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![]() 2/10/18 #991 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: This weeks issue of Conspiracy Journal looks at such soul-sucking stories as: - The Strangest Thing Found in CIA's Archives - - Woman Says "Yowie" Pushed Her Down a Hill - - UFOs Made U.S. Skies As Deadly as Korea - AND: Mystery Booming Sounds Heard Across U.S. All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ YOU WILL BELIEVE A MONGOOSE CAN TALK! ![]() GEF THE TALKING MONGOOSE HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. He sang songs.He mimicked other animals and sounds. He could read minds. He was able to move objects through the air although he was no where near them. He chatted with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language.But they could not see him, because he said he could become invisible whenever he wanted to. All the time living in the walls of a remote farmhouse located on the windswept coast of the Isle of Man. To the Irvings, especially their teenage daughter, Gef was not a frightening creature but the family’s pet who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas, and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by by intimating, “If I were a spirit how could I kill rabbits.?” When quizzed as to why he was so reclusive Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” In addition to original material, included is the full text of the 1936 book by psychic researcher Harry Price. Exceedingly rare, copies have been selling for upward of $1,000 among collectors. For here are other strange stories – such as the talking stove, the Squonk, and the Bell Witch, as presented by Tim R. Swartz and today’s leading investigators of the strange and unknown. This is one of the top Fortean stories of all time. An occult masterpiece. An adventure into the unknown, and the supernormal. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - THE STRANGEST THING FOUND SO FAR DEPARTMENT - The Strangest Thing Found in CIA's Archives By JPat Brown ![]() January 17 was the second anniversary of the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives
being published online after a lengthy legal battle. The website
"Muckrock" reports that they will be examing some of the larger impact
the release has had in a little bit, they also wanted to share what’s
hands down the weirdest thing that they have found so far.
If you find yourself wandering the creepier corridors of CREST, you might stumble upon a file entitled “PICTURE OF A MAN.” Pretty straightforward title, sure, but when you actually click on through you’re faced with pure nightmare fuel. All we know about Mr. 1569 and his equally dapper companion, Mr. 1572 is that they’re from a collection related to what is now the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and what was then the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and that the photos were taken in November 1971. If you have any clues, please let us know. Last time we asked for your help in identifying mystery objects from CREST we were pretty darn successful, so let’s keep the streak alive! Source: Muckrock -found-cias-declassified-archi/ - HAVING A REALLY BAD DAY DEPARTMENT - Fireballs and MIB in Philadelphia By Martin J. Clemens ![]() There’s a lot we don’t
understand about this world of ours. And by ‘world’ I mean the
cosmos, the universe…this reality we inhabit. There is stuff that
happens that just doesn’t make any sense. Sometimes it’s easy to
pass it off as lies, or hoax, or even just delusion, but other times,
in honest inquiry, it’s harder to dismiss the weird goings on in our
Some weird stories get overlooked too. For whatever reason they don’t catch the eye of those equipped to analyse and understand the features of such a story, but thanks to the archival nature of our culture, many of those obscure stories are still available to be discovered and explained. One such case is that of Mrs. Louise Matthews from Philadelphia. It happened some time during the summer of 1960, and by ‘it’, I mean the fireball incident. It seems that Louise, on one summer afternoon, was lounging on her living room sofa, when she happened to look up toward a nearby window, just in time to see a large glowing fireball descending through the glass and Venetian window blinds. Miraculously, neither the window nor the blinds were damaged by this, however Louise didn’t fare quite so well. Upon entering her home, the fireball passed near her head, as she buried her face in the sofa cushions in terror. She heard a sizzling sound, and in an effort to protect herself, she reached her hand around and shielded the back of her head, exclaiming “Oh Lord not like this!” Then, without any further effect, the fireball passed through the room and left the house via another window. Dazed and confused by the experience, Louise took stock of her person and found that her head and hand were burned, and that the hair on the back of her head was falling out in clumps. She claimed that the hair was changed – felt wiry and brittle – and she was understandably panicked by the experience. She ran from her home into the street, screaming and hysterical, and was met by neighbours who gasped at the state of her head. Her husband, later, broke into tears at the sight of her, and feared that the incident had been a warning from God. All of this was recounted for a reporter with The Afro American, a local newspaper, who printed the story on page 5 of their June 4, 1960 edition. So what was this fireball? Are we looking at an early encounter of an orb type UFO? Or was this something else? The reporter likened the fireball to a meteor, sensationalized by the subtitle “Great Balls of Fire!” Which is probably a more apt description anyway. Among the many varieties of UFO’s reported around the world, the orb type UFO seems to be gaining popularity. And by that I mean only that reports of that nature seem to be happening more frequently than in previous years. Skeptics and UFOlogists have their own pet theories as to why that might be the case, ranging from cultural contamination to the appearance of new technologies sponsored by either some extraterrestrial entity or a nameless military complex. But the UFO angle might be the more accurate way to look at this particular story. It turns out that shortly after Louise contacted The Afro American to relay her story, she was visited by two strange men at her home. The men, dressed in black suits, asked her questions about her encounter and collected the hair that had fallen from her head. They then, curiously, told her that she should feel good that she’d probably helped in “saving the nation”. They also warned her not to talk about her experience, as is typical of such a story. I’m sure I needn’t point out the obvious reference to the Men in Black conspiracy theory, but it does seem prudent to point out that, given the date of this story, the Men In Black ideology had yet to become a cultural phenomenon, which, at least to me, suggests that the encounter might have some truth to it. The earliest reports of Men in Black encounters, or MiB, come out of the mid-1940’s, and though they fairly quickly became a staple feature of UFO related experiences since then, they didn’t become a cultural meme until well through the 1950’s, with books like Gray Barker’s They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers (1956). Of course, that popularity was even then confined to those people who sought out such information, and a widespread familiarity with MiB didn’t occur until many years later, through comic books based on Barker’s book and the MiB movie franchise. Now nearly everyone knows what the MiB are and what an encounter with them might be like. However, in 1960, that familiarity wasn’t nearly as widespread. That, to me, suggests that it’s unlikely that Louise might have conflated the MiB phenomenon with her experience. The story seems to be corroborated by the inclusion of accounts from her neighbours, claiming to have seen her the day before the event, when she apparently sported a healthy and full head of hair. This story, while obscure has made its way into a few books, such as Juanita Rose Violini’s Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored (2009), but it may be that the lack of attention it received is because it amounts to little more than a fun story (fun for the reader, not for Louise, obviously). The newspaper article offers a grainy picture of Mrs. Matthew’s head and her resultant, and unfortunate, hairstyle, but that’s really all there is to corroborate the experience. Did a mysterious fireball enter her home, violating the laws of physics the whole way? Did it burn her, perhaps with some form of radiation? Did the Men in Black pay her a visit in an effort to cover up the experience? Or did she make the whole thing up? I don’t have those answers, but this story, and a host of others like it, add to the mounting pile of evidence that we are not alone in the cosmos. Source: The Daily Grail -in-black-descended-on-philadelphia/ - NOT HAPPY WITH HUMANS DEPARTMENT -
Woman Says "Yowie" Pushed Her Down a Hill ![]() A terrified woman has recalled the moment an 'absolutely human-like' yowie pushed her down a hill. The unidentified woman told her story to Australian Yowie Research administrator Dean Harrison who has been compiling yowie sightings for about 25-years. The Cairns woman was in her early 20s when she claimed to have sighted the yowie while climbing Red Hill in Woree, in Queensland, in 1990. She said she initially thought the yowie was a man in a gorilla costume and that it had a shock of dark brown-ginger hair covering its entire body. Her account was recorded in a video which is available on YouTube and added to the Australian Yowie Research database. The woman explained she looked towards the top of the hill as she made her way forward when she noticed the human-like creature. 'I saw this hairy-man or whatever the heck it was, yowie, looking down — like it was leaning down, looking out at the guy that had come out ahead of me,' she said. As I came out on the track it sort of seen me and it was just totally like surprised and just stood up straight, looked straight at me and glared at me. 'I remember it had its hands, its arms down beside its body and … the size of the arms and the legs was just really massive.' The woman said the yowie's hands were about 1.5 times the size of human hands. While its face and part of the chest were bare and exposed, making the creature to look similar to a person. 'I remember thinking why is someone up here in a gorilla suit?' the woman said. She claimed the yowie began to roar before it came chasing after her. 'I only got a couple of strides and it just hit me in the back and I just went sailing off the side of the hill,' she said. Long grass broke the woman's fall as she continued to tumble down the hill. When the woman reached the bottom she jumped a fence and ran to her car before driving off. The woman is adamant she came across a cryptozoological entity, despite it's peculiarly human appearance. She said its arms seemed to go below its knees and she was unable to ascertain its sex. While the woman did not believe the yowie intended to hurt her, she recognised it had intense power and could do serious damage. Mr Harrison has been studying the mythical creatures for 20 years and claims to have had many encounters with the elusive beasts. He said the woman had suggested other people may have spotted the creature around the same time. He hopes other witnesses will come forward with sightings. Source: Daily Mail -ginger-yowie-pushed-hill.html PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
message at 732 602-3407 - IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKE DEPARTMENT -
Unraveling the Mystery of ‘Deadly Dreams’ Syndrome By Sandeep Jauhar ![]() In December 1981, the Centers for Disease Control (the name was amended to add “Prevention” in 1992) published a report detailing sudden, unexpected deaths during sleep among mostly young, male, Southeast Asian refugees in the United States. Thirty-three of those who died were from Laos, four were from Vietnam, and one was from Cambodia. “The abruptness of the deaths reported here is compatible with a cardiac dysrhythmia,” the report stated, “but the underlying mechanism remains unclear.” Proposed explanations included stress from immigration and resettlement, sleep abnormalities, undiagnosed heart defects, and dietary deficiencies, but nothing could be proven. So it began to be called sudden unexplained death syndrome, or SUDS, and was quickly recognized as a leading cause of death among young men from Southeast Asia. Brugada syndrome is believed to be responsible for roughly 20 percent of deaths in patients with structurally normal hearts. This syndrome, it turns out, had bedeviled Southeast Asians for generations. In the Philippines, it was called bangungot, the Tagalog word for nightmare. “Such ‘deadly dreams’ are well known among the lay people,” a Philippine medical journal noted as far back as 1917, “many of whom view them with sullen respect, if not frank terror.” In Thailand, it was called lai-tai; in Japan, pokkuri. Whatever the name, the syndrome was the same: sudden death of apparently healthy young men, often at night. Halfway around the world, similar inexplicable symptoms were encountered in 1986 by Pedro Brugada, a cardiac electrophysiologist in the Netherlands, when a Polish engineer named Andrea Wockeczek barged into his office carrying his 3-year-old son. The boy, Lech, had been experiencing frequent fainting attacks. On several occasions, Wockeczek had performed chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing to resuscitate him. Wockeczek was tragically familiar with these attacks. His 2-year-old daughter, Eva, had died several months before under similar circumstances. Doctors at his local hospital in Poland were unable to explain why she had died, and they were similarly stumped by Lech’s symptoms. They suggested taking the boy to Brugada, who had developed a continent-wide reputation as an arrhythmia specialist. Desperate to save his son, Wockeczek snuck him out of the country. The father was on the brink of a nervous breakdown, Brugada told me some years ago from the Cardiovascular Research and Teaching Institute in Aalst, Belgium, where he was then working. “He kept saying to me, ‘I cannot stay here and you have to take care of my son.’” Brugada’s first impression was that Lech was perfectly healthy. He was large for his age, with deep-blue eyes and curly blond locks. His heartbeat sounded normal, too, but when Brugada examined his EKG, he saw a pattern that he had never seen before, highly unusual, shaped almost like a shark’s fin. “I was worried,” Brugada told me. “And the most worrisome thing, of course, was that there was the precedent of the daughter.” Lech was admitted to the coronary care unit at the Maastricht University. For the first two days, he was fine. On the third day, however, he developed a sore throat and a mild fever. That night, telemetry alarms sounded. When a nurse got to his bedside, Lech was unconscious, and a monitor showed his heart was fibrillating. The nurse started CPR, and an external defibrillator shock was applied, restarting the tiny heart. Brugada syndrome had bedeviled Southeast Asians for generations before being linked to European patients in the 1990s. “This is how it went with Eva,’’ the hysterical father told Brugada, “and she died finally in spite of everything.” After the arrhythmia, all manner of tests were performed. A catheter snaked into the boy’s heart revealed no coronary anomalies. X-rays and an echocardiogram were normal. Even tiny biopsies taken of his heart were negative. Lech stayed in the hospital for several weeks. He had more episodes of cardiac arrest that were treated with cocktails of anti-arrhythmic drugs. In the end, a pacemaker was used to maintain a constant minimum heartbeat, because doctors observed that his arrhythmias often started during sleep, when his heartbeat slowed. (Implantable defibrillators were not yet widely available.) Despite the prolonged investigation, the cause of the ventricular fibrillation remained undiagnosed. Father and son returned to Poland with a follow-up appointment with Brugada. (They eventually received asylum in the Netherlands on medical grounds.) When they returned to see Brugada, Wockeczek brought the EKG of his deceased daughter, Eva. It was identical to Lech’s. Over the next few years, Brugada searched for this electrical pattern in other victims of cardiac arrest. “I looked everywhere for this EKG but I found nothing,” he told me. Then the EKGs of two patients, a man from the Netherlands and a man from Belgium who had both collapsed, came to his attention. He collected a few more of these unusual EKGs and, with his brother, Josep, published his results in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. They said it “might constitute a distinct clinical and electrocardiographic syndrome.” It was soon dubbed Brugada syndrome, and it and SUDS, from Southeast Asia, were essentially shown by cardiologists and epidemiologists to be the same disease. A few years later, scientists discovered that patients with the disease carry a mutation in a gene (called SCN5A) that controls the flow of sodium into heart cells, thus electrically activating them. Patients without the disease did not carry the mutation. Based on these and other observations, the scientists concluded that a mutation in SCN5A is responsible for the deadly arrhythmias in Brugada syndrome. Once patients develop symptoms — unexplained fainting is most common — there is a 50-50 chance they will die within 10 years. Brugada syndrome is now believed to be responsible for as many as 20 percent of deaths in patients with structurally normal hearts. Because of increased recognition, the number of diagnosed cases has grown exponentially over the past few decades. It is most common in Southeast Asia. However, it is plausible that in the United States, one person in 5,000 may be at risk. Although the disease usually strikes in early middle age, cases have been reported in babies only a few days old. SCN5A mutations have now been found in other sudden-death syndromes, including sudden infant death, or SIDS, suggesting that Brugada syndrome and SIDS may be linked. For now, the only effective treatment remains an implantable defibrillator. Research into Brugada syndrome is an amazing example of how modern genetics and epidemiological sleuthing can shed light on disease, even one so steeped in mystery. As cardiology continues to advance, new diseases of the heart will be identified, and molecular genetics will allow us to foresee hereditary risks in ways we never thought possible. But resources are limited: It is estimated, for example, that more than 150,000 Americans may be at risk of sudden death from Brugada syndrome. If everyone was implanted with a $30,000 defibrillator, the cost could well run into billions of dollars. As was the case with Brugada syndrome, modern techniques may elucidate the cause of a disease or lead to treatments that will allow us to live with a disease but not necessarily lead to a cure. And so we may soon have to ask: Can we afford to know the truth about the many diseases for which we may be at risk? -Sandeep Jauhar is a cardiologist and director of the Heart Failure Program at Long Island Jewish Medical Center. He is a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times and the author of three books, most recently “Heart: A History.” Source: Undark -
UFOs Made U.S. Skies As Deadly as Korea ![]()
In the summer of 1952, the Pentagon’s kettle was whistling.
At a time when the U.S. was bracing for Soviet airstrikes, UFOs were systematically exposing holes in the defense netting with publicized incursions over Washington, D.C., nuclear plants and military bases. Maj. Gen. Robert Ramey of the U.S. Air Force went on record saying jet fighters had been scrambled several hundred times to pursue UFOs. Not surprisingly, the brass decided to get aggressive. On July 29, the International News Service announced, “The Air Force revealed today that jet pilots have been placed on a 24-hour nationwide alert against ‘flying saucers’ with orders to shoot them down if they refused to land.” The order was so provocative that Robert Farnsworth, president of the U.S. Rocket Society, wrote a letter of protest to the White House. Hostile action against UFOs, Farnsworth wrote, “could cause unbelievable suffering and death.” After the '52 wave had subsided, Capt. Edward Ruppelt, former director of the USAF’s Project Blue Book, revealed that UFOs — contrary to an emerging opinion suggesting peaceful intentions — weren’t to be trifled with. In alluding to the loss of military pilots who gave chase, he wrote, "If the Air Force hadn't slapped down the security lid, these writers might not have reached this conclusion" about peaceful aliens. "There have been other and more lurid duels of death. That's what everybody missed.'' Ruppelt didn’t elaborate, but Port Orange author Frank Feschino tries to connect the dots in his 2007 book, “Shoot Them Down.” Using New York Times figures, Feschino notes that the military lost 185 fighter aircraft over the U.S. and its coastal waters from 1951-56, versus 104 fighter planes downed in the Korean War during roughly half that same time period. On the domestic front, those crashes claimed the lives of 199 aviators in what were labeled as accidents. It may be impossible to get to the bottom of all those “accidents.” As William E. Burrows pointed out in 2001, deception is the cornerstone of national security. In “By Any Means Necessary: America’s Secret Air War in the Cold War,” Burrows described how, from 1950-69, 18 planes with more than 160 U.S. airmen and agents were lost during covert operations against communist nations. To avoid embarrassment, authorities told survivors their sons, husbands, fathers and brothers were killed during routine missions. Maybe those events include some of Ruppelt’s “lurid” casualties as well — who knows. But Feschino’s exhaustive research — which includes newspaper accounts of carnage on the ground when downed jets crashed into residential neighborhoods — indicates The Times’ accident figures are incomplete. He also establishes a pattern between UFO sightings and routine-mission “accidents.” Feschino’s riskiest scenario occurred Sept. 12, 1952, when sightings over the eastern seaboard were widespread and documented in the press. Thanks to inconsistencies and contradictions in Air Force records, Feschino projects that a dogfight started that afternoon over the Gulf of Mexico near Tampa, engaged other jets off the Virginia coast during the early evening, and resulted in several direct hits on UFOs, one of which went down in West Virginia in front of eyewitnesses. A military search team was dispatched to recover debris near the rural town of Flatwoods. At least one thing about “Shoot Them Down” is indisputable. Based on newspaper reports, the number of 1952 UFO incidents listed in Project Blue Book is under represented. The relevance for today? The military reported no routine training accidents during last month’s Stephenville UFO incident in Texas. “I think they learned their lesson" from 1952, Feschino says. Source: The Herald Tribune - A WHOLE LOT OF SHAKING GOING ON DEPARTMENT -
Mystery Booming Sounds Heard Across U.S. ![]() MYSTERY booming sounds have been shaking houses and terrifying residents after "flashes of light" were spotted across America. Experts have been left baffled by a spate of seismic booms from Arizona to New York that appear to have gathered pace over the past week. The string of phenomena was first reported last Thursday morning when locals in three separate Tennessee counties reported hearing loud booming noises. On the same day, North Carolinians contacted police reporting unexplained loud blasts and booms that kept them awake at night. Two homeowners said the booms were so powerful that they briefly lost power as a result of the tremors, Mysterious Universe reported. Mary Buck told The Sun Online: “There was a loud boom heard in Gum Spring, Virginia, on Wednesday February 7 around 7pm. “My neighbours and I heard it. We live close to interstate 64 so we just assumed something happened but there were no reported incidents. “It sounded like an explosion. Could be related to other ‘mysterious boom’ noises reported?” Similarly unexplained explosions have been reported happening in isolation over the past years, but rarely with this frequency. On Saturday, loud bangs were reported in Rhode Island, where Jeremy Braza's doorbell captured a video and audio of a loud noise over a three minute period. "The whole house shook," he told "It woke my wife up, woke up all my children." The following night an explosion was heard in New York, accompanied by a mysterious flash in the sky. "What the heck was that boom or explosion in park slope Brooklyn?", asked Matt Wasowski on Twitter. Another wrote: "Extremely loud boom in Brooklyn.....? Wtf??????" 'CANNON-LIKE SOUNDS' Some speculated that the boom could have resulted from a manhole explosion, but the true origin is yet to be explained. These booms were followed by "strange cannon-like sounds" in Harahan and River Ridge in Louisiana, where they have also kept residents up at night. Residents say the sounds have been going on for weeks, and nobody seems to know what causes them. While Philadelphians were rocked by a series of mystery booms a week ago, and again on Tuesday. Mysterious Universe speculates that the phenomenon could be caused by cryoseisms or “frost quakes”, which could come about in extreme cold climates. But the explanation doesn't wash in areas where temperatures don’t typically plunge low enough for that to happen. "Could these anomalous sounds be sonic booms caused by undisclosed aircraft activity?," the author asks. "Any guess is as good as any at this point." Source: The Sun -experts-baffled/ Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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