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Of course we don't really have any Conspiracy BE-GONE, but we have the next best thing! Your latest issue of Conspiracy Journal. The weekly email newsletter that is sure to annoy all those extraterrestrials, government agents, and pundits of the New World Order who want to keep you in the dark about what is REALLY going on in the world today. - End to Mankind Not 'Decades Away' but ‘Much Sooner’ - - Canadians Report Seeing UFOs at a Rate of 3 Times a Day - - Unknown Animal Kills Six Llamas in Kentucky - AND: World Famous Nevada Cave May Harbor Dark History All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ YOU WILL BELIEVE A MONGOOSE CAN TALK! ![]() GEF THE TALKING MONGOOSE HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD. He sang songs.He mimicked other animals and sounds. He could read minds. He was able to move objects through the air although he was no where near them. He chatted with visitors from around the world, sometimes using vulgar language.But they could not see him, because he said he could become invisible whenever he wanted to. All the time living in the walls of a remote farmhouse located on the windswept coast of the Isle of Man. To the Irvings, especially their teenage daughter, Gef was not a frightening creature but the family’s pet who could feast on biscuits, chocolate and bananas, and helped them keep the stoves lit. But to others he was considered a “monstrosity,” a freak of nature, an abomination to God. Gef himself seemed confused about his identity. He once said he was from another dimension, that he was a spirit, but took that back by by intimating, “If I were a spirit how could I kill rabbits.?” When quizzed as to why he was so reclusive Gef said he was not a pleasant sight to behold. “I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet and if you saw me you’d faint, you’d be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt!” In addition to original material, included is the full text of the 1936 book by psychic researcher Harry Price. Exceedingly rare, copies have been selling for upward of $1,000 among collectors. For here are other strange stories – such as the talking stove, the Squonk, and the Bell Witch, as presented by Tim R. Swartz and today’s leading investigators of the strange and unknown. This is one of the top Fortean stories of all time. An occult masterpiece. An adventure into the unknown, and the supernormal. So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and find out for yourself if a mongoose can truly speak! ![]() - PLAYING THE VIOLIN WHILE THE WORLD BURNS DEPARTMENT - End to Mankind Not 'Decades Away' but ‘Much Sooner’ ![]() The Roman Empire lasted around
500 years from the ascension of Julius Caesar to the deposition of
teenage ruler Romulus Augustulus.
By this timeline the United Kingdom in its current form is middle-aged, with Ireland joining England, Wales, and Scotland in 1801. So how long do we have left? A study part-sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center was not optimistic. Led by mathematician Safa Motesharrei, it questioned the sustainability of modern civilisation. The study noted: ”The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent." Scarcity of resources such as water, agriculture, and energy were found to lead to decline. When coupled with an unsustainable population or unfavourable climate change, it can spell disaster. Researchers noted that a huge divide in the rich and poor played "a central role in the character or in the process of the collapse" of civilisations over "the last five thousand years." Meanwhile, the UK Government Office of Science warned that a combination of food, water and energy crises might be the catalyst for a “perfect storm” in the next decade. In an essay for New Scientist, Debora MacKenzie said civilisations collapse when they run out of the energy need to maintain their complexity. For instance, Ugo Bardi at the University of Florence said that if the electrical grid stops running, we wouldn’t be able to start it up again. “We don’t have enough anthracite to reinvent electricity or launch the industrial revolution again,” he told MacKenzie. “So it will be agriculture: simple tools and dark nights”. But even if the sun sets on the UK, what about the other world economies? It is likely countries built on decentralised, renewable power might fare better in the future. For instance, with many of its citizens living off-grid, tech start-ups in Africa have built everything from solar-powered phone chargers to flat-screen TVs. China, which pledged $60 billion to African countries last year, has the fallout of its one child policy to deal with. Meanwhile, Japan has the oldest population in the world — increasing the tax burden on its younger citizens. And the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation, but has one of the lowest life expectancies of developed countries — 78 years. If this isn’t dismal enough, there is evidence the world is entering a new arms race. One explanation of the fermi paradox — why we haven’t encountered aliens — is that intelligent species tear themselves to pieces before they master interstellar travel. Source: Daily Star -when-end-of-the-world - LOOK, UP IN THE SKY DEPARTMENT - Canadians Report Seeing UFOs at a Rate of 3 Times a Day ![]() Acclaimed Canadian ufologist Christopher Rutkowski can be best described as Canada’s Fox Mulder.
He recently travelled to Duncan, B.C., a small town on Vancouver Island that was home to Granger Taylor, whose story is told in CBC Docs POV documentary, Spaceman. Taylor, who became obsessed with space travel, left a note telling his family he could communicate with extraterrestrials and was going on an interstellar journey — and then vanished. But Taylor wasn’t only one who reported a strange encounter in Duncan. Lisa Nydahl was a teenager in 1980 when she saw a boomerang-shaped object in the sky over the town, gliding toward the mountains. “It just did a 90-degree turn and went straight up and just disappeared,” she recalls. “It was unlike anything I’d ever seen.” Rutkowski says that UFO sightings in Canada are more common than we think. “There are about 1,000 UFO reports filed in Canada every year, and the number remains high.” Ufology Research, an organization Rutkowski belongs to, has collected and analyzed Canadian UFO report data since 1989. Their 2017 survey showed that a total of 1,101 sightings were reported across the country, at a rate of roughly three per day — the fifth highest number since the group began collecting data in 1989. The survey also showed that there was an average of two witnesses per UFO sighting and that the sightings lasted about 15 minutes each. Many witnesses were police officers, pilots and other people with keen observational skills. Most sighting reports in 2017 came from Quebec (518) and Ontario (241), with B.C. coming in third (128). Out of the major metropolitan areas the country, Montreal and Toronto topped the list. In its final report, Ufology Research broke down cases by the number of witnesses, the level of “strangeness” (an alien encounter being more unusual than flashing lights, for example), the reliability of the sighting and its duration. They also compared the shape of the objects. The report notes that while an increasing number of cellphones, dashcams and traffic cameras means that reported sightings are more frequently accompanied by a photo or video, these visuals are often of poor quality and less useful to researchers. What’s more, the majority of sightings can be explained as aircraft and other astronomical objects. Still, about eight per cent of all UFO reports in 2017 remain unexplained — but this doesn’t mean that they are proof of alien visitation. “There’s no incontrovertible evidence that aliens are visiting us, although it’s a wonderful theory,” Rutkowski told The Canadian Press, but adds that “there is a real phenomenon [that] I think is worth scientific study.” Here are a few of Canada’s most famous UFO sightings: Falcon Lake, Manitoba In May 1967, Stefan Michalak reported seeing two flying saucers near Falcon Lake. He claimed that one of the aircraft hovered only 45 metres away from him, landed and, as he approached, emitted a beam of light that knocked him to the ground as it lifted off. Michalak said that he became ill in the following weeks, and a photograph of his chest eight months later showed burn marks in a pattern of dots. The incident was commemorated by a glow-in-the-dark coin released by the Canadian Mint in 2018. Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia During the same year as the Falcon Lake sighting, people reported that the night skies over Shag Harbour were glowing with four lights that flashed off and on before crashing into the harbour. Eyewitnesses claimed they watched as a large, orange-glowing object sank into the water. The RCMP, thinking a plane had crashed, organized a rescue effort, but were unable to recover an object. Divers searched the sea floor but also came up empty. Since no planes were reported missing, the case was classified as a UFO sighting. To this day, Shag Harbour holds an annual festival dedicated to the strange incident. Marieville, Quebec In 1989, several people in Sainte-Marie-de-Monnoir reported being awakened in the middle of the night by a noise that sounded similar to an electric generator. Witnesses also reported seeing an intense blue light shining outside their windows. Two days later, a perfect circle, about 20 metres in diameter, was found outside of the home of one of the witnesses. The RCMP were called to investigate, but the source of the lights and strange markings remains unknown. If you’ve spotted a UFO, here’s how to report it a sighting to Ufology Research. Source: CBC -the-sky-at-a-rate-of-3-times-a-day - ARMAGEDDON WITH THE MIND DEPARTMENT -
The NSA’s Fear of Psychic Nukes By Emma Best ![]() A classified government document opens with “an odd sequence of events relating to parapsychology has occurred within the last month” and concluded with an alarming question about psychics nuking cities so that they became lost in time and space. If this sounds like a plot out of science fiction, it is - but it’s also a NSA memo from 1977. The first “event” raised by the NSA note is a CIA report which mentioned KGB research into parapsychology. According to this, the KGB used hobbyists and non-governmental researchers to talk to western scientists. This allowed the KGB to collect useful information without putting themselves into a position to accidentally leak confidential information to westerners. According to the NSA note, this tactic yielded “high grade western scientific data.” The next event described by the NSA note was what appeared to be a Russian provocation, though exactly what sort was a matter of some debate. In June 1977, an American journalist was detained in Russia for receiving a Soviet paper on parapsychology. The paper allegedly documented “PSI” (i.e. psychic) particles within the living cell, allegedly providing a physical basis for parapsychology. This struck American intelligence as being a form of entrapment, though the goal was uncertain. Some thought it was an effort to provoke radio chatter which the Soviets could trace to get a better idea of the U.S.’s interest and activities. Another theory was that it was simply a warning to the West to stay away from sensitive Soviet research. A third theory was that it was “a double-think ploy to pretend interest in a clumsy manner to make us think that this was really just a deception to trick the West into believing there was interest when there really was none.” While this last theory might sound paranoid, this is how denial and deception operate - and it’s something that Russian counterintelligence has long excelled at. The section concluded with a note that there had supposedly been a successful demonstration of “telekinetic power” in a Soviet military sponsored research lab, and the alleged discovery of a new type of energy “perhaps even more important than that of Atomic energy.” The third event was the apparent postulation by “some physicists along with the famous evolutionist, Teilhard de Chardin” that the universe was more of a “great thought” than a “great machine.” According to this view, “the ‘unified field’ on ground of reality is awareness.” The note cited telekinetic experiments and postulated that “awareness focusing” could produce “a new form of energy that moves or perhaps alters matter.” The report cited British scientists experiencing “poltergeist phenomena” after testing Uri Geller. Objects allegedly left the room, some of which apparently reappeared later. Supposedly, this didn’t surprise unnamed scientists who found it no harder to believe that objects could disappear and reappear than it was to believe in the “detected particles emerging from energy and dissolving or disappearing back into energy.” From these premises, two types of telekinetic weapons were hypothesized: a telekinetic time bomb and the equivalent of a psychic nuke that could dislodge a city in time and space. The first involved a member of the command and control staff being kidnapped and subjected to trauma that would allow him to be “suggestively programmed to develop telekinetic effects under stress at work.” The theory was that when an emergency situation arose and the officer was subjected to stress, objects would begin to move and disappear independently “and communications would become impossible.” The second hypothetical weapon was even more elaborate and potentially terrifying. Citing a prediction of “a massive change which will alter the direction, time, space and energy-matter relationship of our world,” the note wondered what would happen if a group of psychics were brought together. If ten people who were “evidencing disruptive telekinetic phenomena” were brought into one area, would it “cause a chain reaction, causing much matter to reverse direction and sink back into a sea of energy or be displaced in time and space”? The memo concluded by wondering if such an event reach a “critical mass” and affect an entire city. By an interesting coincidence, the “Philadelphia Experiment” hoax bears some superficial resemblance to the theorized weapon in the NSA note. According various versions of the hoax, the USS Eldridge was temporarily rendered invisible or transported through time and space. The incident is even listed on NSA’s webpage of paranormal topics that they don’t have records on. However, there were other papers prepared on the perceived potential of weaponizing psychic abilities, some of which will be explored later. Source: Muckrock PAYPAL DISCOUNT FOR ORDERS FOR NEW CONSPIRACY JOURNAL #49 Hail! Hail! The latest print edition of the Conspiracy Journal (#49) is available. Either e-mail for a copy to go to your snail mail or browse right here, right now, on line. All orders will receive a 10% discount if placed through PayPal. Just deduct the amount before sending it in or we can send you a PayPal Invoice. Our Finest Books and Other Items of Interest Now Available for Your Pleasure! USE PAYPAL FOR QUICK AND EASY ORDERS! We can also take your credit card orders by your leaving a
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Is There a Power Word to Call on UFOs? ![]() One of the most unusual questions I’ve been asked recently came from a seminar organizer of mine in Cyprus named George, who confessed he has an obsession with UFOs (unidentified flying objects). “Can you ask your friend, [faith healer] Alex Orbito, if there is a special phrase or prayer one can say for a UFO to appear?” wrote George. “I know it’s a long shot but we have nothing to lose by asking him.” The reason George thought of asking if there was a power word to call on a UFO is that when he was in the Philippines to attend Orbito’s seminar last April, Alex taught him “a special phrase which when uttered and at the same time press with your thumb a lump on a patient’s body, it dissolves.” George said he had tried it and it worked. He said the healer has many magical phrases and wondered if there was one to call on UFOs to appear. I told George he must be referring to what is known here among Filipino healers and mystics as oracion, or literally “a prayer,” which has magical effects. Without having to ask Alex, I told George, I doubt if there was such an oracion. I said I have heard of oracions to render one immune from bullets or knives, to heal all sorts of illness, to call on spirits or guides, to attract the opposite sex and even render one invisible. But I’ve never heard of a power word or oracion to call on a UFO. As I had anticipated, when I had a chance to contact Alex Orbito and ask him that question, he replied, “That’s the first time I ever heard such a thing. I don’t know the answer to this.” So I asked another person I know who has knowledge of power words and talismans. He replied categorically that “There is no oracion to call on UFOs because one contacts them through telepathy.” Strange words There are many people in the Philippines, especially in the rural areas, who believe in power words or oracion. And many of those whom I have talked to about these strange words, which sound like Latin, but are not, swear that they work. One local albulario who has a college degree told me the language of the oracion is called “Burnay,” a combination of Tagalog and bastardized Latin. Some, however, are completely unintelligible. Where did this belief in oracion come from? According to some folk’s stories, they were brought to the Philippines by the Jesuits during the early period of the Christian occupancy of our islands which lasted almost 400 years. I believe, however, that the practice of uttering power words must have originated much earlier than that, perhaps in ancient Egypt. When Western men first beheld the temples and huge pyramids of Egypt, they found magical words, chants and hymns dedicated to their gods. These power words were supposed to protect the dead from their enemies and those who might desecrate their bodies during their journey into the underworld, called Hades by the ancient Greeks. The Christian Bible, especially the Old Testament, also contains power words or special prayers which have the power to heal, cast out evil spirits and protect a person against his enemies. In more recent times, people’s belief in oracion or power words has again become popular because of the Harry Potter books and movies. Ultimately, the power of the oracion essentially boils down to the power of one’s mind and one’s strong belief and not inherently in the oracion itself. If you truly believe without doubt the oracion really works then it will, because the mind knows no limits, aside from those it accepts. Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer Is-there-a-power-word-to-call-on-UFOs - BLOOD SPORT DEPARTMENT - Unknown Animal Kills Six Llamas in Kentucky By Sarah Jackson ![]() LOUISVILLE, KY – Louisville
Metro Animal Services officials are investigating after six llamas were
killed and seven others were injured in an attack.
The attack happened in the 1500 block of Schuff Lane, located near the Louisville Zoo, on Monday. The llamas belonged to Louisville Llama Farm, and the owners say the attack is the most gruesome attack they have ever seen. The animals were more than livestock, they were pets. "They are really gentle and really smart, they are so easy to get attached to,” Dale Hill said. Hill and his wife Caroline Gillette named each llama with names like Felicity and Floyd. The animals share food and a living space. “There have been tears and for my wife it is a hard time talking about it with anybody without tearing up,” Hill said. Willette woke up to a violent scene Monday morning. A fence was broken and covered in blood where Hill says one of the llamas tried to escape. A lot of the injuries occurred on the animals' back sides. The llamas were left intact but bloody. “It was like having a pet dog only like a 500-pound dog,” Marry Mosley said. “Whatever attacked them is pretty frightening.” Mosely lives near the farm and says she's heart broken by the death of six llamas. “It was a pretty strong pack or few animals that did this because these were big animals and the llamas were so gentle,” Mosley said. Metro Animal Services believes the attack was carried out by a canine, but the agency can't confirm whether it was a coyote, dog or other large animal. Hill said he doesn’t think it was coyote because he has watched the llamas stand them down before. Whatever attacked the llamas Hill says their nature makes the loss harder. “That’s the other thing about llamas that makes it easy to get attached, to they seem to have their best friends,” Hill said. Source: WAVE 3 News - THERE WERE GIANTS IN THE EARTH DEPARTMENT -
World Famous Nevada Cave May Harbor Dark History By George Knapp/Matt Adams ![]() For more than a century, a story has persisted about the skeletons of giants being found in Lovelock Cave in northern Nevada. For many years, human remains were put on display in museums here and elsewhere, but that changed. Most of the bones and skulls that were once considered to be historical artifacts have been returned to tribes for burial. If oversized bones from the so-called Lovelock giants ever existed, they are no longer available to the public. But their story behind the legend persists. Slicing through the bone-dry Humboldt sink on a long dirt road, it's hard to imagine that all of it was once underwater. Remnants of a vast ancient lake can still be seen in the distance. For generations of first Americans, this was a lush paradise of tules, fish and waterfowl. Humans have climbed the same narrow path up the jagged mountain for more than 4,000 years. That's how long indigenous peoples lived in and around the Lovelock Cave. The roof of the cave is coated with soot from countless campfires lit by ancestors of the Paiutes. According to tribal lore, a race of red-headed giants made its last stand in the cave. Reporter George Knapp: "Among today's Paiutes, do most say the giants were real?" Devoy Munk: "All that I've talked to say yes. I've haven't heard anybody say no." Devoy Munk, a Lovelock historian, has spent all of her 80-plus years in Lovelock. Her family's home today houses a small museum, jam packed with artifacts and depictions documenting centuries of native culture and pioneer life. Munk has earned the trust of Paiute elders who say the stories are true, and that the red-headed interlopers not only killed but ate their ancestors. "My Indian friends tell me they were cannibals, that they set traps. They dug holes in pathways where they walked, covered them and then Indians would fall in, and they said the best parts to eat were the thighs," Munk said. On Internet sites and alien-themed TV shows, the gruesome legend has blossomed, but it's hardly new. Versions have been told and retold in magazines, even scholarly journals for more than a century. Famed Nevadan Sarah Winnemucca first wrote in her acclaimed book that the Paiutes waged a three-year war against a tribe of red-headed cannibals before trapping -- then killing -- the last of them inside lovelock cave. Her book doesn't mention giants, and mainstream archeologists have vigorously rejected the entire story, to the point that the state museum in Winnemucca admonishes visitors at its front entrance that the red-headed giants are a myth. "There have been skeletons pulled out of the Reid collection," said Bill Snodgrass. "They found some in there roughly 6'2". When you think about it, back then, six-foot was a very tall individual." Snodgrass is the curator of the Marzen House Museum in Lovelock and thinks there is reasonable basis for parts of the story. In the early 20th century, guano miners began excavating the Lovelock Cave and uncovered thousands of artifacts along with mummified remains including a few specimens much taller than the typical Paiute of centuries past. Later scientific excavations found troves of native antiquities along with bones. Some human remains were destroyed. Others went to museums for display. A few, Snodgrass says, were consumed in bizarre initiation rituals. He adds there is evidence -- including basketry -- of an unknown culture that lived near the cave. Records show some of them had red hair. "I can't say who they were, red heads or not. Some say uric acid changes the color of hair, but there was definitely a different people here," Snodgrass said. Many, if not most, of the visitors who end up at the Marzen House Museum have questions about the red-headed cannibals. The locals still enjoy the debate. Reporter George Knapp: "The two of you disagree but it's a friendly disagreement?" "Oh yes. We've had this discussion and he hasn't convincved me and I haven't convinced him," Munk said. Whether the red-headed giants ever existed, visits to the two museums are worth the drive. Source: Las Vegas Now -harbor-dark-history/1782818550 Sign up today for Bizarre Bazaar
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