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He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who
watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets.
They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras. His
communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that
goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what
TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But
despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his
favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's
RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep,
dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know!
This week Conspiracy Journal
takes a look at such ear-ringing tales as:
- Are UFOs The Key to Biblical Scripture? Part 2 -- Pentagon Looking to Detect EMP Weapons -- The Strange Case of the Woman with Glowing Breasts -AND: Tall Tales with Witches, Monkey Man, Etc.All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue ofCONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]() SPECIAL
TIM BECKLEY'S BIZARRE AND UNEXPLAINED WORLDS AND THE CASE FOR UFO CRASHES Act now to get these amazing books at our SPECIAL PRICE of $24.00 (Plus $5 Shipping). So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and be amazed by the incredible color photos taken by the modest contactee. ![]() - SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING DEPARTMENT -
Are UFOs The Key to Biblical Scripture? Part 2 By Sean Casteel ![]() Are we to accept at face value the phantasmagorical stories told by those who claim to have been “taken up” (to where, one wonders?) – such as Whitley Strieber, Betty Andreasson Luca, and contactees like Orfeo Angelucci and George Van Tassel? In a new book just out, as one of the authors, I ask, is a genuine religious experience the kind of thing that can be expressed in human language at all, or to a degree that a fellow individual, regardless of his religious persuasion can fully – or even halfway – understand it? And do the supernatural elements of UFOs and alien encounters constitute authentic contact with God or possibly His angelic messengers? JACQUES VALLEE’S POSITION
For many years, French-born Jacques Vallee has been at the forefront of UFO and paranormal research. He is highly credentialed, trained in science, and author of a good number of books and papers on unexplained phenomena. While the majority of UFO researchers have been out chasing “UFOs from Mars,” Dr. Vallee sees the phenomena as being more “homegrown,” more “earthbound,” much more of a conditioning influence by an outside force yet to be determined. Vallée has contributed to the investigation of the Miracle at Fatima and Marian apparitions. His work has been used to support the Fatima UFO Hypothesis. Vallée is one of the first people to speculate publicly about the possibility that the “solar dance” at Fatima was a UFO. The idea of UFOs was not unknown in 1917, but most of the people in attendance at the Fatima apparitions would not have attributed the claimed phenomena there to UFOs, let alone to extraterrestrials. Vallée has also speculated about the possibility that other religious apparitions may have been the result of UFO activity, including Our Lady of Lourdes and the revelations to Joseph Smith. Vallée and other researchers have advocated further study of unusual phenomena in the academic community. They feel that this should not be handled solely by theologians. One concept entertained by numerous UFO researchers is that the many visions associated with the appearance of the Madonna and Jesus in the clouds could simply be a holographic projection, created by the CIA, elements of a supposed “New World Order,” or some other “power” (possibly even extraterrestrial) in an attempt to manipulate followers of certain religious and cultural belief systems. In conspiracy theorist circles, this is known as “Project Blue Beam,” and is part of a long established pattern of “false flags,” created for purposes of propaganda and disinformation. Hispanic researcher Scott Corrales, the author of “Alien Blood Lust,” has collected anecdotes of a series of what seem to be holographic projections, mostly over the island of Cuba, where some residents have come to believe that such aerial manifestations are part of a secret program to bring the people back to “God” and turn them against communism. WAYS MARY PRESENTS HERSELF
A Methodist clergyman in Haines City, Florida, Reverend B. W. Palmer, has spent years collecting hundreds of contemporary visions of the Holy Mother. His research on the subject indicates that there are at least 24 methods the Virgin uses to manifest herself. There may be as many as fifty ways, but we list here the 24 most commonly manifested. 1. The skies appear to open up and Mary with a band of angels appears to descend. 2. In the presence of a viewer, Mary appears to descend in a shaft of light. 3. The Virgin appears or disappears through a solid object such as a door or a wall. 4. A viewer may hear footsteps outside his house. Then a knock on the door. When he opens it he sees the Holy Mother. 5. The Virgin can also appear as though she is in a picture on the wall. 6. A witness may awake because he feels a spiritual presence in the room, or may feel someone’s touch. When he opens his eyes he sees the Holy Figure bending over him. 7. An angel or the spirit of a deceased person may appear to the witness first, then lead him to the materialization of the Holy Mother. 8. The witness may see the face of the Virgin or Jesus Christ appear above the person who is desperately in need of help. 9. The witness may hear a voice which tells him or her to go to a certain place and do a certain thing. When he complies, he sees the Virgin Mary. 10. The figure of the Virgin Mary appears in the sky, but greatly magnified. 11. The viewer may be awakened by the light of a very bright moon. At that moment he sees the Holy Mother. 12. Clouds play a part in visions. The Virgin often appears out of a cloud moving toward a person, and she also uses the cloud to make her departure. 13. A cloud or heavy mist may materialize in the viewer’s room. And out of the mist the Virgin will appear. 14. During the Fatima miracle, the Holy Mother appeared to the three children in exactly the same way. All three gave the same description of what they saw. In many cases the Virgin appears to several persons at the same time, but each witness gave a different description of what he or she saw. To one witness, the Holy Mother may appear as a ball of light; to another, a flash of lightning; to another, a disembodied voice. 15. The Virgin may appear in a room occupied by several people. But only one person will see her. The others may see the spirits of the dead. 16. The Virgin may also appear in the dreams of a witness. A manifestation like this is usually associated with healing or cures. 17. The Holy Mother may vanish suddenly, or fade away slowly, slipping into a cloud, through the ceiling, doors or walls. She may walk away, fading from view as she gets further and further away from the witness. 18. In most visions of the Holy Mother, only the witness singled out for communications may see her even though there are a lot of people present. This was so in the Fatima miracle in which thousands of people saw the three children talking to an entity they could not see. 19. In many of the visions collected by Rev. Palmer, the Virgin appears in a strange light, one that illuminates the witness as well. In some of these cases, the light appeared first, then the Holy Figure. 20. In some visions, the witnesses said they saw no figures at all, but were aware of the Holy Presences through the supernatural light and the voices that came to them. 21. Those who have experienced out-of-body incidents have reported seeing the Holy Mother, but that the vision disappeared once the out-of-body experience ended. 22. In other out-of-body experiences, people have claimed to travel through space to visit friends and relatives, and on such excursions have usually seen a Holy Figure, that is, the Holy Mother, a saint, an angel, or other Holy Entities. 23. In still other out-of-body travels, people have claimed to have seen the lower spirit worlds where good spirits attempt to help the lower spirits. In some instances during these lower-plane visits, the travelers have seen Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary. 24. During near-death experiences, people said they saw Jesus or Mary for a brief moment when their bodies were physically dead. THE REVEREND BARRY DOWNING, A PIONEER OF THE UFOS/BIBLE CONNECTION
Science and religion could end up complementing each other. New – more “radical” – trends in physics point to the existence of parallel universes and other dimensions which could assist in explaining many Biblical mysteries and miracles, at least according to one Protestant minister who has spent more than a half century pondering the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials and their possible connection to the seemingly bizarre and unexplainable tales of the Old and New Testaments. The Reverend Barry Downing was among the first to see that it wasn’t a given that the “Good Book” was in conflict with the lore of the flying saucer and the possibility that our universe might be constructed of a bit more than just physical matter. He posited that heaven could be a real place – if not in our timeline then perhaps in a parallel existence just beyond our reach. Could that other dimension possibly be accessible through the guidance of Godly ultra-terrestrial beings and their vehicles? What we think of as spaceships could, in some cases, be divine. Downing has been preaching the gospel of “UFO angels” for more than 50 years now, since the publication of his 1968 book, “The Bible and Flying Saucers.” Downing has recently released a new book called “Biblical UFO Revelations” that incorporates hard won wisdom and perspectives gleaned in the intervening years as he steadfastly continues to make his case for his particular take on Christianity and the aliens. Downing is not just an ordained minister and a religious expert, he is also well-versed in physics, having earned his bachelor’s degree in the field. So he is uniquely qualified to analyze Biblical miracles like the parting of the Red Sea from the Exodus both scientifically and as a man of faith. In “UFOs, Armageddon and Biblical Revelations,” one can read more about Downing’s analysis of the “environmental impact” that the pillar of cloud and fire exerted for the sake of the fleeing Israelites. How does one approach the extreme levels of fear experienced by witnesses to angels in the Bible? Is the fear a UFO witness experiences an example of that same kind of fear? Are we actually wise to approach the two phenomena in abject terror and trembling? At what point does a heavenly love enter the picture and cast out all fear? Downing provides answers to these questions and others equally as difficult. WHAT IS TRUTH?
“Indeed, what is the fundamental truth about all things Biblical?” Beckley asks in his introduction. “And how do we interpret what the Good Book actually says about the Second Coming and the End Times as forecast in the Book of Revelation? I hope our fellow journeymen can offer up a bit of hope for humanity. Some think God is a vengeful God and we get what we deserve. Others believe in the mercy of the Savior. It’s a toss-up as far as I am concerned, but that’s why I offer you text that lies just beyond my Introduction. “The scriptures,” Beckley adds, “and all wise men, have made it known that we have the free will to accept – or NOT to accept – all that is and may be. ‘UFOs, Armageddon and Biblical Revelations: Signs, Symbols and “Wonders” – The Whole Truth’ gives us the tools to conduct our search for the true nature of things mysterious and unknown. But, in the end, our heart holds the key. Also, thanks to our comrades: Reverend Virginia Brasington, Reverend Barry Downing, Gary Stearman, Nick Redfern, Dr. Frank E. Stranges, Tim Swartz, Barry Chamish, Arthur Crockett, Professor G. Cope Schellhorn, William Kern, and the blond Goddess of the Woods, Diane Tessman. “Good luck in your search for the truth, be you a true believer, a heretic, or somewhere on the path in-between.” Source: Spectral Vision -scriptures-and-the-second-coming/ - DESTROY THE GRID DEPARTMENT - Pentagon Looking to Detect EMP Weapons ![]() The Pentagon is researching
better ways to detect and respond to electromagnetic pulse weapons,
which can disable or destroy electronic devices in a devastating sneak
The Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency is working on sensors to detect and analyze EMP attacks under its Conventional Nuclear Integration/Battlefield Nuclear Warfare program. EMPs can range in size from narrowly targeted cannons that could disable an aircraft to massive atmospheric nuclear blasts that could wipe out the entire nation's electricity grid. Increasingly, war planners fear an EMP sneak attack that could cripple key capabilities, with China, North Korea, Russia and Iran known to be developing such weapons. In 2017, the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs reported: 'A successful nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the United States could cause the death of approximately 90 percent of the American population.' Because the weapons consist of invisible, silent radio waves that disable electronics without hurting humans, the Pentagon fears that soldiers in the field could be caught unawares, and that commanders would have no quick way to assess the scope of the attack. 'The modern battlefield is heavily dependent on electronic systems and near real-time data,' Tom Cartledge of the DTRA's Nuclear Detection Division, told Forbes contributor David Hambling. 'Warfighters would benefit by being able to rapidly assess why these essential systems are not functioning properly so that appropriate troubleshooting or alternate procedures can be initiated.' Cartledge said that if communications were knocked out, soldiers need a way to quickly determine whether they had been hit with an EMP, or if a routine malfunction was to blame. 'Our initial assessment is that we'll likely need a family of sensors to fully inform the battlefield,' says Cartledge. 'This would include sensors for dismounted warfighters, mobile command posts, and fixed facilities. Because of size, weight, power, and data constraints with these different platforms, it is likely these sensors will vary in capability,' he said. The smallest sensors could be no larger than a 'sticker' worn by individual troops that could quickly tell them if they'd been exposed to an EMP blast. Larger sensor nets could quickly inform command officers of the scope and intensity of the blast, indicating which equipment might be damaged, and how badly. 'These sensors would most likely be networked within larger systems to sharing early warning information and enable collaborative analysis,' says Cartledge. 'However, communications is one of the capabilities impacted by an EMP so the sensors must be able to work stand-alone.' DTRA confirmed in a statement that it has long been working on the issue of countering EMP weapons, dating back as early as 1962. Experts have warned that China's network of satellites, high-speed missiles, and EMP super-weapons could destroy the nation's power grid and wipe out American society as it exists today. In recent years, the EMP threat has grown in prominence, as North Korea developed nuclear weapons that could be used in an atmospheric blast to inflict widespread damage. Last week, Russian state news reported the successful test of an EMP cannon that could disable a ground vehicle or aircraft up to six miles away. And in April, Iran successfully launched a military satellite, demonstrating ballistic missile capabilities that many fear could be used in an EMP strike. Last year, President Donald Trump issued an executive order for the Pentagon to assess the risks of a man-made or natural EMP hit. 'Some people might think that things similar to the 'Pearl Harbor incident' are unlikely to take place during the information age,' Peter Pry, executive director of the EMP Task Force on Homeland and National Security, has written. 'Yet it could be regarded as the 'Pearl Harbor incident' of the 21st century if a surprise attack is conducted against the enemy's crucial information systems...' he continued. 'Even a super military power like the United States, which possesses nuclear missiles and powerful armed forces, cannot guarantee its immunity.' Source: The Daily Mail -detection-EMP-blast.html - GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER DEPARTMENT -
The Strange Case of the Woman with Glowing Breasts By Mike Perry ![]() There are several stories of human luminosity - this is where a person gives off a coloured glow. It has been known for many years that all living creatures produce a small amount of light as a result of chemical reactions within their cells. Bioluminescence is a side-effect of metabolic reactions within all creatures, the result of highly reactive free radicals produced through cell respiration interacting with free-floating lipids and proteins. The "excited" molecules that result can react with chemicals called fluorophores to emit photons. In 2009, Japanese scientists captured the first ever images of human "bioluminescence" using ultra-sensitive cameras over a period of several days. Their results show that the amount of light emitted follows a 24-hour cycle, at its highest in late afternoon and lowest late at night, and that the brightest light is emitted from the cheeks, forehead and neck. Strangely, the areas that produced the brightest light did not correspond with the brightest areas on thermal images of the volunteers' bodies. The light is a thousand times weaker than the human eye can perceive. At such a low level, it is unlikely to serve any known evolutionary purpose in humans. Human bioluminescence has been suspected for years, but until now the cameras required to detect such dim light sources took over an hour to capture a single image and so were unable to measure the constantly fluctuating light from living creatures. There have been cases of people being seen to glow with a strange light that is bright enough to light up a dark room. One of the most quoted cases is that of an Italian women named Anna Monaro. While in hospital - she was an asthma sufferer - it is reported that when she was asleep a blue glow would be emanated from her breasts as she slept. The glow would last for several seconds at a time. Many doctors visited Mrs. Monaro but none could produce a satisfactory explanation as to what they witnessed. Back in 1934 the case of Anna Monaro was featured in L'illustrazione Italiano and the London Illustrated News. It appears that doctors at the time decided that she was of a highly sensitive nature. When she was emotionally upset, her visceral functions became unbalanced, her combustion increased and the radiating power of her blood was given a terrific boost. But that's not very convincing! There was another documented case mentioned in the English Mechanic from 1869. This told of an American woman who, on going to bed, found that a light was issuing from the upper side of her fourth toe on her right foot. This would last for about 45 minutes. Strange that the doctors weren't quite so excited about seeing this as they were Anna Monaro. Glowing people may be a phenomena with similarities to those who reportedly could generate electicity within their bodies, or even start unexplained fires. There is the case of Angelique Cottin, a Normandy peasant girl who became known as "The Electric Girl." The phenomena began in the town of La Perriere, France, on January 15, 1846, when Angelique was 14. Angelique, together with some other girls, was weaving silk gloves on an oak frame, when suddenly the frame began to shake as if it were alive. The girls couldn't keep it still no matter what they tried. They became distressed and called the neighbours, who didn't believe them and told them to carry on with their work. So they returned slowly, one by one, to the weaving frame, which remained still until Ang?lique came near, then it again began dancing around again. All the girls were afraid, but Angelique also felt a strange attraction towards the frame. When Angelique's parents found out about the incident they thought she must be possessed. So they took her to the presbytery in order to have her exorcised. But the curate would have none of it, instead he wanted to witness the strange phenomenon for himself, and, after doing so, and convincing himself it was physical, advised her parents to take the girl to a medical doctor. Meanwhile, Angelique's bizarre condition worsened. When she attempted to sit in a chair, it was pulled or pushed away; such was the power of the force that a strong man couldn't hold down the chair. A heavy 60 pound table floated up from the floor when she touched it. If she tried to sleep in a bed, it rocked, and the only place she could rest was on a stone covered with cork. Whenever she went near objects they moved away from her, even without apparent physical contact. The merest touch of her hand, apron or petticoats sent things - even heavy furniture - flying off or bouncing up and down, even if someone was firmly holding them down. People who were near her, even without any contact, would frequently get electric shocks. The effects of her condition, though lessened when she was on a carpet or waxed cloth, intensified remarkably when she was on the bare earth. Metals, it seems, were not affected at all, indicating that if it was a form of electricity it was an unusual kind. Her 'powers' sometimes stopped completely for two or three days, and then started again without warning. When she was tired the effects were reduced. Although Angelique was probably the best known "Electric Girl," there were others such as Mademoiselle Emmerich, sister of the professor of theology at Strasburg, who also had this "electric" power. The problem originated from a serious fright, after which the girl fell into a state of deep trance, accompanied by a great degree of clarity. Her body was so charged with electricity that she became in effect a human electric battery and she gave electric shocks to whoever was near her, as with Angelique Cottin, often without touching them. Incredibly, she was able to give her brother, Professor Emmerich, a sharp shock when he was several rooms away. He ran into her bedroom and as soon as he entered she said laughing, "Ah, you felt it, did you?" Unfortunately, Mademoiselle Emmerich's illness ended in her death. Source: 67 Not Out -
Shetland Folklore - Monsters and Myths ![]() Shetland is steeped in a rich
folklore which springs from a society that has traditionally depended
upon the land and the sea for its survival. It shows in the island’s
place names, in its stories and indeed in the everyday conversation of
its inhabitants. Folklore is largely a product of history and Shetland
folklore is redolent with references to the Scandinavian roots of much
of its culture. It also reflects a long seafaring and crofting tradition.
Shetland folklore is diverse and covers a wide range of tales, legends, proverbs and odd sayings. A key component of much of it is the ancient Norn language which has been modified and watered down into the present Shetland dialect. Many of the terms used in folklore are based on Norn words. Indeed it is only in old tales and proverbs that many of these words now survive, having been lost to general usage. Among the most popular elements of Shetland folklore are the substantial populations of unearthly creatures which inhabit the islands. The variety is such that this article cannot hope to cover them all but the following paragraphs relate to some of the more well known. Any student of Shetland folklore will soon become acquainted with trows, Shetland's own hidden people. Almost all Scandinavian countries have a tradition of a hidden race which co-exists with humans. In Shetland this is personified by the small, dark and infinitely mysterious trow. The trow is generally shy, nocturnal and, more often than not, was tolerated by the human population rather than welcomed. While trows were more than likely to reward the provider of a service, they could also take revenge on those they felt had slighted them, and it never paid to cross one if you didn’t want your best cow to end up trow shot. They also had a disturbing habit of kidnapping musicians and drawing them down into the depths of their trowie knowes to play at their wedding feasts. The length of these feasts could often stretch into years in the outside world for the poor soul concerned, although it seemed to them that only a few days had passed. This aspect of the trows is mirrored in a great many societies and in more than a few countries and it is interesting to speculate on the existence of ancient 'urban myths' with regard to such abductions. The trows appear to have a very keen ear for music and in particular the fiddle, which perhaps explains why they have lingered in Shetland for so long. Several local tunes have had their authorship attributed to the trows. The trows, although probably the most common, are by no means the only creatures to haunt the islands and a keen monster spotter may well wish to keep their eyes open for some of the islands’ other exotic fauna. Less common nowadays is the njuggle. These once inhabited the streams under Shetland’s many little water mills. Ruins of these mills can still be seen in many places but the njuggle seems to have departed when they fell from use. The njuggle was apparently a waterhorse, which took the form of a splendid Shetland pony. It used to hide under the mills and stop the wheel or tirl from turning by rubbing its back against it. The only way to get rid of this annoyance was to throw a burning peat down into the area where the wheel sat, known as the underhoose. The njuggle, however, had more than nuisance value and would, if given the opportunity, entice weary travellers to sit on its back then rush into the nearest loch where they would be drowned. The visitor to Shetland would therefore be wise to think twice before accepting lifts from strange ponies. As might be expected the sea has given rise to a whole range of fantastical creatures in the Shetland bestiary. The maritime equivalent of the trow was the Finn, a creature of considerable magical resource who could row 50 miles with one pull of the oars and had the power to cure all ills. Shetland Finns are unlike their Orkney counterparts who have much of the mermaid in them. Shetland Finns are, above all else, powerful sorcerers who can change into sea monsters in the wink of an eye and will chase fishing boats and pull them under the waves. The only chance for survival is to throw some silver at the pursuing pack. Finns, it would appear, are so enamoured of the metal that they will immediately fall to fighting over it and your boat will have a chance to escape. Mermaids feature little in Shetland, being mentioned in a mere one or two stories, but Selkies are another matter. The seal people are deeply embedded in Shetland folklore and are also widespread in many other parts of the world. The legend of the Selkie wife, forced into marriage by a landsman who steals her skin, but ultimately returns to the sea when she manages to find it, is another of the ancient 'urban myths' and has its version in every country and island group in the North Atlantic and perhaps even further afield. Other stories of Selkies are widespread and the Shetlander’s relationship with the seal folk is a strangely close one, even to this day. Sea monsters also abound, the most common of which was probably the brigdi. A fearsome monster with huge fins which could envelop a small boat and drag it into the depths, the brigdi was greatly feared by small boat fishermen who could be driven ashore by the presence of these ferocious creatures. Axes were often carried so that the fins of the monster could be chopped off. It was said that on at least one occasion the fishermen attacked the beast with such ferocity that their boat was almost filled with bits of fin. The other sure protection was to have a lammer (amber) bead, which if thrown at the brigdi would make it disappear. Some people have tried to claim that the brigdi was merely another name for the basking shark, once relatively common in these waters. Perhaps some sightings could be put down to such a mistake but it is hard to imagine how so peaceful a creature as the shark could have earned such a grim reputation. Other denizens of the deep included the seefer, a coffin shaped whale of some sort. This animal was in the habit of jumping clear of the water and it was said that if it fell in one direction it meant death to men and if in another direction death to fish. The more conventional sea monster is also represented by the sifan, a Loch Ness type creature consisting of a series of humps and a long neck. Although gigantic this particular monster seemed to be relatively harmless. In fact a sighting around the start of the summer fishery was regarded as an omen of a good summer to come. In the summer of 1882, however, the crew of the fishing boat Bertie encountered a less amenable monster, just southeast of the island of Fetlar. The creature was described as 150 feet long with a huge head covered in barnacles the size of herring barrels and with seven-foot long whiskers made of bright green seaweed. The boat was pursued at full speed by this beast for three hours and the crew reported that the ballast stones thrown at it “bounced off its nose like marbles”. A double charge of swan shot from a fowling piece kept on board did, however, have a deterrent effect and the crew made it safe to shore badly shaken by their ordeal. Shetland is indeed a place of folklore and legend and has long had a tradition of storytelling which has allowed these tales to pass from one generation to the other. This tradition still holds true and a number of formal and informal storytelling events take place in the islands every year. Details of these can be found at the Tourist Office or in the pages of The Shetland Times. Much of the island’s folklore is deeply rooted in the past, but on a fine summer evening, if one sits quietly in the gathering twilight that never quite becomes night, it is easy to find oneself back in that past. Listening to the sounds of the waves and the lonely cries of the birds and seals breaking the uncanny silence it is easy to imagine the faint strains of fiddle music emerging from a nearby mound. In the dim light it’s difficult to tell the movement of a wandering otter from that of a passing trow. Is the boat sliding silently through the water simply a late night fisherman heading home with his catch, or a Finn man going about his business? Source: The Shetland Times Ltd. PAYPAL
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Psychiatrist: Past-Life Memories Not Uncommon ![]()
70 Percent Of Lives Children Describe Ended Under Unusual Circumstances.
From the ages of 2 to 6, James Leininger seemed to recall in striking detail a "past life" he had as a World War II Navy pilot who was shot down and killed over the Pacific. The boy knew details about airplanes and about pilot James Huston Jr. that he couldn't have known. James' parents say he also had terrible nightmares about a plane crashing and a "little man" unable to get out. James, now 8, stills loves airplanes, but he is free of those haunting images of the pilot's death. "He's doing great. He's your typical 8-year-old boy ready to start third grade," said James' mother, Andrea Leininger. Jim Tucker, a child psychiatrist and medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Virginia, is one of the few researchers to extensively study the phenomenon of children who seem to have memories of past lives. He says James' case is very much like others he has studied. "At the University of Virginia, we've studied over 2,500 cases of children who seem to talk about previous lives when they're little," Tucker said. "They start at 2 or 3, and by the time they're 6 or 7 they forget all about it and go on to live the rest of their lives." Tucker -- the author of "Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives" -- has seen cases like James' where children make statements that can be verified and seem to match with a particular person. "It means that this is a phenomenon that really needs to be explored," Tucker said. "James is one of many, many kids who have said things like this." While about three-fourths of Americans say they believe in paranormal activity, 20 percent believe in reincarnation, according to a 2005 Gallup poll. Fifty percent do not believe in reincarnation while 20 percent say they're not sure. People in other cultures are more likely than Americans to believe in past lives. Tucker said he was a skeptic about reincarnation, but he identified some patterns in his research. "Children are describing very recent lives and very ordinary lives usually in the same country," he said. Seventy percent of the deaths described by children were unnatural or under unusual circumstances, he said. James' parents say they were once skeptics about past lives and reincarnation. After James' experience, they are now believers. Source: ABC 7 News - SUPERNATURAL INDIA DEPARTMENT -
Tall Tales with Witches, Monkey Man, Etc. ![]() NEW DELHI - Witches, monkey
man, Ganesha drinking milk, the deadly munochwa — these are the stuff of
urban legends. Legends which have terrorised the imagination of numerous
Indians and held them in thrall. Sunday Times unravels these yarns
It's the stuff of pulp fiction. A ‘witch' — some say three ‘witches' — is rumoured to be on the prowl in Delhi, asking for onions. The tale goes that anyone unfortunate enough to give her an onion dies after the witch cuts the onion. What's more, blood pours from it. Those falling for the gag are applying palm prints of turmeric and henna on doors to ward off her evil eye. GANESHA'S MIRACLE: Welcome to 21st century India — an India where reports of witches, black magic, supernatural beings and superstition still grab eyeballs, leading to mass hysteria and suspending the common sense of people. No wonder the yarn of ‘Ganesha drinking milk' was lapped up not just in India but in distant nations too on September 21, 1995. Scientists tried to explain the phenomenon as capillary action by stone statues but were shouted down by arguments that metal statues too performed the miracle. Another melodrama that subsumed people was the 'monkey man' who wore "a metal helmet, had metal claws and glowing red eyes" and terrorised the Capital in May 2001. Many people were reportedly scratched, and two people even died when they leapt from roofs in panic. But no 'monkey man' was ever photographed or captured. The fact that people sleep on roofs in summer, well within the reach of real monkeys, probably contributed to the collective hysteria. And often, such urban legends have held people spellbound. Years ago, both Mumbai and Kolkata were rocked by the 'stoneman'. Mumbai suffered his attacks twice, in the 1960s and in the mid-80s. The first time, a man was arrested for the murder of 42 people. But that did little to stem the killings which started again in 1985. The mystery murderer of beggars and pavement-dwellers remained elusive. Kolkata's 'stoneman' killed 13 people between 1989-90. NALE BA DAY: In the '90s, Bangalore was abuzz with rumours of a witch walking the streets in the dead of the night, knocking on doors and calling out to victims in the voice of their mother. If the door was answered, the person died. The solution, write "Nale ba" on the door which means come tomorrow, this meant the witch would return the next day, see the sign and the cycle would continue. Being Bangalore, we were not surprised that the ghost was literate and was considerate enough to not disturb the residents after seeing the sign. She probably got sick of coming again and again. THE WOLVES OF PAVAGADA, KARNATAKA: In 1983, several girls below the age of five went missing after dark despite being asleep next to their parents. Police claimed it was man eating wolves that snatched the children, after discovering pools of blood and clothes of the girls. However the patterns were all similar. All the children abducted were girls and they were not dragged on the ground. In one case, the "wolves" threw stones at a father while trying to make an escape. Another theory came up that it was probably the work of tantriks from the Madakshira region who practiced black magic and offered these children as human sacrifices to Goddess Kali. The police were unable to carry out the investigation due to the lack of co-operation from villagers who were too afraid to go against tantriks who could kill with their dark sorcery. The police and the forest department were at loggerheads, but the government backed the wolf theory even as the issue raged on in the Legislative Assembly. THE MYSTERY OF MALCHA MAHAL: Behind the wild grasses in the ridge area outside Delhi lies Malcha Mahal which was built by Nawab Wajid Ali of Oudh. His great granddaughter was embroiled in a legal battle with the Indian government after the British had seized the property several decades ago. She was finally granted custody of the property and moved there with her two children. She later committed suicide and left her children with a legacy of treasure, some dogs and the property which was once a hunting lodge for her ancestors. It is believed that the descendants of Nawab Wajid Ali still live there having secluded themselves from the outside world with no modern amenities. There is a huge sign stating that all trespassers will be gunned down or have hounds set on them. The guards of the nearby Earth Centre and forest officials have reported journalists sneaking into the premises, never to return again. MUNOCHWA WONDER: If Mumbai had the 'stoneman', UP was terrorised by the 'munochwa' between June-July, 2002. This was an unknown object which injured hundreds in Mirzapur, Lucknow, Kanpur and eastern districts of the state. The 'attacks' were variously described as an invasion by UFOs, insects and others. Recently, IIT Kanpur professor Ravindra Arora said the reason behind this was ball lightning, a phenomenon where a cluster of high temperature luminous particles emit an orangish, red colour and wave through the air a few metres above the ground due to electric charge. He said almost 96 per cent of 'munochwa' incidents were reported during or after heavy thunderstorms, often accompanied by rainfall. Interestingly, Silicon City too has had spooky experiences. In 1996, stories of a female ghost knocking at doors did the rounds in Bangalore. Soon people even put up sign boards asking the ghost to "come tomorrow". Apparently the blood-thirsty ghost was kind enough to spare that victim! Finally, Bangaloreans laid the ghost to rest one day. Two years later, the city was again gripped by a fear of being injected by the AIDS virus. Sinister messages were stuck on people, saying: "You've been injected with the HIV virus. Welcome to the world of AIDS." There were rumours of people being jabbed with syringes containing the virus. Illusion or reality — a very thin line divides the two.
Source: The Times of India Sign
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