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![]() 2/17/18 #992 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such ocular-osculating tales as: - Interview With Raymond Fowler - - Media Passes on UFO Sightings Coverage - - The Men in Black: Tulpas? - AND: Russia’s Witches Back Putin With Magic All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ YOU WILL BELIEVE A MONGOOSE CAN TALK! ![]() GEF THE TALKING MONGOOSE HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. He sang songs.He mimicked other animals and sounds. He could read minds. He was able to move objects through the air although he was no where near them. He chatted with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language.But they could not see him, because he said he could become invisible whenever he wanted to. All the time living in the walls of a remote farmhouse located on the windswept coast of the Isle of Man. To the Irvings, especially their teenage daughter, Gef was not a frightening creature but the family’s pet who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas, and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by by intimating, “If I were a spirit how could I kill rabbits.?” When quizzed as to why he was so reclusive Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” In addition to original material, included is the full text of the 1936 book by psychic researcher Harry Price. Exceedingly rare, copies have been selling for upward of $1,000 among collectors. For here are other strange stories – such as the talking stove, the Squonk, and the Bell Witch, as presented by Tim R. Swartz and today’s leading investigators of the strange and unknown. This is one of the top Fortean stories of all time. An occult masterpiece. An adventure into the unknown, and the supernormal. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - SYNCHRONICITY AND OTHER STRANGE PHENOMENA DEPARTMENT - Interview With Raymond Fowler By Sean Casteel ![]() Raymond Fowler is a UFO
researcher, abduction experiencer, and an author with several major
contributions to the field to his credit. Fowler is best known for his
series of books on abductee Betty Andreasson and her family, which
began with “The Andreasson Affair” in 1979. The Andreasson series later
expanded to include Fowler’s own abduction experiences, experiences
that had been hidden from him until he reached middle age and was
forced to confront the fact that he too was experiencing the same
bizarre visitations that he had been researching in others.
Fowler has often said that whatever his current work in progress is will be his last, but he continues to produce new books nevertheless. His latest offering is called “SynchroFile, Amazing Personal Encounters With Synchronicity And Other Strange Phenomena” (2004, iUniverse, Inc.) and as the title implies, it takes up the task of cataloging and analyzing an overwhelming number of Fowler’s firsthand experiences with what he terms “life-changing” episodes of synchronicity. But first the basics. Just what is synchronicity? “The psychiatrist Carl Jung actually coined the term ‘synchronicity,” Fowler said, “and he defined it as ‘an a-causal, meaningful coincidence.’ What he meant by that was that synchronicities are highly improbable coincidences that are seemingly without a known cause. The event itself would be very meaningful to the person who experiences synchronicity. He used the terms ‘numinosity’ and ‘individuation’ to describe these changes that synchronistic events make in a person’s life. They can actually be a radical life-changing experience.” Fowler sketched in some more background on Jung’s development of his synchronicity theory. “Jung had a patient he was having a lot of difficulty with during her psychoanalysis,” Fowler explained, “because she was unreceptive to this type of thing, the unusual, the supernatural. Apparently, someone had given her a very expensive piece of jewelry, a golden scarab. During one of the sessions, she mentioned this to Jung. “And at that very point,” Fowler continued, “there was a clicking at the window, which grew louder. Finally, Jung decided to see what it was all about. He looked out and there was a scarab beetle trying to get in. So he opened the window, took the scarab beetle and gave it to the women, saying, ‘Here is the beetle you were talking about.’ And that caused a breakthrough. She experienced this ‘numinosity,’ as he called it, and she was extremely receptive to his analysis after that.” Fowler said that “numinosity” is the emotional glow or satisfaction that under-girds and confirms the experience of a remarkable synchronism, a feeling he has often experienced himself. Fowler considers his present interest in synchronicity to be a natural outgrowth of his UFO research. “I’ve communicated with many abductees,” he said, “and I find that it’s one of the benchmarks of the abduction experience that I don’t think has been dealt with much by other researchers in the past. So in a sense, I haven’t deviated from my usual path. It may not be as prominent in others as it has in my own life, but synchronicity has certainly played a part in the lives of other abductees. “Before I wrote this book,” Fowler continued, “I would go around asking people how often these kinds of things happened to them—even my own family, who’d had a number of them, but not many. I don’t know for sure why it happens to me. But I got to the point where I decided that I would make a ten-year diary of these experiences and see if I could find any pattern in them. When I looked at them all as a whole, could I see something? Of course, that’s what I did. “And when I looked at all this stuff, I said, brother, this should make an interesting book. People are interested in this, and I can tie it in with my UFO experiences and the experiences of others and bring in Carl Jung and his views on UFOs. And I can bring in quantum physics and just pile on this material and try to tie a lot of this together. So that’s how ‘SynchroFile’ came to be.” The early chapters of “SynchroFile” are an attempt to compartmentalize and give language to the unearthly experience of synchronicity. Fowler manages to create four distinct categories that at least reach a kind of threshold of getting the subject down to a nuts-and-bolts science. “The first type,” he said, “are concurrent coincidences. These are coincidences that take place simultaneously. They’re sort of mirror images of one another.” Fowler told the story of a concurrent coincidence to illustrate what he meant. He had befriended some crows that would gather in his backyard and caw until he gave them some food. One day, Fowler was listening to a headset radio, and as he was placing some dog pellets out for the crows, he heard a local radio talk show host say the words, “I’m putting out a doughnut in the backyard for the crows.” “Exactly at the same time as I was putting down the pellets for the crows,” Fowler said, his voice still expressing a little wonderment at the precision timing of the coincidence. The second type of synchronicity, according to Fowler, is something called a “corresponding coincidence,” which is identical to a concurrent coincidence, except that it doesn’t take place simultaneously. It is nearly concurrent, but is separated by a small passage of time. One example Fowler gave for a corresponding coincidence took place when he was vacationing in England and reading a book called “The Holographic Universe.” Fowler decided to flip on the television to see if he could find anything of interest. “I had just read about the wave/particle nature of light,” he said. “And here I am. I’m holding the book, and I turn on the TV, and the host was talking about the wave/particle nature of light.” Converging coincidences are Fowler’s third type of synchronicity. This kind doesn’t reveal itself immediately, but instead takes its own sweet time in making itself manifest at some future point, at which time it can be verified. As an illustration, Fowler told about an experience he had had while in the Air Force and stationed in England. “When I was in England,” Fowler recounted, “I used to want to see Margaret, my wife-to-be, who lived in London. I asked a friend of mine, whose name was Jerry Dumas—he was also nicknamed ‘Double-Shift Dumas’ because he’d work a double-shift for you for money, so you could have more time off to visit London. So I spent a lot of money hiring him from time to time so I could get into London and court Margaret.” Fowler and Double-Shift Dumas were discharged from the military in the mid-1950s and returned to the U.S., both going their separate ways and losing touch with each other. A few years later, as Fowler was attending church near his parents’ home in Surrey, Maine, an amazing synchronistic event took place. “The church had a circular drive,” Fowler said, “and I was driving out one way. I noticed a car coming in the other way. I stopped and he stopped. We looked at each other, and there was Double-Shift Dumas! So it was a renewal of an old friendship. In fact, we visited him not too long ago.” The foregoing coincidences might be dismissed as mere chance and without the deeply felt meaning Fowler described earlier, were it not for the sheer number of them recorded in “SynchroFile.” The continual re-experiencing of one strange synchronism after another has the cumulative effect of making Fowler’s claims about what has been happening to him very hard to dismiss. And then there are the “counter-coincidences.” “I’ve dubbed them ‘supernatural’ coincidences,” Fowler said. “This is when you have two events that should naturally coincide but they don’t. They appear to operate outside the boundaries of reality that we normally experience, and appear supernatural to the experiencer.” As an example, Fowler told the story of an experience he had one Sunday morning after church. “I went into the foyer,” he said, “and there were a bunch of Brownies, miniature Girl Scouts I guess you’d call them, that were retarded. They had come to the church service to fulfill something in their handbooks, to get a badge. One of the little girls came over to me, looked up at me and puckered her lips, like she wanted me to kiss her. I felt that [kissing her] was inappropriate, so I just smiled at her. “And then I felt two strong hands, the fingers on my shoulders. They gripped my shoulders very tightly and pushed me gently down to where she could kiss me. My initial thought was that it was probably the scoutmaster who was saying this was okay. So I kissed her, and I turned around to see this guy. The wall was about six inches from me, and there was no one behind me. Really strange.” Often the occurrence of a counter-coincidence is something Fowler called “helpful” and “protective,” as the following story illustrates. “I was bike riding in Rockport, Massachusetts,” he said, “and there was a hill. I loved to get up a lot of speed and go down this hill and take a corner at the bottom of the hill. Just as I started down the hill, I got this premonition that there was a truck in a driveway at the bottom of the hill that I couldn’t see and that was going to back up. I was going so fast I couldn’t have stopped anyhow. “As soon as I went around the corner, I see the truck that I had a premonition about backing out. The driver had a shocked look on his face as he’s backing out and I’m coming right at him. He didn’t know what to do and I didn’t know what to do. But just because I’d been warned, I was able to sort of get off the road on to a lawn area and get around him. But again, I knew that it was going to happen before it happened.” Moments of protective synchronicity like the bike example above are fairly commonplace for Fowler. But the way time becomes scrambled in synchronistic experiences, with the past, present and future seeming to manifest themselves simultaneously to the experiencer, causes Fowler to wonder whether the usual perception of human free will is even operative. For instance, Fowler tells the story of his father’s encounter with retro-cognition, the sudden transporting of the experiencer literally and physically into past events. “My father was driving down a road in Maine,” Fowler recalled. “A beautiful day, sunshine, the weather report saying it was going to be a great day. All of a sudden, he found himself in a tremendous thunder and lightning storm—wind and lightning and an old-fashioned car careening down the road in front of him with visibly panicking people in it. Then suddenly there was sunshine and blue skies again and no water at all on the car or on the road. He told my uncle, and my uncle told him that that had also happened to a few other people and that there had been a terrible accident on that road at that particular place. So Dad in essence was actually seeing the past occurring in the present.” Meanwhile, there are also phenomena like precognitive dreams and the timeless realm encountered during UFO abductions and Near-Death-Experiences. “Now all of these phenomena have really large implications,” Fowler said, “because there have also been reliable people experiencing future events that are occurring in the present. If such experiences correspond with reality, I have to conclude that you have to come up with some kind of theory to explain all of this. “Let’s compare it to a completed phonograph record that’s always expanding. Our human mind is like the needle on that phonograph record touching just one section of one groove. Normally our mind or that needle only experiences that one tiny point on one of the grooves on that record. In doing so, it experiences an illusion of what is called ‘linear time,’ and in reality only experiences the present where the needle touches. We’re never experiencing anything except the present.” The notion of time Fowler is describing was set in motion with the Big Bang, he says, at which point everything was determined, even the exercise of any free will we may have had, at that point of ultimate beginning. “That would mean that what we call the past, present and future occurred at the Big Bang and that all is really ‘now.’ So what we call the past is occurring now, what we call the future is occurring now, and reality is only in the now.” There are also other realities that coexist alongside our limited human “now.” “The Big Bang most likely created many realities that exist simultaneously with ours and occupy the same space,” Fowler continued. “They would be vibrating at different frequencies from ours, making them completely indiscernible to us normally. An analogy would be radio or TV or other electromagnetic frequencies vibrating at different rates but occupying the same space.” The soul or essence of the individual is also a participant in this complicated working model of space and time. “I believe that some of what we call paranormal phenomena often occur when our essence, our soul or whatever you want to call it, leaves the body during sleep—or even while we’re awake, which we wouldn’t be conscious of—and is able to interface with what we call the past and the future, and then communicates these experiences back to our conscious mind in the form of precognitive dreams.” Fowler discussed his brother, who often has precognitive dreams and finds them hard to accept. “He feels that he has free will,” Fowler explained, “and that he doesn’t want to have his whole life determined. I believe that free will is part of it, because everything happened at once at the Big Bang, including our free will being exercised, but we don’t realize that now because we’re just at a tiny point in all of reality that’s already there and is predetermined. We’ve already exercised our free will and we just aren’t aware that we have done it. Very, very confusing, and probably very hard to put down in an article, but there it is.” Finally the question becomes, why Raymond Fowler? Why is whatever force that is behind the continual synchronicities Fowler experiences paying such painstaking attention to detail, even to the extent of seeming to “micromanage” Fowler’s life and the lives of so many others? “I can only answer for myself, of course,” Fowler said. “For some unknown reason, these coincidences or synchronicities appear to be connected to my involvement with UFO experiences and my research. I’ve always had these kinds of things happen, and they have always picked up in intensity when I’m doing UFO investigations and during the times I’m researching and writing a book. I mean, they just pile on top of me, and they happen so much that I haven’t even been able to record them all. Sometimes you have them and forget about them. But they’re there. Looking back, in retrospect, they’ve provided guidance and they’ve provided protection, and essentially an education, through my experiencing them. “Synchronistic happenings in my life,” Fowler said, “leave a strong impression that I’m part of a greater one, unknown reality that controls all things. To me, these uncanny happenings are intrusions from a mega-reality into my particular reality through some kind of para-physical osmosis. These various forms of synchronicity have led me down paths that I never would have imagined treading in my younger days, especially in my early days of UFO investigations. So looking back at it all, and forward, probably, too, it seems as if I’m being schooled by something ‘other.’ We’ll call it something ‘other.’ I get this feeling, this ‘numinosity’ as Carl Jung called it, that I must be doing exactly what someone wants me to do. It’s sort of a comfort blanket when you see this happening. There’s something about it that says, ‘Oh, yeah, everything’s okay.’” Source: Spectral Vision -strange-phenomena-interview-with-raymond-fowler/ - WHAT BRAND OF TIN FOIL HAT DO YOU WEAR DEPARTMENT - Media Passes on UFO Sightings Coverage By Cheryl Costa ![]() In the spring of 2017 just
prior to the release of our book UFO Sightings Desk Reference
(co-written by Linda Miller Costa), I reached out to about 60
television, radio and press outlets in the principle cities of the top
10 states for UFO sightings as of 2015. I presented the editors and
news directors with unique regional statistical information about UFO
sightings history in their news markets. I was met with mostly silence.
Only two newspapers covered the book’s release: The articles in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and The New York Times provided huge visibility. What I found startling was that several news outlets I had approached later carried the Post-Intelligencer or New York Times’ wire stories. Early in 2018, I went through a similar pitch with press outlets in major cities in New York state. I had figured that with the huge media coverage about the Pentagon UFO research program in December 2017, perhaps they would be more receptive. I received either silence or was laughed off the phone in two instances. Recently I chatted with several newspaper editors and asked their perspective. One editor told me his former bosses seriously feared the “ridicule factor” that they, as credible professionals, might face for publishing a story about the UFO topic. Another editor simply said to me, “What brand of tinfoil do you wear, Cheryl?” And another editor expressed the notion that “the existence of UFOs doesn’t seem proven. Even when it’s an intriguing story, where’s the proof?” From my perspective, what does this editor want for proof? Does he expect to see an extraterrestrial spacecraft cracked up in a mall parking lot and the bodies of dead aliens littering the pavement? I have presented some very serious evidence at prestigious UFO conferences that would make for one heck of a feature story. But you’ll never see a news director or senior editor at a major UFO conference to get perspective. In the minds of many journalists, the UFO topic is painted in conspiracy theories and less-than-credible individuals. A few months ago a news director asked if I would support local television news teams from stations owned by his parent national media group. As I was one of the co-authors of the most notable book of national UFO statistics to date, I agreed to support them, without charge. The idea was that more than 100 stations in the media group would all run a story about the huge quantities of UFO sightings in their area. The target was November Sweeps Week in order to get a bonanza of great ratings for their news units. After all, UFO stories do bring in the viewers, if teased in advance of the newscast. Likewise, when the video of the story is posted on the television station’s website, usually the page views are impressively high. I made some adjustments to my UFO statistics database with an algorithm that would enable me to give any station, in any television market in the country, their specific UFO sighting statistics. What a gem of an opportunity to any news team. Sadly, only three television stations participated: the home station of the news director who pitched me, plus two other stations that used the story from the first station, but weren’t interested in their own local story. Would we be a step closer to official disclosure if 75 to 100 television stations in that one media group had done a Sweeps Week blitz about UFO sightings in each of their viewing areas? We’ll never know. A senior editor recently remarked to me that, in his opinion, “The Fourth Estate has violated its trust with the American people by not properly covering and reporting on the UFO-ET topic matter.” Source: Syracuse New Times - CREATURES OF THOUGHT DEPARTMENT -
The Men in Black: Tulpas? By Nick Redfern ![]() Over the years I have written a number of books on the Men in Black phenomenon. They include The Real Men in Black, On the Trail of the Saucer Spies, and The Black Diary. If there’s one thing we can say about the MIB in the real world, it’s that they are nothing like their Hollywood counterparts. I am, of course, talking about Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. And, Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson, who will be starring in this year’s Men in Black: International movie. The Men in Black of the movies are portrayed as agents of a secret group that defends the world from hostile aliens. As for the MIB of Ufology, well, they are quite another thing altogether. People describe them as looking pale, emaciated, sometimes extremely tall and with long, spidery fingers. Bizarrely, they are occasionally described as wearing bad wings and even make-up. Their goal: to silence those who dare to dig into the UFO subject, whether witnesses to UFO activity or researchers of the phenomenon. Then there’s the matter of who or what the MIB really are. Ironically, the least likely explanation for the presence of the Men in Black is that they are “secret agents” of the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon or…well…the list goes on. Government people they most definitely are not. There are multiple different theories to try and understand what the MIB are and who (or what) they represent. Some researchers have suggested they are time-travelers from a distant future. Others maintain they have demonic origins. There is also the possibility that the Men in Black are biological robots, dispatched to silence those who get too close to the ufological truth. There’s another scenario that may explain a significant part of the phenomenon. It’s a theory that Thomas E. Bearden detailed in his 1980 book, Excalibur Briefing. In his book, Bearden focused deeply and extensively on the matter of Tulpas, about which state the following: “A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs.” Psychonaut Wiki provide the following: “Tulpas are seemingly sentient, autonomous mental companions subjectively experienced by the psychonaut as a separate being with their own agency, emotions, preferences, thoughts, and character. They can be likened to a separate mental consciousness, existing alongside the psychonaut. Tulpas can be considered as a type of autonomous entity distinguished by their persistence and continuity over time.” All of which brings us back to Tom Bearden. In Excalibur Briefing, he states this: “The kindling of virtual state tulpoidal forms into the zeroth bioframe of a physical reality (materialization) can result in the materialization of living, breathing, functioning forms. There is essentially no limit on the format that may be obtained. Sasquatch, Nessie, fairies, demons, angels, mothmen, skunkmen, yeti, kangaroos, etc. are just a small sampling.” On this same matter of Tulpas, Bearden addresses the MIB in this fashion. He says: “The men-in-black syndrome is based on our own unconscious tuning; since each of us has some unpleasantness in the unconscious, sometimes the tuned-in-men-in-black can be very nasty indeed.” The MIB as Tulpas? Maybe, yes. Source: Mysterious Universe PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
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Monsters From Scottish Folklore Brought Back To Life From ghosts and goblins to sea monsters and cannibals, Scottish history is littered with tales of the weird and wonderful. While some Scottish legends have become much-loved parts of our culture, other stories have disappeared into obscurity over the centuries. Now Glasgow University is set to revive Scotland's folklore thanks to a new postgraduate course examining mythical creatures, superstitions, beliefs and the storytelling that kept them alive. Here's a look at just some of the myths and legends that got handed down through the generations. MONSTER OF GLAMIS Legend has it that the Monster of Glamis was a deformed member of the Bowes-Lyon family, who was kept in a secret chamber in Glamis Castle. The "monster" was alleged to be Thomas Bowes-Lyon, the eldest child of the Queen Mother's great-great grandparents, who was born in 1821. Official records suggest the child died in infancy but, over the years, rumours spread of his survival. According to the story, Thomas had an enormous chest with his head running straight into his body and had tiny arms and legs. BLUE MEN OF MINCH These mysterious sea creatures lived in the stretch of water between the Isle of Lewis and the mainland. They looked like humans but had blue skin and would swim alongside fishing boats, making their way through that stretch of water trying to lure sailors into the sea. Legend had it they would also conjure up storms to wreck ships and that they lived in underwater caves, where they were ruled over by a chief. It was said fisherman could escape them if they were good at rhyming. BRIGADOON Although the idea of the village that only appears once every 100 years is now considered a Scottish myth, it actually has its roots in the mythical cursed German village of Germelshausen. It was this story that inspired composers Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe but, in 1947, a musical set in Germany was a no-no, so they relocated the musical in Scotland. So the story of the Scots village where the passing of a century seems no longer than one night became part of our national folklore, with tourists still asking guides where they can find it. KELPIE Given how regularly the seas around Scotland used to claim the lives of fishermen, it's no surprise people who lived on the coast had a fear of the water. And that's why so many of Scotland's mythical creatures lived there, including the kelpie. Haunting lochs and rivers, they would appear to tired travellers as a lost pony with a wet mane. If you climbed on to the creature, it would charge straight into the deepest part of the water, drowning you in the process. LEGEND OF SAWNEY BEAN Scotland's most famous cannibal has become a mythical figure in folklore and arguments still rage about how much of the story is based on fact. The story goes that in the 16th century, Bean made his home in a coastal cave near Galloway, where he spawned a brood of more than 40 children and grandchildren. Together, the clan would ambush, murder and eat people as they passed by, escaping capture for more than 20 years until they were eventually found and executed. SELKIE The Scottish version of mermaids were half-human, half-seal creatures who could take their seal skins on and off. It's believed they originated in Orkney but Ireland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland all have their own versions. They often featured in tales telling of how they would lose their skin and marry fishermen, bearing them children before finding their skin again and disappearing back into the sea. RED CAP Found among the ruined castles scattered across the Scottish borders, red caps were murderous goblin-like creatures who killed travellers straying into their path. They would then dye their hats with their victim's blood and they had to keep killing as, if the blood dried, they would die. Despite wearing spike-clad iron boots, the buck-toothed demons were said to be too fast to outrun and so the only way to escape one was to quote a passage from the Bible. WULVER Described as a man covered with short brown hair but with a wolf's head, the wulver is part of Shetland folklore. While other mythical werewolves were aggressive, the wulver stayed out of the way, spending its time fishing on a rock still known as The Wulver's Stane. The wulver would leave fish on the windowsills of poor families. It's been 100 years since the last sighting. BANSHEE The word "banshee" comes from the Gaelic "bean shidh" which means "woman of peace". While different cultures had their own versions, banshees were believed to be women found near streams, washing blood from the clothes of those about to die. In some tales they are described as having just one nostril, one long tooth, webbed feet and long hanging breasts. Some people believed banshees were the spirits of women who had died during child birth. Source: The Daily Record monsters-from-scottish-folklore-brought-back-to-life-86908-20342940/ -
Tutu-Wearing Alien Spotted in Winchester ![]()
Councillor has an out-of-this-world experience with a ‘ballerina-like
Winchester councillor Adrian Hicks is on the search for an alien dressed like a ballerina that he spotted five years ago. Visible only to the chosen few, the pretty blonde female UFO interloper is said to shuffle along the pavement in a penguin-like walk, wearing only a white ballet outfit and broad smile. No one else apparently bats an eyelid. Is it here, in this quiet Hampshire backwater, that 'the invasion' has started? Yes, according to Councillor Hicks. He says he saw the ballerina-like alien under the city's Guildhall clock five years ago but has only now come clean about his strange encounter. 'It was staggering – I am not usually lost for words but I was that day,' he said. 'She was a humanoid walking with a penguin-like gait. 'She had very large oval eyes and was twirling her hands in a circular motion. She was laughing and seemed to be enjoying herself. She was human enough to get away with it,' he added. And the intrigue doesn't end there. Mr Hicks, who has spent £400 perfecting an artist's impression of the alien, believes she is linked to covert US and British military operations at a nearby base. 'UFOs are flying in and out of the military base – Winchester is the UFO capital of Europe,' he added. Mr Hicks, a Lib Dem councillor for the city, claims he saw the alien in January or February 2004. He said other shoppers also saw her but no one had admitted it. The hospital technician also regrets not plucking up the courage to speak to her. He has not spoken about the day for fear he would jeopardise his chances of winning a council seat, he added. His colleagues, he says, are 'in denial' about the existence of aliens in Winchester. We have to admit, we're not convinced either, Mr Hicks. Source: Metro (UK) Winchester&in_article_id=747688&in_page_id=2 - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PRESIDENT DEPARTMENT -
Russia’s Witches Back Putin With Magic Bu Tom O'Connor ![]() A group of witches has gathered to cast spells in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, a show of mystical approval after their counterparts in the United States rejected the policies of President Donald Trump. An organization known as the Empire of the Strongest Witches held a "circle of power" session Tuesday to offer their backing for the longtime Russian leader. A group comprising mostly of women clad in black robes could be seen in video footage shared by Reuters as they lined along the walls of a room and self-proclaimed leader Alyona Polyn stood in the center reciting spells and ringing bells in hopes of bringing Putin success and the nation. "Come up with the greatness, the power of Russia, direct the way of Vladimir Putin right and correctly throughout the word of mine. Breathe, Mother Earth, embracing Russia on all sides," head witch Polyn said, as translated by Reuters. "Oh primordial power, return to the abyss those who wish hate upon Russia," she continued. "May Russia rise and step away from grief and poverty, and may the coming days open the gates of happiness for Russia. All hail!" Russian folklore contains numerous references to magical and mystical powers, which many today have attempted to harness to various ends. Citing the Ministry of Health, The Moscow Times reported Wednesday that as many as 800,000 Russians were employed as folk healers, psychic mediums and other similar services in 2017. Putin, who has served as president or prime minister since the very turn of the 21st century, won his most recent election last March by a landslide 76.69 percent vote. He has been hit with mounting domestic criticism, however, as U.S.-led sanctions and lower oil prices degrade the Russian economy and a vastly unpopular pension reform was set to become law in spite of massive protests. A poll released last month by the state-run Public Opinion Research Center showed that trust in Putin had dropped to a 13-year-low of 33.4 percent as part of a steady decline after confidence peaked at a high of 71 percent in July 2015, a year after his annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in a disputed referendum that took place amid a political uprising in Ukraine. The move was derided by the West, but celebrated by many Russians who offered Putin a surge of support. As of January, however, this wave appeared to be crashing down as the independent Levada Center placed Putin's approval rating at 64 percent, a five-year low and a 16-point decline from December's figures. The Russian president still fared better at home and abroad than his U.S. counterpart, however. An October survey by the Pew Research Center placed global trust in Putin at 30 percent, slightly above Trump's 27 percent. A YouGov/The Economist poll published Sunday found Trump's approval rating to be 37 percent, similar to FiveThirtyEight's aggregation of multiple polls, which on average said that 39.5 percent of people in the U.S. approved of Trump's job as president. Trump also could not match Putin's wins among the witch community, of which there may be up to 1.5 million followers— potentially outnumbering even the Presbyterian sect of Protestant Christianity— in the U.S. Thousands have joined the Official Bind Trump, a Facebook group formed shortly after the president's inauguration as a form of "magic resistance" against the president. A number of witches also joined mystical forces last year in an unsuccessful attempt to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid allegations of his past sexual abuse. Commenting on the Republican leader's frequent use of the phrase "witch hunt" to describe stubborn investigations into his alleged collusion with Putin to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Firefly House witch community leader David Salisbury told The Daily Beast last month that "many are mad, and the rest are rolling their eyes." In 2017, Trump blocked former Newsweek writer Zack Schonfeld for telling the president that the "witch hunt" comparison was "an insult to witches." Source: Newsweek Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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