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![]() 1/27/18 #989 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: Hovering high overhead, the UFO
and its otherworldly occupants scan the Earths communications --
silently awaiting word that they have finally intercepted the secret
information that has eluded them all week. Yes that's right! They are
waiting for this weeks exciting issue of the newsletter of conspiracies,
secrets, the paranormal and MORE - Conspiracy Journal is here once again
to inflame your senses and question your beliefs.
- DNA Study Debunks Rudolf Hess Impostor Theory - - Some Weird Cases of Monsters in Ponds - - UFOs, Warp Drives, Stargates - Pentagon's Secret Research - AND: "Ancient" Stone Circle Actually Built in 1990s All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ YOU WILL BELIEVE A MONGOOSE CAN TALK! ![]() GEF THE TALKING MONGOOSE HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. He sang songs.He mimicked other animals and sounds. He could read minds. He was able to move objects through the air although he was no where near them. He chatted with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language.But they could not see him, because he said he could become invisible whenever he wanted to. All the time living in the walls of a remote farmhouse located on the windswept coast of the Isle of Man. To the Irvings, especially their teenage daughter, Gef was not a frightening creature but the family’s pet who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas, and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by by intimating, “If I were a spirit how could I kill rabbits.?” When quizzed as to why he was so reclusive Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” In addition to original material, included is the full text of the 1936 book by psychic researcher Harry Price. Exceedingly rare, copies have been selling for upward of $1,000 among collectors. For here are other strange stories – such as the talking stove, the Squonk, and the Bell Witch, as presented by Tim R. Swartz and today’s leading investigators of the strange and unknown. This is one of the top Fortean stories of all time. An occult masterpiece. An adventure into the unknown, and the supernormal. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - THE MAN IN SPANDAU #7 DEPARTMENT - DNA Study Debunks Rudolf Hess Impostor Theory ![]() A longstanding conspiracy
theory that the Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess was replaced by a
doppelganger in prison has been debunked.
For years, there were rumours that the prisoner known as Spandau #7 at the Berlin jail was an impostor substituted in to take the place of the deputy Führer of the Third Reich. But now scientists say analysis of blood samples from Spandau #7 and a living relative of Hess has put an end to the theory. The inmate was Hess after all. “No match would have supported the impostor theory, but finally we got a match,” said Prof Jan Cemper-Kiesslich, of the University of Salzburg, a co-author of the research. On the night of May 10, 1941, a Scottish farmer named David McLean found a German Messerschmitt airplane ablaze in his field and a parachutist who identified himself as Captain Alfred Horn. McLean's mum was soon serving him a cup of tea by the cottage fireside, but their surprise guest was no ordinary Luftwaffe pilot. Incredibly, he was Rudolf Hess, a longtime Hitler loyalist, to say the least. Hess joined the Nazi party in 1920, stood with his friend Adolf Hitler at the Beer Hall Putsch, and served in Landsberg prison -- where he took dictation for much of Mein Kampf. As deputy Fuhrer, Hess was positioned behind only Hermann Goering in the succession hierarchy of the Nazi regime that had Europe firmly under the heel of its jackboot. The Hess flight was remarkable in itself. He left an airfield near Munich in a small Messerschmitt fighter-bomber a little before 6 p.m., flying up the Rhine and across the North Sea. Hess displayed considerable skill by navigating such a course alone, using only charts and maps, on a foggy dark night over largely unfamiliar terrain—all while avoiding being shot down by British air defenses. By 10:30, Hess was over Scotland, out of fuel, and forced to bail out just 12 miles from his destination. That unlikely site was Dungavel House, home of the Duke of Hamilton. Hess hoped to make contact with one of the highly placed British figures who, unlike Churchill, were willing to make peace with the Nazis on Hitler's terms. Hess believed that Hamilton headed a faction of such people and immediately asked his captors to be taken to him. But Hess was misinformed. Hamilton, who wasn't home that night but on duty commanding an RAF air base, was committed to his country and to its fight against Germany. The unlikely envoy's mission quickly took a turn for the worse. When granted a meeting with Hamilton the next day Hess's pleas fell on deaf ears. Worse for Hess, he denied from the start that Hitler knew anything of his mission, which meant that the British afforded him none of the diplomatic respect to which he thought he'd be entitled. Instead he was imprisoned, and by the night of June 16, the obvious failure of his mission left Hess so mentally shattered that he attempted suicide by hurling himself down a flight of stairs. Hess spent the war in British hands, confined in various locales including (briefly) the Tower of London and a military hospital at which he was even allowed guarded drives in the country. He was visited frequently by intelligence officers eager for secrets and by psychiatrists eager to plumb the Nazi mind—which in Hess's case increasingly showed serious signs of mental illness. The psychiatric examinations were rooted less in concern for Hess's mental health than in the hope that this fanatically devoted Nazi could provide them valuable insights about how the criminals ruling Germany, including Hitler himself, thought. Hess was transferred back to Nuremberg for the post-war trials in October, 1945, where he escaped the hangman but was sentenced to life in prison. He spent the rest of his long life, 46 years, as Prisoner Number 7 in Spandau where he lingered long after the other Nazis were freed. Hess was the facility's only prisoner for more than 20 years, his term ending only when the 93-year-old was found hanging from a lamp cord in a garden building in August 1987. The suicide was denounced as a murder by those, including Hess's own son, who suspected he'd been silenced. But an enduring rumour before Hess even reached Spandau was that the inmate was a doppelganger. The study’s authors say his doctor at Spandau prison was among those who believed the theory, pointing to doubts about his journey to Scotland, his refusal to see relatives until 1969 and his “claimed amnesia”. The theory was also believed in the highest echelons of political life, including by the former US president Franklin Roosevelt. Hess’s family, however, disputed the idea. Writing in the journal Forensic Science International Genetics, Cemper-Kiedslich and colleagues report that their conclusion is based on analysis of a blood sample taken from Spandau #7 in 1982. The sample was hermetically sealed on a microscope slide kept for years for teaching purposes by another of the study’s authors, Rick Wahl, a former US army pathologist. It was a fortunate situation: Hess’s body was disinterred and cremated in 2011 to avoid his grave becoming a site of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis. The team tracked down a distant male relative of Hess, whose identity they are careful to protect. According to the New Scientist, which first reported on the study, the man agreed to give a DNA sample and the team compared it with that of Spandau #7, looking at DNA markers across the genome.. Cemper-Kiesslich told the Guardian the key was to look particularly at the Y-chromosome. “Usually the DNA markers that are used for paternity testing don’t work out for distant relatives. But on the other hand we knew that both sample donors [if Spandau #7 was Hess] shared a common paternal line,” he said. With Y-chromosomes passed down from father to son, that offered the possibility of a different analysis. “Persons with an unbroken paternal line display the same set of DNA markers on the Y chromosome,” said Cemper-Kiesslich. The authors say the people who carried out the analysis were unaware of the story of the samples until after the results were in. The results showed that the two people from whom the samples were taken were more than 99.99% likely to be related. “We are extremely sure that both samples [originate] from the same paternal line,” Cemper-Kiesslich said. “The person the slide sample was taken from indeed was Rudolf Hess.” Source: The Guardian -imposter-theory - SHIVERS IN THE SHALLOWS DEPARTMENT - Some Weird Cases of Monsters in Ponds By Brent Swancer ![]() It sometimes seems that, in
addition to the lake monsters said to populate many major lakes of the
world, the smaller bodies of water get less attention. Yet there are
plenty of very small lakes and ponds that also allegedly have their
mysterious denizens, and it seems that one only needs a decent bit of
water sitting there to spawn legends of things roaming about beneath
the surface. While lake monsters like the Loch Ness Monster and other
big hitters of its ilk get all of the attention, lets look at the
little guys, and the more little known mystery beasts that allegedly
call various ponds home.
One relatively well-known pond monster is said to have made its home at the small town of Churubusco, Indiana, at a place called Fulk Lake, which is actually more like a pond, located on a remote, rural farm in the area. The first main sighting of the strange creature came out in 1898, when the farmer named Oscar Fulk was out fishing there one day on property and said that the monstrosity had come bubbling up out of the murk to reveal an enormous, “prehistoric looking” turtle, with a head the size of a human’s and a neck as “thick as a stovepipe.” Whatever it was disappeared back into the muddy water and would not be sighted again for many years. In 1948, two men named Ora Blue and Charley Wilson went out fishing on the lake and they too reportedly spotted a gargantuan turtle with a shell as big around as a car, which was enough to get the attention of authorities, worried that there could be something dangerous lurking under the placid surface. Shortly after this the owners of the lake at the time, the Harris family, also began to sight the giant turtle there from time to time, to the point that in March of 1949 Mr. Harris decided that he was going to try and capture the gigantic monster himself. To this end he meticulously set up an array of stakes and chicken wire in the area where it was most frequently seen, a stagnant cove only about 10 feet deep. Apparently the creature actually approached and circled though the brown depths, but did not fall for it and remained elusive. In the meantime the media was having an absolute field day with the idea of some prehistoric monstrosity in the pond, calling it variously the Beast of Busco or just Oscar, and the search for the beast became an event that drew great curiosity, pulling in hundreds and then thousands of people who came to gawk, as well as reporters from all over the country, many of them who did not take any of it seriously at all. Harris and his friends ignored all of this, instead focusing on creating ever more sophisticated and elaborate traps to try and capture it, as well as a periscope-type device that allowed them to peer underwater in an attempt to catch sight of it. Harris was even able to procure a diving suit and try and actually literally walk down to the bottom, a plan that was thwarted by a leaky mask. Other divers were also getting in on all of this, but the extremely poor visibility down there meant the beast could have been sitting in the silt and muck right in front of them and they’d never know. The search was half-media circus and half-joke to a lot of people, generating several hoaxes such as a couple of men who claimed to have captured it and then offered a sea turtle head as evidence. All of the trickery and lack of results meant that media interest faded, but Harris was still hard at work, getting increasingly desperate to prove that it was really there, using dynamite charges and even attempting to drain the whole lake of its water. As the water began to flow out, there was a spike of public interest once again, as people just couldn’t resist the curiosity of seeing what would be lying there on the exposed muddy bottom, and crowds began to flock there once more. During this time there were some onlookers who claimed to have seen the beast, one even saying that they had seen it eat a duck. Alas, the efforts to drain the lake failed when the nearby dam to which they had been diverting water broke, and the pump they had been using broke down. The lake was now just a muddy sliver of water, but it could be drained no further. Desperate and seeing the end of his quest so near, Harris and company tried dredging the bottom of the depleted pond, but rain would gradually fill the lake once again before they could finish. All of this had not come cheap, and considering what a money pit the search for the Beast of Busco had become Harris finally threw in the towel. The Beast of Busco would then fall into obscurity, and it is still unknown if there was ever anything there at all, although it has been speculated that it must surely have been an outsized and very out of place alligator snapping turtle. As to why it has not been seen since, theories run from that has died to that it escaped via an underground tunnel system, perhaps the same one that had allowed it to get into the pond in the first place. We will probably never know. Whether it really ever existed or not, interestingly the town of Churubusco to this day still has an annual festival dedicated to the beast, called “Turtle Days,” where one can enjoy all manner of turtle themed activities. Also in the U.S. is an alleged pond monster that seems to be pretty mired in folklore but is still interesting nonetheless. In the northeast portion of state of Maine there is a tiny pond called Boundary Pond, which according to reports going back centuries is home to a curious creature called the Billdad. This strange creature is said to be about the size of a beaver, with powerful hind legs like those of a kangaroo, which allow them to supposedly jump vast distances, as well as webbed feet, a thick, flat tail, and a vicious looking curved beak. It supposedly lies in wait for prey at the water’s edge and when a fish surfaces it will stun it by slapping the water with its tail. The creatures were supposedly often seen by woodsmen and lumberjacks, and their meat is said to be poisonous. In the state of Indiana we have a creature purportedly sighted at a place called “Lakeside,” at its tranquil Rose Gardens and its pond. According to a report on the site Cryptozoo-ocity, in 2010 witness Hannah Ramsey was walking her dog near the pond when she had quite the bizarre encounter indeed. As she passed the water, she noticed some sort of “fish-like” creature lurking near the shore, of which she says: It was really weird. It had a snake’s tail. It was really long and really big in the middle and it had fish scales. It stayed there for a couple of minutes, but it wouldn’t turn so I could see its face. It was acting like it was strangling a fish or something. Whatever this thing was has apparently been seen before, as a photographer named Lerry Kenner also says he saw something peculiar at the pond, something snake-like, of which he reported: It looked bigger than a snake. It had a lot of girth. But it was long. Some friends say, ‘Oh, that’s a carp, but it kind of slithered through the water. Kenner managed to snap a photograph of the mysterious creature, and when he posted it to his Facebook page people began to come out of the woodwork claiming to have seen the same thing, although employees in the area have reported nothing amiss. Moving out of the United States we come to a rather infamous pond in Japan with its own purported monster, called Takanami Pond, in Niigata prefecture. The pond itself lies 540 meters (1,722 feet) above sea level in a wilderness area, and is known for its pristine wilderness, camping, and hiking trails. It is also allegedly home to an enormous fish locals affectionately refer to as the Namitaro. The fish is said to be between 2 to 4 meters (6.5 to 13 feet) in length and covered in large scales. The Namitarou rarely comes to the surface, but is known to startle people strolling along the pond from time to time. Fishermen have also claimed on occasion to have caught the beast, only to have it break their lines. One report of a more close encounter described how a man had entered waist high water in the pond to retrieve something he had dropped. As he blindly felt through the murky water and silt at the bottom, his hand came up against what he took at first to be a large log at the bottom. It was only when this “log” suddenly began to swim away that he realized it was some incredibly large fish. The mysterious fish was so large and powerful that the sweep of its tail as it swam off actually bumped into the man and knocked him down. The man described being terrified, and quickly exited the water to see a large wake as whatever it was sank into the depths. The pond is an odd place for such a large cryptid, as it is small and shallow, being only 13 meters at its deepest point. In addition, the area is quite popular for its hiking and camping, and there are many campgrounds, parks, shops, and restaurants in the vicinity of the pond. The Namitaro has become somewhat of a legend in the area, and most people who pass through pause at the pond hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive creature or the large wakes and waves it is said to produce as it cruises under the surface. These waves are so well-known that indeed the name Namitaro is a combination of the Japanese words for “wave,” nami, and Taro, a common Japanese first name, sort of like “John” for Westerners. It has been speculated that the Namitaro could be a specimen of a large species of Asian carp, such as the grass carp or black carp, that has somehow been released into the pond and grown to epic proportions. These species of carp get to very large sizes that are comparable to what people have seen in the pond. The black carp, for instance, can reach up to 6 feet in length and weigh over 200 pounds. An even larger species, the Siamese giant carp, can get up to around 10 feet long. These have just been a few cases of many of very strange things lurking within the smallest of bodies of water. It shows that one does not necessarily need an expansive lake and miles of shoreline to have instances of something strange in the water, and one wonders how these things came to be and how they can remain so hidden, indeed if they are even real at all. One thing is for sure is that the water draws us and the mysteries of what lie beyond that reflective surface seem to invite tales of the unknown. Whether any of these creatures ever really existed at all, it is fascinating all of the same, and adds to the lore of cryptozoology in their own unique way. Source: Mysterious Universe - PATENTS FOR FLYING SAUCERS DEPARTMENT -
Alexander Weygers “Discopter” By Ernie Smith ![]() Early in the summer of 1947, an amateur pilot from Idaho named Kenneth Arnold spotted something in the Washington skies that kind of blew his mind. Despite the skies being clear that day, he saw a series of nine flashes of horizontal light. He landed, told others what he saw, and his story spread through the popular consciousness, taking on a life on its own, as well as a name—the flying saucer. Two weeks later, a much more famous incident in Roswell, New Mexico, involving a weather balloon (if you believe what the government tells you), further cemented the idea of the flying saucer in the public consciousness. Not long after, hobbyists of all kinds suddenly felt inspired make their own—and they’ve been flooding the patent offices globally ever since. But the guy who got to the U.S. Patent Office first, surprisingly, wasn’t actually inspired by the popular perception of the UFO at all. He had the idea, in fact, years before Kenneth Arnold took his fateful flight. The Dutch painter and sculpture artist Alexander Weygers, who grew up in the Dutch East Indies—now Indonesia—and spent most of his adult life in the U.S., was something of a 20th-century Leonardo da Vinci. He had both an engineering and artistic background, and his work spanned sculpture, illustrations, photography, and many other fields. In 1927, he conceptualized a device that predicted the infatuation with flying saucers before they even had that name. And as an engineer, he did so with a practical eye toward the failings of the device he hoped to replace. “Helicopters are vulnerable,” he said in an interview with UPI in 1985. “People were being killed in them during the 1920s. They go down like a brick. The saucer became the logical answer.” His creativity was driven by tragedy. In 1928, his wife died during childbirth, as did his son. The painful incident ended up pushing him closer to art, with the losses inspiring some of his most notable sculptures. A similar tragedy—the capture of his family, still in the Dutch East Indies, by Japanese forces during World War II—pushed him in the early 1940s to complete his saucer project, which he had first started in the 1920s. He called the device a “Discopter.” The idea was inspired not by spaceships or science fiction, but by a practical desire to create a vehicle that could be used to rescue people in incidents not unlike the one that faced his family members. His frame of reference was his own prior work. He filed for a patent in 1944, and that patent was granted the next year. A key passage from that patent: To a helicopter, a craft constructed on the principles of my invention bears a superficial resemblance in that both types are sustained by at least one horizontal rotor. From this point on, however, all similarity between the two types of flying craft ends. A craft embodying my invention is distinguished from a helicopter in that the rotor or rotors in my craft are enclosed within a substantially vertical tunnel, the rotor regarded as a whole is mainshaftless and the external form of the craft is not very different from the familiar discus of the athlete, in common with which the craft enjoys certain aerodynamic advantages characteristic of the passage of the discus thru the air. Not only the rotors and power plant compartments but all of the usual moving and fixed protruding parts, present in both airplanes and helicopters, such as stabilizing and directing means and otherwise, are entirely enclosed within the strikingly simple and cleanly streamlined contour line of the craft when regarded from exteriorly thereof in any elevation view, thereby concealing from the casual view such parts. Alexander Weygers wasn’t trying to invent the flying saucer. He was trying to reinvent the helicopter, along with aviation in general, so that it could be used more practically. (It should be noted that the device was never built.) But the existence of everything that came afterwards meant that his name would forever be associated with futurism and science fiction, elements that didn’t actually inspire his invention. Soon after the flying saucer hit the public consciousness in the late 1940s, people noticed what Weygers had done. A 1950 article in the Allentown, Pennsylvania, Morning Call, dedicated column space to a dentist named Dr. Harold T. Frendt, who used the existence of the patent to argue against the existence of aliens. Frendt suggested that the patents were being used to create these saucers, despite his only evidence being Weygers’ patent. “They should be operated at high altitudes instead of exposing them for observation to the general public and the pro-communistically inclined, and thereby stimulating a trend of foolish speculation,” Frendt told the newspaper at the time. During his service in the army Weygers was given a Carmel Valley property where, over several decades, he and his wife, Marian, would build a retreat with a residence and studios, while he pursued his career teaching at Berkeley. Marian Weygers, his second wife, had graduated from the University of California at Berkeley as an art major where she worked and studied under Chiura Obata, who taught her the ink wash painting and design. She developed a printmaking process that she named "imprints from nature", using natural materials such as flowers, leaves, and grass as well as rocks and insects. Alex and Marian Weygers relocated to the Monterey Peninsula in the 1960s and settled into their former retreat in Carmel Valley that then served as their home and studios. This was the location of his death at the age of eighty-seven. Marian remained very active in environmental and civic issues in Carmel Valley until her death in 2008. Source: Atlas Obscura PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
message at 732 602-3407 - SECRET BLACK PROJECTS DEPARTMENT -
UFOs, Warp Drives, Stargates - Pentagon's Secret Research ![]() The United States Defence Intelligence Agency has one great fear: that someone, somewhere, has an unknown advantage … a secret weapon that could topple the world’s sole superpower from its perch. So when it hears talk of UFOs, stargates and warp drives — it takes it seriously. Seriously enough to spend some serious money on. Documents released under a freedom of information request confirm the DIA went full “X-Files” and established teams to examine almost every seemingly outlandish idea it encountered. Just in case. Now Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy director Steven Aftergood has gotten his hands on some previously classified papers that reveal just how far the DIA was prepared to go. The declassified documents don’t reveal a whole lot more than the titles assigned to 38 secret research programs. But they do detail some of the speculative subjects that were being investigated. Aftergood wasn’t impressed. “I think anyone who looks at these titles will scratch their heads and wonder what on earth the Defence Intelligence Agency was thinking,” science and technology blog Motherboard reports Aftergood as saying. “These are the kinds of topics you pursue when you have more money than you know what to do with.” BLACK PROJECTS Nuclear-powered deep space propulsion. Invisibility cloaking. Wormholes through space. Biomaterials. The existence of research projects involving the likes of NASA, DARPA and private firms probing these subjects are already widely known. But their potential ties to US Defence Department ‘black money’ was not. For example, in 2008 it was revealed NASA had engaged in serious studies of the potential for interstellar warp drive engines. Another science paper was released by researchers Harold White, titled Warp Field Mechanics 101. But a follow-up project to create a warp field by NASA’s Jet Propultion Laboratory in 2013 produced “inconclusive” results. From the outset it seemed a farfetched idea for NASA to be studying. But not so much if prodded — and funded — by the DIA. And they have competition. Icarus Interstellar director and theoretical astrophysicist Richard Obousy is also looking into the idea of interstellar warp drives powered by dark energy through alternate universes. But he’s also branching out into the slightly more practical idea of nuclear propulsion, among others. Stargates leapt into the public conscious out of nowhere with the release of the 1994 movie Stargate, and the follow-up long-running TV series of the same name. We don’t even know if wormholes actually exist. But EarthTech International Inc hasn’t hidden the fact it’s been looking into the idea of creating one capable of traversing space and time. “Our research interests include theories of space-time, gravity and cosmology; studies of the quantum vacuum; modifications of standard theories of electrodynamics; interstellar flight science; and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, specifically as these topics may apply to developing innovative space propulsion and sources of energy,” its website boasts. And a multitude of studies, from just as many sources, have been exploring ways of turning Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak into reality. ‘ANOMALOUS AEROSPACE THREATS’ “I loved science fiction when I was younger,” Aftergood told Motherboard. “Today I love good government. So I was not especially amused.” US politics is a murky affair. Particularly when it comes to spending defence funs. For example, military bases aren’t necessarily placed where they’re needed. Instead, they often go into the electorates of the most powerful lobbyists. And the DIA’s secret research funding appears no different. The New York Times reported in 2017 that much of the Pentagon’s $US22 million of ‘black money’ research into UFOs was untraceable. The Anomalous Aerospace Threats unit lasted just five years before it was shut down in 2012. And not all of its spend was classified ‘top secret’. Turns out, much of the money was channelled through then Senate majority leader Democrat Harry Reid to his close friend, Robert Bigelow — an alien visitation conspiracy theorist also involved in developing space habitats for NASA. Source: News -freedom-of-information-query-reveals-secret-list-of-pentagon-research-projects/ news-story/0c1fcffd8aa60239744648eb5c56dded - HEY I'M WALKING HERE DEPARTMENT - Truck Driver Claims Yowie Bashed His Truck By Robyn Wuth ![]() A Queensland truckie claims he
eye-balled a hulking 3-metre tall Yowie in broad daylight before it
punched his bonnet and melted into the bush.
The delivery driver, identified only as Gary, says he was driving in the bushy Gold Coast hinterland on a November morning last year when he rounded a sharp right bend at Witheren and had the experience of his life. He slammed on his brakes after spotting what he thought was a boulder tumbling down a steep slope and onto the road. But then it moved. Gary says he watched as the creature unfurled huge, hairy limbs and stood upright before locking eyes with him through the truck's windscreen. "It wasn't a rock at all," Gary has told Yowie hunter Dean Harrison in an interview shared on social media. "This thing scared the absolute crap out of me." He said the creature was a towering beast, its navel level with the truck's bonnet 6-feet (1.8 metres) off the ground. And he reckons it would have weighed close to 400kg. At first the Yowie - with its small head and over-sized body - seemed somehow shocked or embarrassed as it stood in the full glare of day at 10am on that November morning. But then it got mad. "He slapped, or punched the centre of the bonnet of my truck. It was like I had hit a small car," the truckie said. "He was so tall, he had to reach down to hit the truck. Just before he hit the truck, he grunted. It wasn't a scream or a cry, or a howl but a loud grunt. "It was hairy, it had hair probably two inches long all over its body ... It had a round face, like a chimpanzee." While Gary was still trying to make sense of what he was seeing, the creature turned and vanished into the bush. Gary does not want to be identified, fearing being labelled a "loon". Mr Harrison, the yowie hunter, understands that but he's not bothered by those who doubt the Yowie's existence. He's sure they are out there, having tracked scores of sightings across Australia for the past 20 years. He says he's even been attacked by a Yowie not once, but twice. As far as Yowie sightings go, Gary's is a good one, Mr Harrison says. "This is astounding, he had such a clear view of it. Amazing," he told AAP, adding the truck driver got such a good look at the creature that he was able to draw it. He says his years of tracking work indicate Yowies are most likely to be spotted along the Great Dividing Range, with the Blue Mountains the nation's hotspot for encounters. "People chose not to believe it but that is of no consequence to me - we believe based on the facts we are presented with. People should be vigilant and aware these things do exist." Mr Harrison said park rangers had reported close encounters and strange activity in the bush that they could not explain. WHAT IS A YOWIE? There is no proof that Yowies exist. There is no hard evidence, no specimens, no bones, but plenty of reported sightings. But similar sightings have been reported all over the world, where these creatures are also called Sasquatch, Yeti or Bigfoot. In Australia, it’s the Yowie. But their existence hasn't been conclusively proven or verified by science and most stories rest on folklore or eyewitness reports. The Yowie has roots in Aboriginal oral history and according to folklore, is a creature of the Outback. The Kuku Yalanji Tribe of far north Queensland claims to have coexisted with the Yowie for centuries. They have a long and detailed history of attacks by the Yowie in their legends. The Yowie is the Australian equivalent of the US Sasquatch of Native American tribal lore. WHAT ABOUT THE SO-CALLED SIGHTINGS? Yowie hunter Dean Harrison claims there have been thousands of sightings of the Yowie - or "hairy man" - The first 'official' Yowie report was made in Sydney in 1790. WHERE ARE THE MOST RECENT SIGHTINGS? The Blue Mountains in NSW is a hub for reported Yowie sightings, followed by the Sunshine and Gold coasts in Queensland. Reported sightings have also increased recently in Western Australia around the Mandurah area. WHERE DO THEY LIVE? They're apparently adept at blending into the bush and prefer the eastern seaboard along the Great Dividing Range. They can range large distances, but Mr Harrison says the Yowie does have a 'home' territory and operates in family units. WHY HAVE NO BODIES BEEN FOUND? Mr Harrison believes Yowie family groups operate as a community to take care of their dead. Source: The West -in-queensland-bush-ng-b881083645z - NOT SO HISTORICAL FIND DEPARTMENT - "Ancient" Stone Circle Actually Built in 1990s ![]() An
“ancient” stone circle discovered in rural Scotland last year and
thought to be thousands of years old was actually built in the 1990s by
a local farmer.
Archaeologists in Aberdeenshire were thrilled last year after they discovered what was thought to be another recumbent stone circle, which typically date back to 3,500 to 4,500 years ago and are unique to northern Scotland. The historical find was first reported in December by a landowner in the parish of Leochel-Cushnie, and crews were dispatched to the area for further research. “Archaeologists were initially excited about the addition of another recumbent stone circle to the many already identified in Aberdeenshire,” the local government said in a statement. “But during further investigation into the site in the parish of Leochel-Cushnie it transpired that it is a replica only around 20 years old.” As the British Press Association notes, the circle formation was considered unusual for its small diameter and relatively small stones. Turns out, the former owner of the farmland where the “discovery” was found admitted to building it as a replica in the mid-1990s. “It is obviously disappointing to learn of this development, but it also adds an interesting element to its story,” Aberdeenshire council member Neil Ackerman said in a statement. “That it so closely copies a regional monument type shows the local knowledge, appreciation and engagement with the archaeology of the region by the local community.” According to the council, recumbent stone circles have a defining feature, a large horizontal stone (the recumbent) flanked by two upright stones, and they’re usually situated between the southeast to southwest of the circle. The council noted that it’s extremely rare to find undocumented circles in this day and age. “I hope the stones continue to be used and enjoyed – while not ancient it is still in a fantastic location and makes for a great feature in the landscape,” Ackerman. In any case, the ‘90s definitely produced some solid rock. Source: Global News Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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