to be known as “Gef,” spelled G-E-F. He claimed to have been born in Delhi, India, in 1852, and he was brought to the island twenty years earlier when a farmer had imported mongooses to the area hoping to curb the local rabbit population. Gef said he had always understood human speech, but he learned to speak himself more recently, having been taught by Jim. As rumors of the strange creature spread throughout the Isle of Man, it was often claimed that Voirrey was fooling everyone by “throwing her voice,” an explanation that Swartz skillfully debunks. “This is not to say that Voirrey didn’t at times imitate Gef’s voice,” Swartz admits. “In practically every poltergeist case that centers on children, there are instances where the child is seen to throw something or bang on a wall if they think they are not being observed. Voirrey was probably guilty of this when Gef would become stubborn and refuse to make an appearance. But it is unlikely that Voirrey could have managed to keep such a long, drawn out hoax going for as long as the phenomenon lasted.” Investigators speculated from the beginning that Gef was a haunting of some kind – possibly a poltergeist. “Gef could produce knocks and raps all over the house practically simultaneously,” Swartz writes. “He was also fond of throwing things at the Irvings and their guests from cracks in the paneling. As well, Gef claimed to be able to travel all over the island and repeat various conversations that he had overheard. He also had a rich vocabulary of swear words and loved to sing songs that were unknown to his hosts. These antics are very similar to poltergeist pranks and even Jim Irving thought at times that Gef was more than just an ‘extra clever mongoose.’” The case attracted attention from the media. News of the mystery first reached London in October 1931, when an item concerning a “man-weasel” appeared in the press. A newspaper called the Daily Sketch published a photo of the Irving cottage with the caption “The Talking Weasel Farm,” and the Daily Mail and other journals briefly reported strange events at Doarlish Cashen. The northern newspapers took a larger and more sustained interest in the affair because the talking animal was a near neighbor and naturally paid more attention than the London newspapers. Early in 1932, the Manchester Daily Dispatch sent a reporter to the Irving farm in order to investigate the mystery at its actual location. He was fortunate enough to hear Gef speak. “The mysterious ‘man-weasel’ of Doarlish Cashen has spoken to me today,” the journalist wrote. “Investigation of the most remarkable animal story that has ever been given publicly – a story which is finding credence all over the island – leaves me in a state of considerable perplexity. Had I heard a weasel speak? I do not know, but I do know that I have heard today a voice which I should never have imagined could issue from a human throat; that the people who claim it was the voice of the strange weasel seem sane, honest and responsible folk and not likely to indulge in a difficult, long, drawn-out and unprofitable practical joke to make themselves the talk of the world; and that others had had the same experience as myself.” Jim Irving told the reporter the story of how the animal had taken up residence in the family home but denied that the place was haunted. “There are no spooks here,” Irving declared. WHO OR WHAT WAS GEF?
The publicity in various media outlets quickly piqued the curiosity of psychic investigators Harry Price and R.S. Lambert, who would team up to write the aforementioned paranormal classic “The Haunting of Cashen’s Gap,” based largely on their own onsite investigation of the Irvings and their mysterious houseguest. In their introduction, the pair writes: “The following pages are an essay in the Veracious but Unaccountable. Whether looked at from the point of view of psychology, of psychical research, of anthropology or of sociology, this true story of Gef is very odd. We have been moved to set it down in as full a form as possible in order that everyone interested – including, we hope, posterity – may be in a position to form their own judgment about it. “To believers,” they continue, “it will represent proof of a miracle; to skeptics a lesson in the laws of evidence. Some will call it nonsense from first to last; others will admit it to be at least as good as most ghost stories. Throughout we have sought to avoid mere credulity on the one hand and prejudiced skepticism on the other. There may be readers who will be disappointed that we have at the end no cut-and-dried solution of the mystery to offer, but this only suggests that the facts, as we have honestly tried to set them forth, are susceptible of various explanations.” The authors comment that although the farm yields little or no produce and that most people would find their lifestyle nearly intolerable, the Irvings are still a “united, cheerful and healthy trio of normally intelligent persons. Nevertheless, into their lives has entered a mystery, perhaps one of the most curious and unaccountable mysteries of our times. Their solitary farm has become the scene of what is alleged to be a supernatural visitation – such a visitation as was common enough three hundred years ago, when the reality of witches and their familiars was acknowledged and feared.” And what does Gef call himself? He cannot be relied on, the two investigators write, to tell his hosts exactly what he is. At various times he has called himself a mongoose and an “earthbound spirit.” This last description, they write, is a “purely spiritualistic term,” adding that Gef is thought to be afraid of dying, so he cannot be assumed to have made the transition to the world of the dead. The Irving’s did not see Gef as a frightening creature but more like the family’s pet, one who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by intimating, “If I were a spirit, how could I kill rabbits?” When quizzed on why he was so reclusive, Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. That some might be frightened and see him as a “real freak.” Gef suddenly took to singing and speaking in strange tongues. The authors were told that “the voice is extremely high-pitched, above the human range, with a clear, sweet tone.” He began to sing more and more: songs, hymns and ballads. Some of these the Irvings knew, some were new to them. His singing became almost a nuisance. ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY?
Though the Gef phenomenon seemed at times to center around Voirrey, she told the authors that she had no great love for him. However, she saw more of the animal than anyone else and was the only one to see all of him. Her parents frequently pleaded for him to show himself fully but were always refused. They sometimes saw a portion of him sitting on a beam or glimpsed something flashing past a gap in the hedge, but that is all. When they asked him to come out in the open, Gef answered them by saying, “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet, and if you saw me you’d faint. You’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” That last remark about a pillar of salt led the researchers to speculate that Gef must have attended Sunday school somewhere. Gef also found enough amusement in his living situation to make the Irvings familiar with the sound of his laughter. “If laughter indicates happiness,” the two researchers reasoned, “then Gef must be supremely contented in the bosom of the Irving family. He laughs all day. He possesses an extensive repertoire of laughs. To quote Jim’s description, ‘Sometimes it resembles the tittering laugh of a precocious or mischievous child; at other times I would say it was the chuckling laugh of an aged person, and another distinct type is one which I would say was satanic laughter, or the laughter of a maniac. We all have a most intense dislike to this last laughter, as it is very trying. But, fortunately, we do not get this kind very often.’” TRYING TO EXPRESS THE ULTIMATE TRUTH
Price and Lambert can only offer three possibilities as to ultimate reality of Gef. First, Gef exists and haunts Doarlish Cashen, substantially as the Irvings say he does. Two, that Gef is a product of hallucination and fantasy. Or three, that Gef is a product of conscious deception. Acceptance of the first conclusion rules out the other two, but the second and third conclusion are not exclusive of each other and may be entertained together or separately. In assessing the reality of Gef, the authors are unwilling to sweep away the many trustworthy outside witnesses who heard Gef and were certain of his independent existence. They take very seriously the findings of people who also visited the farm, such as spiritualists, teachers, hikers, relations and neighbors, and are unwilling to discount their statements. Given the reality of Gef, the authors speculated that had he been rather more docile and agreeable in his behavior, less elusive in his manifestations, and more pleasing in his personality, he might have become in time the center of a sort of cult. In spite of his deficiencies, he gained a circle of admirers eager to hear his latest doings, ready to pay periodic visits to his shrine, and to bring small gifts to win his good will. “It is the stuff of which oracles are made,” Price and Lambert write, “and the foundation on which temples are built. Gef rejects spiritistic interpretations of himself, and yet will not or cannot reveal his own identity. He has no message to give out, no real miracles to work. It is certain that ‘doubters’ will abound and that the faithful themselves will be able to do little more than acclaim Gef, with all his wit, malice and tomfoolery, as A VOICE AND NOTHING MORE.” But what a fascinating voice! Whether it came from a “clever” mongoose or a poltergeist in animal form, reading “Gef The Talking Mongoose” will more than satisfy occultists and students of the supernatural like few other works available today. This priceless reprint of 1936’s “The Haunting of Cashen’s Gap” coupled with the 21st century efforts of Beckley and his pool of writers is a must-have item for both collectors and newcomers to the subject. Oh, and by the way, there is even an account in the book of a talking stove – yes, I said talking stove – that goes well beyond the boundaries of Gef’s abilities as an animal to speak. The universe gets stranger all the time. Where are John Keel and Charles Fort when you need them the most? Source: Spectral Vision -the-talking-mongoose-baffles-researchers/ - BETTER USE OF MONEY THEN THE WALL DEPARTMENT -
Harry Reid Pushing for More UFO Research By Niels Lesniewski ![]() Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is lobbying his former colleagues to do more to study unidentified flying objects. “I personally don’t know if there exists little green men other places, I kind of doubt that, but I do believe that the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study,” the Nevada Democrat said. “We have hundreds and hundreds of people that have seen the same thing — something in the sky, it moves a certain way.” Reid said that also included sightings of vessels at sea. The topic of UFOs was on Reid’s mind Thursday because his interview with KNPR came just before he said he was scheduled to talk with an important senator about setting up a way for members of the military to support exploring suspicious sightings without facing retribution. “I’m going to have a call with a member of the Senate in an hour or two where we have people in the military who want to come and tell somebody what they’ve seen,” Reid said in the interview, declining to identify who that senator is. (Food for thought: Reid’s former deputy, Senate Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., is the ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.) “What we found in the past is that these pilots, when they see something strange like this, they’re prone not to report it for fear that the bosses will think something’s wrong with them, and they don’t get the promotion,” he said. “So, many, many times they don’t say a word to anybody about these strange things.” “The facts are, they need a place to be able to report this, and that’s what I’m going to work on in a couple of hours, to make sure that somebody I think’s a powerful member in Congress, I want him to be able to sit down and talk to some of these pilots who have seen these things,” Reid said. “I can arrange this because of the contacts I have with members of the Congress.” Back in December 2017, the New York Times reported on a Pentagon program to study UFO sightings that came about because of Reid’s advocacy back when he was serving in the Senate. “We spent a lot of money, and it was an extremely important study,” Reid said Thursday, calling setting up the program,“one of the easiest sells I ever had to make.” He recalled again how he lobbied the leaders of the Senate Appropriation’s Defense Subcommittee to get money for the project, and how the late Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, was entirely on board because of a suspicious aircraft he cited during his own time as military pilot. But Reid said that the Pentagon has not done enough since then. “Frankly, I think the federal government has done almost nothing to help us with this,” Reid said. During the interview, Reid also said he knew a lot more about classified operations undertaken at Area 51 in his home state of Nevada. “Oh sure, I’ve been to Area 51. I know Area 51. I don’t know if I should say many times, but lots and lots of times. I know Area 51 quite well, I know what they’ve done there,” said Reid. “I don’t know in recent years, of course, but I know what went on there.” Source: Roll Call PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
Mysterious Radio Signals From Deep Space Detected By Helen Briggs ![]() Astronomers have revealed details of mysterious signals emanating from a distant galaxy, picked up by a telescope in Canada. The precise nature and origin of the blasts of radio waves is unknown. Among the 13 fast radio bursts, known as FRBs, was a very unusual repeating signal, coming from the same source about 1.5 billion light years away. Such an event has only been reported once before, by a different telescope. "Knowing that there is another suggests that there could be more out there," said Ingrid Stairs, an astrophysicist from the University of British Columbia (UBC). "And with more repeaters and more sources available for study, we may be able to understand these cosmic puzzles - where they're from and what causes them." The CHIME observatory, located in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley, consists of four 100-metre-long, semi-cylindrical antennas, which scan the entire northern sky each day. The telescope only got up and running last year, detecting 13 of the radio bursts almost immediately, including the repeater. The research has now been published in the journal Nature. "We have discovered a second repeater and its properties are very similar to the first repeater," said Shriharsh Tendulkar of McGill University, Canada. "This tells us more about the properties of repeaters as a population." FRBs are short, bright flashes of radio waves, which appear to be coming from almost halfway across the Universe. So far, scientists have detected about 60 single fast radio bursts and two that repeat. They believe there could be as many as a thousand FRBs in the sky every day. There are a number of theories about what could be causing them. They include a neutron star with a very strong magnetic field that is spinning very rapidly, two neutron stars merging together, and, among a minority of observers, some form of alien spaceship. Source: BBC - ENERGY UNLEASHED DEPARTMENT - "Where is Olive?" An Unusual Poltergeist Account By Undine ![]() For those who assert there is such a
thing as genuine poltergeist activity (as opposed to the skeptics who
attribute it all to natural phenomena, over-imagination or hoaxes) the
question becomes: "What is a poltergeist, anyway?" Believers fall into,
roughly speaking, two different camps: some posit that polts are
independent spirit beings--ghosts with a taste for nasty practical
jokes. Others are of the opinion that what we are dealing with are
manifestations unwittingly created by the troubled emotions of some
member of the affected household--usually a child or teenager. That debate will likely never be solved on this side of the grave. However, famed ghost researcher Harry Price recorded one English "poltergeist" case which strongly suggests that these "spirits" or "demons" are evidence of the awesome and little-understood power of our subconscious minds. The story centers around the family of a Sutherland doctor named Wilkins. In 1940, Wilkins' 19-year-old daughter Olive became engaged to a young flight lieutenant in the RAF. Her parents were not in favor of the match. Although they had nothing against her beau, Dr. and Mrs. Wilkins felt Olive was too young for marriage. Even more seriously, the current war meant that odds were good their daughter might soon go from bride to widow. In the end, however, the course of true love ran smoothly and the young couple married in the fall of 1941. The newlyweds settled in a rented flat near the Wilkins home, and Olive found work as a secretary. When her lieutenant was on duty, Olive spent much of her time with her parents. She had left many of her belongings in her old bedroom, so the Wilkinses must have often felt like Olive had never left home at all. On February 26, 1942, Mrs. Wilkins borrowed a pin from her daughter's room. After being out for the day, Mrs. Wilkins came home and went back to Olive's room to return the pin. She was stunned to find the bedspread carefully turned down. She had not touched the bed all day, and she knew no one else had been in the house. Three days later, Mrs. Wilkins was in the kitchen. She heard the front door open, followed by the unmistakable sound of Dr. Wilkins's footsteps, along with the clicking of her daughter's high heels. She was surprised to see only her husband enter the room. "Where is Olive?" she asked. "I don't know," he replied. Dr. Wilkins had come in alone, and had not heard the second pair of footsteps. Four days after this, Mrs. Wilkins noticed that Olive's bed was mussed up, as if someone had been sleeping in it. A short time later, one of Olive's books had mysteriously been taken from the bookcase and left open on the windowsill. A week later, Mrs. Wilkins again heard the front door opening, followed by footsteps in the hallway. This time, she heard only one set of footsteps: Olive's. The steps went upstairs, and into Olive's room. Then, the steps went into the bathroom, where after a moment, Mrs. Wilkins heard the toilet flush. Then, there was silence. Mrs. Wilkins went upstairs, only to find no one there. When Dr. Wilkins came home, his wife told him her strange story. He went over to Olive's flat. She stated that she had not been to her parents' house all day. The next few weeks saw two important events: Olive announced that she was pregnant, and her husband was posted overseas. As Olive's pregnancy advanced, so did the weird paranormal activity in her old home. Olive's former bed would not stay fixed. Mrs. Wilkins was constantly finding the bedclothes rumpled, or folded neatly down, or stripped from the bed altogether. Olive's dresser drawers were frequently found open, with the contents placed on the bed. It was now a regular event for Mrs. Wilkins to hear what she swore were the sounds of Olive opening the front door and walking up the stairs and into her old bedroom. When Mrs. Wilkins would go investigate, the footsteps immediately stopped. One day, Mrs. Wilkins arrived home to find that a photograph of Olive that was normally kept on the dining room mantelpiece had been placed on the table. Mrs. Wilkins, fearing this was some sort of bad omen, immediately called her daughter's workplace. She was told that Olive had unexpectedly gone into labor, and had been taken to the hospital. Happily, Olive was safely delivered of a healthy girl, whom she named Enid. The baby's arrival simultaneously marked the end of the paranormal activity that had plagued the Wilkins home. The "poltergeist"--or whatever one cares to call it--was gone for good. There was an obvious link between the Fortean events and Olive's marriage and pregnancy, but what did it all mean? Did Mrs. Wilkins' natural anxiety about her daughter, and desire to have her back home, cause her subconscious to create a "phantom Olive" who never married and left the family nest? Or were they manifested by Olive herself? Forced to deal with the combined stress of a husband in active service and her first pregnancy, did she secretly long for her more carefree unmarried life? The Wilkins case is a perfect illustration of how "poltergeist activity" is virtually impossible to categorize, let alone understand. Source: Strange Co. - THE POWER OF A NAME DEPARTMENT - Aliens: What’s In A Name? By Nick Redfern ![]() Whitley
Strieber’s 1987 best-selling book, Communion, brought the world of
alien abductions to a massive, mainstream audience. During the course
of investigating his experiences that prompted him to write Communion,
Strieber discovered something intriguing: that the name “Aura Rhanes” –
an alleged human-like alien encountered by a man named Truman Bethurum
in 1952 – was extremely similar to “Aerach Reann,” a Gaelic term that
translates approximately to “heavenly body of air.” It must be said
that the fashion by which Bethurum became entranced by Aura Rhanes
(“tops in shapeliness and beauty” was how smitten Bethurum described
her) mirrors those centuries-old cases of hapless and helpless men
falling under the spell of the fairy queen. Strieber pursued this
Gaelic issue.
In the same time-frame that Truman Bethurum was under the hypnotic spell of Aura Rhanes, a controversial man named George Adamski claimed encounters with human-like extraterrestrials in the deserts of California. There’s no doubt that Adamski was, and still is, the ultimate Contactee – regardless of what one might make of his claimed experiences with the long-haired, human-looking “Space Brothers,” as he termed them. What is particularly interesting is that one of Adamski’s alleged brothers from the stars was named Firkon. Strieber says of this: “Fir or fear when used as a prefix means ‘man,’ and Conn, meaning ‘Head,’ is the name of a seventh-century Irish king whose son, tradition tells us, was abducted by a beautiful lady in a flying craft. Firkon means, in Gaelic, ‘man of Conn.’” Then there are the experiences of a young man named Bob Renaud. On one particular night in July 1961, Renaud picked up an extraordinary message while “browsing around the shortwave bands” in his small, Massachusetts town. It began with a series of bleeps but was soon replaced by a female voice, which later identified herself as Linn-Erri from the planet Korendor. As was the case in so many Contactee-themed cases of the 1950s and 1960s, Renaud had repeated and extensive chats with his newfound alien friends, many of which were focused on the aliens’ fears that we, the Human Race, were on the verge of destroying ourselves. Also closely following the trend of so many Contactees, Linn-Erri and her comrades took Renaud on trips to secret, alien installations, and taught him to create complex machines, one of which was somewhat akin to an old-style television set. It reportedly allowed Renaud to see Linn-Erri in the flesh, so to speak. She was, said Renaud, a ravishing blond, who looked to be about nineteen years of age, but who claimed to be closer to her mid-seventies – in human years. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that this could all have been provoked by nothing stranger than the late night, hormone-driven fantasies of a young man run wild. But, as with the equally controversial saga of Truman Bethurum, there is something that makes Bob Renaud’s story intriguing, as Strieber states in his work. Strieber notes that the aliens’ alleged home planet, Korendor, is very similar to a Gaelic term that Strieber described as “a place of oracle.” Betty Andreasson is someone who has had a lifetime of profound interaction with other-world entities and whose encounters caught the attention of Strieber. On one occasion in the 1960s, when Andreasson was deep in channeling-style conversation with a small, large-headed alien being named Quaazga, a curious statement was made to Andreasson in a language that she could not understand. One person did understand it, however: a man named Leonard Keane. Listening to audio-recordings of Andreasson relating the statement word for word, he concluded the alien was speaking in a form of ancient Gaelic, which translated to the following: “The living descendants of the Northern Peoples are groping in universal darkness. Their mother mourns. A dark occasion forebodes when weakness in high places will revive a high cost of living, an interval of mistakes in high places, an interval fit for distressing events.” Coincidence or something more? A UFO-Gaelic Connection? Source: Mysterious Universe - CAPITALIZING ON A LEGEND DEPARTMENT - New Life to Prague’s Golem ![]() PRAGUE — They say the Golem, a
Jewish giant with glowing eyes and supernatural powers, is lurking once
again in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue here.
The Golem, according to Czech legend, was fashioned from clay and brought to life by a rabbi to protect Prague’s 16th-century ghetto from persecution, and is said to be called forth in times of crisis. True to form, he is once again experiencing a revival and, in this commercial age, has spawned a one-monster industry. There are Golem hotels; Golem door-making companies; Golem clay figurines (made in China); a recent musical starring a dancing Golem; and a Czech strongman called the Golem who bends iron bars with his teeth. The Golem has also infiltrated Czech cuisine: the menu at the non-kosher restaurant called the Golem features a “rabbi’s pocket of beef tenderloin” and a $7 “crisis special” of roast pork and potatoes that would surely have rattled the venerable Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the Golem’s supposed maker. Even the first lady, Michelle Obama once paid her respects when she visited Rabbi Loew’s grave and, following Jewish tradition, placed a prayer on a piece of paper and put it near his tombstone. Eva Bergerova, a theater director who is staging a play about the Golem, said it was no coincidence that this Central European story was ubiquitous at a time of swine flu and economic distress. “The Golem starts wandering the streets during times of crises, when people are worried,” Ms. Bergerova said. “He is a projection of society’s neuroses, a symbol of our fears and concerns. He is the ultimate crisis monster.” Rabbi Manis Barash, who oversees an institute here devoted to Rabbi Loew’s work, said that “because of the financial crisis, people were increasingly turning to spirituality for meaning.” Others, like Jakub Roth, a derivatives trader and a leader of the Jewish community, noted that the Golem had contemporary relevance because he protected sacred values from imminent dangers. “In the past this was anti-Semitism,” Mr. Roth said. “Today it is global recession, Islamic fundamentalism and Russian aggression.” The surge in popularity of the Golem also anticipates the 400th anniversary in September of Rabbi Loew’s death in 1609, at nearly 100. A Jewish mystic and philosopher who a leading scholar of the Talmud and kabbalah and wrote at least 22 books, he was known widely as the Maharal, a great sage. Few here dispute that the Golem, who is often depicted as either a menacing brown blob or an artificial humanoid, has become a lucrative global brand. But it is also a profound irritation to Prague’s Jewish leaders that Rabbi Loew’s legacy has been hijacked by a powerful dunce whom the Talmud characterizes as a “fool.” “I am frustrated by the legend of the Golem in the same way I am frustrated that people buy Kafka souvenirs on every street in Prague but don’t bother to read his books,” Rabbi Karel Sidon, the chief rabbi of the Czech Republic, lamented. Alluding to the recent rise of neo-Nazis in the Czech Republic and elsewhere, however, he hastened to add, “We like the Golem because he protected the Jews.” Rabbi Barash emphasized that in the Talmud, the Golem was considered a dumb klutz because he was literal-minded, could not speak and had no “sechel,” or intellect. “If in school,” he said, “you didn’t use your brains, the teacher would say, ‘Stop behaving like a golem.’ ” According to one version of Prague’s Golem legend, the city’s Jews, under the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, were being attacked, falsely accused of using the blood of Christians to perform their rituals. To protect the community, Rabbi Loew built the Golem out of clay from the banks of the Vltava River. He used his knowledge of kabbalah to make it come alive, inscribing the Hebrew word emet, or truth, on the creature’s forehead. The Golem, whom he called Josef and who was known as Yossele, patrolled the ghetto; it is said he could make himself invisible and summon spirits from the dead. Eventually, the Golem is said to have gone on a murderous rampage — out of unrequited love, some explain. Fearing that he could fall into the wrong hands, Rabbi Loew smeared clay on the Golem’s forehead, turning emet into met, the Hebrew word for death, and put him to rest in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue. Though a quintessentially Jewish tale, the saga of the Golem, popularized here in a 1950s fairy tale film, has long been regarded as a Czech legend. Benjamin Kuras, a Czech playwright and the author of the book “As Golems Go,” said the fighting figure of the Golem had appeal in a nation traumatized by centuries of occupation and invasion. “After living through the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Nazism and decades of communism, the Czechs are drawn to a character with supernatural powers that will help liberate them from oppression,” Mr. Kuras said. “Many here don’t even realize he is a Jewish monster.” Such is the pull of the Golem that Rabbi Sidon said he received dozens of requests each year for visits to the Golem’s attic lair — requests he politely declined. During World War II, it was rumored that Nazi soldiers broke into the synagogue, and Rabbi Loew’s Golem ripped them apart, limb by limb. “We say the Golem is in the attic, up there,” Rabbi Sidon said. “But I have never gone there. I say that if the Golem was put there 400 years ago, then today he is dirt and dust and can’t do anything to disturb anyone.” Asked if the Golem was fact or fiction, Rabbi Sidon shrugged and sighed. “It’s possible he is real,” the rabbi said. “I just don’t know.” But he noted that there had been several cases of sage rabbis who had supposedly created golems. Rabbi Sidon recalled that in the late 1990s, an elderly Jewish woman asked him where the Golem was. “I told her he was in the attic,” Rabbi Sidon said. “ ‘Not that one, the real one,’ ” he said the woman replied, insisting that she had been at the synagogue a year earlier and had met Mr. Golem, a lanky figure with ruddy cheeks. Recognizing the description, the rabbi said, he confronted the synagogue’s shamash, or attendant, a man called Josef, who shares the Golem’s first name. Josef eventually confessed that he had been telling visitors he was the Golem’s great-grandson. Source: NY Times Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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