Jimi Hendrix: Starchild
By Curtis Knight
Jimi Hendrix came to Earth from another time and place
at a very important moment in our history, to give us a message
of peace, love and freedom.
not many people realize it, but Jimi
Hendrix's life was greatly affected and influenced by the paranormal.
In the pages of this book, author Curtis Knight reveals that Jimi
had a good number of personal brushes with the unknown.
Here is the seldom-heard "inside story" of one of the legendary
figures of the "Aquarian Age," and his quest to teach humankind
a highly evolved philosophy of universal understanding and awareness.
Here also is the "secret, symbolic meanings" to many of his songs,
and an incredible picture of Jimi's gravesite, showing celestial
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The Secret UFO Diary of CIA Operative Comm. Alvin E. Moore
A former Navy Commander and CIA operative's private memoirs involving
the retrieval of wreckage from a UFO shot at over the nation's capital
and how pieces of this craft were stolen from a safe inside a supposedly
secure government office building in Washington, D.C.
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Secret Black Projects of the New World Order
By Tim Swartz
Is the United States flying secret aircraft developed from
extraterrestrial technology? Thousands of people all over the world
have reported sighting strange aircraft that appears to use antigravity.
Are these aircraft manmade? Or are they gifts from friendly ETs? Also examines
the rumors that Stealth aircraft uses technology acquired from crashed UFOs
discovered in the late 1940's
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UFOs Among the Stars: Close Encounters of the Famous
By Timothy Green Beckley
UFOs saved the life of William Shatner; Muhammad Ali's 16 sightings;
Jackie Gleason's viewing of alien bodies. Over 50 celebrities
recount their experiences.
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Roswell UFO Crash Update
By Capt. Kevin Randle (Ret.)
The story of a UFO that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico in July, 1947
has become world famous. Recently, the Air Force released a 23 page
document stating that what crashed at Roswell was a balloon used in the
top secret Project Mogul. But evidence gathered by the author says that the Mogul
explanation does not hold water. Randle is convinved that the object
that crashed at Roswell was not made on Earth!
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Evil Agenda of the Secret Government
By Tim Swartz
In the late 1940s people all over the world began to report sightings
of strange flying objects in the sky. In these early years UFOs were
considered to be Top Secret, highly advanced aircraft from the U.S. or
Soviet Union. This theory was popular because of the evidence uncovered
by Allied authorities that Nazi scientists had been working on a new type
of disc-shaped aircraft. World leaders secretly feared that some high-ranking
Nazi leaders, along with loyal followers and scientists, had somehow escaped
to a secret location along with these new "Flying Saucers." This is a
must read for anyone not yet convinced that UFOs are extraterrestrial craft.
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Casebook On The Men In Black
By Jim Keith
Who are the strange beings garbed all in black?
Are they government agents? Creatures from another dimension?
Aliens? Jim Keith traces the path of these unusual visitors
through history, presenting evidence about their origin
and purpose.
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Messages From the People of the Planet Clarion
Edited by Timothy Green Beckley
In the early 1950s, Truman Bethurum, while driving to his new job, stopped to rest about
70 miles from Las Vegas. Bethurum suddenly found himself looking at a
strange, egg-shaped craft that had landed near his car. This was the
start of a series of strange encounters with beings that Bethurum said
were from a planet called Clarion. These highly advanced people shared
with Bethurum their way of science, technology, ecology and health. Much
of this material has not, as yet been widely distributed. A fascinating
look at one of the earlist UFO Contactees.
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Star Gods: Clone Masters of the Universe
By Brad Steiger
At the dawn of antiquity did at least one group of ETs
deliberately alter our DNA for their own purposes of manipulation of
the human race? Has there been a "domestication" of humanity that has
trapped us on this planet? In this thrilling book, Brad Steiger
offers compelling proof that genetic engineers from another solar
system interfered with the evolutionary progress of Homo Sapiens,
and are about to do so once again. Consequently, we are about to see
an unparalleled advancement in technology, science, medicine
and the arts.
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Overlords of Atlantis & the Great Pyramid
By Brad Steiger
Here is archeological proof from multiple sources that the Great
Pyramid was constructed with the assistance of the High Priests of
Atlantis. Were these masters able to levitate the huge blocks of
stone into place? What is inside the secret chamber? Will the fabled
Lost Continent rise from the ocean floor soon? A useful addition for
anyone interested in the forgotten past.
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The Philadelphia Experiment & Other UFO Conspiracies
By Brad Steiger with Alfred Bielek and Sherry Hanson Steiger
In October 1943, the U.S. Navy secretly accomplished the
teleportation of a warship from Philadelphia to a dock near Norfolk
by successfully applying Einstein's Unified Field Theory. For the
first time a survivor of the experiment tells his personal story and
how the project was actually the end result of alien technology. The
book also covers other classified Top Secret CIA and NSA projects,
including genetic cloning, age regression and progression,
time travel, as well as a host of other topics related to the
UFO cover-up.
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Other Voices
By George Hunt Williamson - with A. Bailey
In the 1950s, a young anthropologist, George Hunt Williamson,
became fascinated with the strange objects know as Flying Saucers.
This fascination lead to actual radio contacts with extraterrestrials
that was repeated time and again in front of highly credible witnesses.
His privately published report on these ongoing communications
attempts to "speak" with beings from other worlds has - over the
years - been duplicated by others and has been the subject of highly
classified debate in scientific circles.
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UFOs Over Africa
By Cynthia Hind
In UFOs Over Africa, Africa's foremost UFOlogist sums up in detail
a lifetime of work spent in the careful investigation of a host of most
unusual cases. Whether she is leading us on the spot through the strange
appearance of silvery-suited aliens, uncovering the fraudulent crash-scenario
of the James van Greunen case, or meticulously working her way through
the abduction chronology of two wealthy Johannesburg women, Cynthia Hind
always upholds the highest standards of the scientific researcher.
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UFO Danger Zone
By Bob Pratt
As author Bob Pratt has noted, "UFOs have been particularly grim
news for people living in the small towns, farms and forests of central
and northeastern Brazil." Pratt has spent over eighteen years researching
the Brazilian UFO phenomenon. The fruits of his labors are always intriguing,
and sometimes frightening. Should give pause to those who say that ET
visitors are always friendly and have our best interests at heart.
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Extraterrestrials in Biblical Phophecy
By G. Cope Schellhorn
Now the greater truth emerges. Professor Schellhorn has skillfully
demonstrated the large body of evidence that suggests extraterrestrial
visitors have long been occupied with visiting our planet. Using his
own research and new evidence from scholars involved in Near Eastern
Studies, he uncovers the forgotten meaning of certain key biblical words that
prove that the ETs mated with early man and continued their involvement
with mankind in a "Great Experiment" that continues today!
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