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![]() 9/6/20 #1061 Subscribe for free at our subscription page: You can view this newsletter online at: What's the
matter bucko, tired
those flying saucer people pestering you every
day with their tales of
woe and Armageddon? Are you scared of the
government and their
corporate cronies looking
for new ways to spy on you and take away your
personal rights and
freedoms? Are you sick to death of those pesky
Men-In-Black harassing
you because of those unwanted contacts with
those flying saucer folks
and government agents?
Well cheer up, because once again, like a bolt of awareness and enlightenment from the sky, Conspiracy Journal is here to uncover all those dirty little secrets that THEY are trying to hide! So sit back and relax and enjoy another thought-provoking issue of the number one e-mail newsletter of conspiracies, UFOs the paranormal and much, much more. This week
Conspiracy Journal
brings you such soul-sucking stories as:
- Pilots Report Seeing Man with "Jet Pack" Near LAX -- EM Drive Will Finally Get a Real Test -- UFOs Could Pose A Threat to National Security -AND: Creepy Image Appears in Window of Derelict SchoolAll these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue ofCONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]() SPECIAL
TIM BECKLEY'S BIZARRE AND UNEXPLAINED WORLDS AND THE CASE FOR UFO CRASHES Act now to get these amazing books at our SPECIAL PRICE of $24.00 (Plus $5 Shipping). So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and be amazed by the incredible color photos taken by the modest contactee. ![]() - ONLY IN LA DEPARTMENT -
Pilots Report Seeing Man with "Jet Pack" Near LAX By Richard Winton ![]() The FBI is asking the public’s help investigating reports from commercial pilots that a man was flying in a jet pack Sunday night near Los Angeles International Airport. The FBI released a map on Twitter suggesting the area they were studying was in Southeast L.A. County, about 18 miles east of LAX. The map shows a line running west of the 710 freeway around Bell, Huntington Park and Cudahy. “Agents are investigating, and as we continue to seek answers, we ask that anyone with information about this event contact the FBI,” the agency said in a statement, noting that in Los Angeles, it can be reached 24 hours a day at (310) 477-6565. “The FBI takes seriously any event that threatens U.S. airspace and investigates all alleged violations,” it added. The LAX control tower received reports of the jet pack Sunday at around 6:45 p.m. “Tower, American 1997. We just passed a guy in a jet pack,” an American Airlines pilot stated in a call to the control tower. “American 1997, OK, thank you. Were they off to your left or right side?” the tower operator answered. “Off the left side, maybe 300 yards or so, about our altitude,” the pilot responded. “We just saw the guy pass us by in the jet pack,” a pilot from Jet Blue Airways then told the tower, which warned another pilot about the sighting. “Only in L.A.,” the air traffic controller said at one point. The airspace around LAX is some of the busiest and most complex in the United States. Having some dude barreling through the skies in some sort of a jetpack around the approach path to the airport, especially at the same altitude as the aircraft that are making their way through the landing corridor, isn't just bonkers, it's absolutely dangerous. Federal aviation officials said there are several commercial jet pack-type flying machines that can climb to thousands of feet. But, they only carry a few minutes of fuel and are extraordinarily expensive. They also require experienced pilots. Yves "Jetman" Rossi's winged jetpack is definitely capable of such a feat, but his flights have always occurred under highly controlled and well-coordinated circumstances and in sanitized airspace. They are also very high-profile in nature and require a mothership to launch from, such as a helicopter, or at least a very high point to leap from. Authorities also said there were no reports from the ground about someone taking off or flying around with such a device. The sighting was reported over a densely populated area near the airport. At least two Twitter users posted videos claiming to have been recorded in mid-August 2020 -- at least a week before the pilots' reports -- showing what appears to be a human figure moving across the sky. The images have not been verified. Source: LA Times -pack-near-lax-prompt-fbi-call-for-publics-help - TO INFINITY AND BEYOND DEPARTMENT - EM Drive Will Finally Get a Real Test By Daniel Oberhaus ![]() Since the birth of the space
age, the dream of catching a ride to another solar system has been
hobbled by the “tyranny of the rocket equation,” which sets hard limits
on the speed and size of the spacecraft we sling into the cosmos. Even
with today’s most powerful rocket engines, scientists estimate it would
take 50,000 years to reach our closest interstellar neighbor, Alpha
Centauri. If humans ever hope to see an alien sunrise, transit times
will have to drop significantly.
Of the advanced propulsion concepts that could theoretically pull that off, few have generated as much excitement—and controversy—as the EmDrive. First described nearly two decades ago, the EmDrive works by converting electricity into microwaves and channeling this electromagnetic radiation through a conical chamber. In theory, the microwaves can exert force against the walls of the chamber to produce enough thrust to propel a spacecraft once it’s in space. At this point, however, the EmDrive exists only as a laboratory prototype, and it’s still unclear whether it’s able to produce thrust at all. If it does, the forces it generates aren’t strong enough to be registered by the naked eye, much less propel a spacecraft. Over the past few years, however, a handful of research teams, including one from NASA, claim to have successfully produced thrust with an EmDrive. If true, it would amount to one of the biggest breakthroughs in the history of space exploration. The problem is that the thrust observed in these experiments is so small that it’s hard to tell if it’s real. The resolution lies in designing a tool that can measure these minuscule amounts of thrust. So a team of physicists at Germany’s Technische Universität Dresden set out to create a device that would fill this need. Led by physicist Martin Tajmar, the SpaceDrive project aims to create an instrument so sensitive and immune to interference that it would put an end to the debate once and for all. In October, Tajmar and his team presented their second set of experimental EmDrive measurements at the International Astronautical Congress, and their results will be published in Acta Astronautica this August. Based on the results of these experiments, Tajmar says a resolution to the EmDrive saga may only be a few months away. Many scientists and engineers dismiss the EmDrive because it appears to violate the laws of physics. Microwaves pushing on the walls of an EmDrive chamber seem to generate thrust ex nihilo, which runs afoul of the conservation of momentum—it’s all action and no reaction. Proponents of the EmDrive, in turn, have appealed to fringe interpretations of quantum mechanics to explain how the EmDrive might work without violating Newtonian physics. “From the theory point of view, no one takes this seriously,” Tajmar says. If the EmDrive is able to produce thrust, as some groups have claimed, he says they have “no clue where this thrust is coming from.” When there’s a theoretical rift of this magnitude in science, Tajmar sees only one way to close it: experimentation. In late 2016, Tajmar and 25 other physicists gathered in Estes Park, Colorado, for the first conference dedicated to the EmDrive and related exotic propulsion systems. One of the most exciting presentations was given by Paul March, a physicist at NASA’s Eagleworks lab, where he and his colleague Harold White had been testing various EmDrive prototypes. According to March’s presentation and a subsequent paper published in the Journal of Propulsion and Power, he and White observed several dozen micro-newtons of thrust in their EmDrive prototype. (For the sake of comparison, a single SpaceX Merlin engine produces around 845,000 Newtons of thrust at sea level.) The problem for Harold and White, however, was that their experimental setup allowed for several sources of interference, so they couldn’t say for sure whether what they observed was thrust. Tajmar and the Dresden group used a close replica of the EmDrive prototype used by Harold and White in their tests at NASA. It consists of a copper frustum—a cone with its top lopped off—that is just under a foot long. This design can be traced back to the engineer Roger Shawyer, who first described the EmDrive in 2001. During tests, the EmDrive cone is placed in a vacuum chamber. Outside the chamber, a device generates a microwave signal that gets relayed, using coaxial cables, to antennas inside the cone. This isn’t the first time the Dresden team has sought to measure nearly imperceptible amounts of force. They built similar contraptions for their work on ion thrusters, which are used to precisely position satellites in space. These micro-newton thrusters are the kind that were used by the LISA Pathfinder mission, which needs extremely precise positioning ability to detect faint phenomena like gravitational waves. But to study the EmDrive and similar propellantless propulsion systems, Tajmar says, required nano-newton resolution. Their approach was to use a torsion balance, a pendulum-type balance that measures the amount of torque applied to the axis of the pendulum. A less sensitive version of this balance was also used by the NASA team when they thought their EmDrive produced thrust. To accurately gauge the small amount of force, the Dresden team used a laser interferometer to measure the physical displacement of the balance scales produced by the EmDrive. According to Tajmar, their torsion scale has a nano-newton resolution and supports thrusters weighing several pounds, making it the most sensitive thrust balance in existence. But a really sensitive thrust balance isn’t much use unless you can also determine whether the detected force is in fact thrust and not an artifact of outside interference. And there are plenty of alternate explanations for Harold and White’s observations. To determine whether an EmDrive actually produces thrust, researchers must be able to shield the device from interference caused by the Earth's magnetic poles, seismic vibrations from the environment, and the thermal expansion of the EmDrive due to heating from the microwaves. Tweaks to the design of the torsion balance—to better control the EmDrive's power supply and shield it from magnetic fields—took care of some of the interference issues, Tajmar says. A more difficult problem was how to address “thermal drift.” When power flows to the EmDrive, the copper cone heats up and expands, which shifts its center of gravity just enough to cause the torsion balance to register force that can be mistaken as thrust. Tajmar and his team hoped that changing the orientation of the thruster helped address that issue. Over the course of 55 experiments, Tajmar and his colleagues registered an average of 3.4 micro-newtons of force from the EmDrive, which was very similar to what the NASA team found. Alas, these forces did not appear to pass the thermal drift test. The forces seen in the data were more indicative of thermal expansion than thrust. All hope is not lost for the EmDrive, however. Tajmar and his colleagues are also developing two additional types of thrust balances, including a superconducting balance that will, among other things, help to eliminate false positives produced by thermal drift. If they detect force from an EmDrive on these balances, there’s a high probability that it is actually thrust. But if no force is registered on these balances, it likely means that all the previous EmDrive thrust observations were false positives. Tajmar says he hopes to have a final verdict by the end of the year. But even a negative result from that work might not kill the EmDrive for good. There are many other propellantless propulsion designs to pursue. And if scientists ever do develop new forms of weak propulsion, the hyper-sensitive thrust balances developed by Tajmar and the Dresden team will almost certainly play a role in sorting science fact from science fiction. Source: Wired -gets-a-real-test - KEEP YOUR EYES TO THE SKIES DEPARTMENT -
U.S. Senator Says UFOs Could Pose A Threat to National Security By George Knapp ![]() The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee says the Pentagon and the public need to know more, not less, about UFOs. Florida Senator Marco Rubio is one of several lawmakers to have received closed-door briefings from military officials about unknown objects flying in restricted airspace. Rubio was unaware of the existence of a secret Pentagon study of UFOs, or UAPs, until the New York Times and Politico reported about AATIP, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a multi-agency effort created to share information about UFO incidents involving military personnel or facilities. The December 2017 news reports were accompanied by the released videos recorded by U.S. Navy pilots. One video, the so-called Tic Tac, was recorded off the coast of Southern California in 2004. The two other videos, dubbed Gimbal and Go Fast, were recorded in 2015 by Navy pilots operating in waters off Florida, Rubio’s home state. The news stories set off an international wave of additional media coverage and prompted congressional members and senior staffers to ask for closed-door briefings. Staffers and elected members of the Intelligence and Armed Services committees have received multiple briefings, which included face-to-face meetings with military pilots and officials, along with statements from scientists who have worked as consultants to government-funded research programs. Rubio, who became chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2020, and Vice Chairman Senator mark Warner, have both publicly acknowledged the briefings but have said little about what was discussed. The three UFO videos were first released by the Pentagon at the request of former intelligence officer Lue Elizondo, who managed the AATIP program from 2010 until he left the military in 2017. Military officials subsequently re-released the videos in 2020. Elizondo told Mystery Wire there are many other videos recorded by military personnel, but those have not yet been made public. AATIP grew out of a larger program AAWSAP, Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application program, which was initiated in 2007 by Nevada Senator Harry Reid and two of his senior colleagues, Senators Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens. AAWSAP became operational in 2008 when the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) signed a contract with a Las Vegas-based company BAASS, a subsidiary of Bigelow Aerospace. $22 million was allocated to the BAASS effort, which investigated UFOs as well as a much broader range of related phenomena. When the funding for AAWSAP was siphoned away by other Pentagon programs, the program, renamed AATIP, continued, but with a smaller focus. (Details about the scope and operation of AAWSAP were first made public by Mystery Wire in April and May of 2018.) In the nearly three years since the existence of AATIP and AAWSAP were revealed, Pentagon spokespersons have continued to issue contradictory statements about the military study of UAPs. The Pentagon has both confirmed and denied that AATIP studied UFOs/UAPs. There have also been conflicting statements about Lue Eiizondo’s role with those programs. Members of Congress, along with journalists and the public, have been eager clear up the inconsistencies and to find out what the military has learned about UFOs/UAPs. (Elizondo is among several former AATIP and AAWSAP personnel who have met with members of Congress and committee staff.) Senator Marco Rubio has taken a leading role in trying to understand the extent of UAP incursions into American airspace, whether these appearances constitute a threat to national security and aviation safety, and whether foreign adversaries may have leap frogged American technological superiority. In a new and exclusive interview, Senator Rubio talked about the Pentagon needing to get to the bottom of who or what is operating the mystery craft. “The American public deserves to know as much as possible about it,” Senator Rubio said while speaking with Nexstar reporter Kellie Meyer for Mystery Wire. “And we shouldn’t allow the stigma associated with the term UFO to keep us from trying to answer that question at the end of the day, these are things that are potentially endangering our national security and could cause an accident, you know, in terms of crashing into something that’s up there. So I don’t know what they are. And that’s the problem.” Since the briefings given to senators and their senior staff, Senator Rubio’s intelligence committee has promoted an ongoing, UFO study by the Pentagon that, according to the Senator, has bipartisan support. “I think (it’s) certainly not a partisan issue. I think there’s different levels of interest in it. Look, I mean, the stigma, it starts out with the fact that a lot of pilots for a long time wouldn’t even report on these things, because they were told not you need to go see the, you know, the flight surgeon to check your head. So people just decided, ‘oh, you know, they’re gonna think I’m crazy. I’m not going to report on it.’ I think some of that seeps into the politics, and no one ever wants to be accused of being a person that’s out there sort of chasing these things that have been the realm of science fiction for such a long time. Senator Rubio went on to explain specifically why the UFO question needs to be asked and studied, “I remind everybody, I want you to put aside all that stuff that people talk about extraterrestrials and all that, this is a very simple equation for me, there are things flying over our military installations. We don’t know what they are or where they’re, they’re from. We don’t know if it’s some other country that’s doing it and we need to know the answer to that question. Simple. That’s what it’s about. I’m not going to speculate about what it is I’m not gonna try to guess I’m not gonna fall into all these traps and the conspiracy theories. We just need to know the answer to that question.” Source: Mystery Wire PAYPAL
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- TALES OF TAHOE TESSIE DEPARTMENT - The Lake Tahoe Monster By Richard Freeman ![]() At
1,645ft-deep Lake Tahoe ranks as the
world's 10th deepest lake. By volume
it is the 26th largest lake in the
world. It is 22 miles long and 12
miles wide, and was formed about 2
million years ago. Eight creeks run
into the lake. Its primary outflow
is the Truckee River, which runs
into Pyramid Lake (also known for
monster sightings) and into the
Great Basin.
Legends of this creature first began to surface in the mid-1800s when members of the Washoe and Paiute Indian tribes began to tell the white settlers about the "monster" dwelling in the depths of the Tahoe basin. It has been described by eyewitnesses as being over 15-80ft long with an undulating, serpentine body, thick as a barrel and with smooth, dark skin. In modern times it has been given the nickname Tahoe Tessie. In the 1950s two off-duty police officers out on the lake reported seeing a large, black hump rise from the water and keep speed with the boat, going over 60 mph. Rick Osborne of Sacramento, California, and three of his friends saw one of the creatures in 1979: “Myself, along with 3 others watched a large serpent-like creature feeding/hunting in a school of large trout. It was in the middle of winter of 1979 off the dock at Homewood. It was about as big around as a telephone pole and maybe 30'-60' in length from what we could see of it. It didn't swim like a snake (side to side). It was diving up and splashing down with it's [sic] head/neck? into the school of fish, which were leaping out of the water ahead of it. We were speechless for several minutes afterwards.” Dan Pursley of Napa, California saw the creature in 1982. He writes... 'In the summer of 1982, my Wife and I had stopped are 22-foot boat to sun ourselves in Lake Tahoe, CA. We were about 400 yards from the shore near Emerald Bay, My wife climbed out to the bow of the boat and held on by holding the windshield behind her. I laid out across the seats. The water was very still and smooth as glass. About five minutes or so later, the boat began rocking as if it was being hit by a boat's wake speeding by. I sat up but saw nothing around that could have caused this disturbance. As I looked at the water around our boat, there were large air bubbles surfacing. I felt this was rather odd as I am an experienced scuba diver and they didn't appear to be bubbles coming from a diver's scuba equipment. Then in the water five feet away from the back end of the boat, I spotted the largest fish tail I ever saw. It was slowly submerging in the water. The whole scene was like a slow motion movie. I jumped up and told my wife to get back in the boat, as we had to leave. She asked, "What happened to you? You look whiter than a ghost." I didn't tell my wife what I saw until we got back to shore, nor did I tell anyone else except a few close family members. In the years that passed, I began looking through every book I could find that had pictures of fish tails. I found nothing that resembled what I saw. Then I began looking through dinosaur books with no luck. Finally, I heard about a catfish society in Nevada that published articles about experiences other people had with unusual fish. I learned that long ago when Indians lived in the area, they would talk about a great fish. Many people believed it was a large Sturgeon. What I saw, however, was no sturgeon. In fact in my opinion, what I saw was nothing like anything that ever existed before. It was longer across then the entire back of my boat. It was 10 to 13 feet across with smooth dark green skin and as the tail submerged in the water, it flipped towards the boat opposite to the way a whale's tail flips. To this day, I cannot understand how something so large could swim so close without hitting my boat and outboard motor. I remained quiet about this incident until now for two reasons: one, it was not worth hearing the scepticism, ridicule and disbelief of others.' In the 1980s two fishermen reported seeing a 15ft-long (4.6m) serpent pass underneath the surface of the water, near Cave Rock. Several weeks after, two divers reported finding an underwater cave; a creature shot out, leaving the silt stirred. Where the creature had been there were two large fin-prints. In 1982 Chris Bebe and Jerry Jones, two sober Reno police officers, were out for a day of water-skiing on the deepest part of the lake when something resembling “the top of a Volkswagen Beetle” paced their boat from roughly 6ft away. It was so massive water was sucked down around it. “I knew that whatever it was, it was alive, and I knew it was bigger than my boat,” officer Chris Beebe said, estimating its length at 18 to 30ft. “My immediate reaction was that I would stop moving so that I didn’t lose any of my feet." Beebe never returned to the lake, and eventually left his job and moved away from Tahoe because of the publicity. In 1982 Gene St. Denis and a friend were looking out across Lake Tahoe near Cave Rock when they reportedly saw a “blotchy gray creature about 10 to 15 feet in length.” On another occasion St. Denis reported that while swimming over a large hole in the lake bottom, he felt what he described as a large explosion underneath them, followed by what appeared to be a 16ft-long creature swimming away. “We waited for the silt to settle,” said St. Denis, “and found large fin prints where the creature had been.” In 1984 on 17th June Patsy McKay and Diane Stavarakas saw a 17ft humped animal surface several times. In 1985 Mike Conway and Virgil Anderson filmed an animal creating a 20-25ft wake at Zeyphr Cove. However, the film, to my knowledge, has never been shown. In 1991 witness Andrew Navarro saw the creature whilst in a boat off King’s Reach. He told researcher John Kirk the following… “I was with a friend and we were on a party boat. There were other people but they were on the other side of the boat so they didn’t see anything. But my friend and I did. The first thing that I saw was water shooting out of the lake, like when a whale blows water out of its blow hole. Then I saw the surface of the water being disturbed by something underneath. This was followed by the hump of a brown creature which came out of the water. It moved round in a circle for a while then it was gone. The movement of the creature was more up and down not side to side like a snake. The sighting lasted for about 3 minutes or so. My first though was that it was a whale, since the creature had to be huge from the size of the hump, but I know that there are no whales in Lake Tahoe. Most of the other people on the boat said it was probably just a fish, but if it was a fish it was as big as a whale. I really don’t remember any more details since I was mostly scared to death, the creature was so close I thought it would eat me.” In 1992 a witness called Barry from California saw the creature: “I saw and watched "Tessie" for 30 minutes from the highway on the East side of the lake. I originally saw it swimming while I was driving, not sure what I was seeing, I pulled over to get a better look. It was all black in colour, very much serpentine shaped, like a giant snake. I estimated the length to be 50-60 feet. It just floated in the shallow water maybe 50 to 110 yards off shore like it was sunning itself. Then it made like a snake and swam off to deep water and disappeared. This happened in 1992, and I had a friend with me who saw it also. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe it.” ‘Samantha’ of Incline Village, Nevada saw the creature in 2003: “About five years ago, my family and I were out boating for the fourth of July. That night as we were watching the fireworks, I heard something swimming next to the boat, and I felt the boat shake from the waves. I looked over and saw a long, serpent like creature swimming by the boat. After I stared at it for a few minutes, it disappeared under water. My mom and step brother saw it as well, and had I not seen it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it. I didn’t know of Tahoe Tessie at the time, but now I know that's what it was” In 2004 an off-duty bartender on the boat Tahoe Queen took a picture of a black hump in the water, which he claims is the top of the creature's head. In April 2005 Beth Douglas and Ron Talmage, tourists from Sacramento, reported seeing a creature “with three to five humps along its back” in Tahoe. In October 2007 multiple witnesses saw the creature swimming off City’s Commons Beach. One observer video-taped a dark humped object at the surface. ‘Jack’ of Kings Beach, California, saw the creature in 2008: “I've lived in Tahoe for over ten years and this last month was the first time I saw anything. I was above Incline Village on a stormy day. There was nothing and no one on the lake, except a periscope-looking object on the lake. Then it dipped underwater and disappeared. I sat there looking at the lake for an hour afterward, with not so much as a ripple on the lake. I thought it was myth and played along; now I'm a believer.” On April 19th 2009 the aunt of ‘Ingrid’ of Studio City, California, saw the animal: “My aunt and I witnessed Tessie this morning about 300m offshore at Edgewood Golf Club in S Lake Tahoe. The morning was perfectly still and clear; the lake was glass. There were no waves, barely even lapping on the shore, and the only boat out there was some 5 miles or more away. Suddenly a wake churned up, which caught my attention, and I looked out and saw her - four dark blue humps still against the water. No head or tail though. I want to believe it was Tessie but, like all other sightings probably are, it was the generation of standing surface waves from the collision of air and water currents. They appear still in relation to the surface of the water, and in this case the set was drifting very slowly south to north before it stopped (or sank beneath the surface).” Holly, of Tahoe City, writes... 'I was born in Truckee and moved to Tahoe City a year ago. During the summer 09 my boyfriend, son and I decided to go to the beach at Kings Beach. On the way there before passing Tahoe Vista I looked down towards the water and saw large humps in the water moving in a circular motion, the water was still with no waves. The humps were dark in colour like a brownish dark green, I didn't see a head or a tail, but I'm sure it wasn't a fish because there were no scales and I have never seen a fish of that size or shape in Tahoe. I would compare the size of the humps to those like a big anaconda. I have lived here forever and been to Lake Tahoe many times and have never seen anything like it. I truly know that there is something in Lake Tahoe that has not yet been identified.' Dr Charles Goldman, limnologist and director of the Tahoe Research Group at UC Davis, organised conferences in Nevada in 1984 and 2004 to discuss “Unidentified Swimming Objects,” where a number of scientists testified they had seen Tessie. The only person to have been to the bottom of Lake Tahoe, Goldman says his ’79 expedition was “inconclusive” in terms of the monster. His possible explanations include frolicking river otters, mirages, colliding boat wakes and the white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). The latter is found in the Sacramento and Feather rivers some 75 miles from the lake. It can reach 20ft and weight 1798 lbs. This may explain the whale-like sightings but the serpentine creatures are harder to account for. The serpentine sightings may be a gigantic mutant strain of eel. However, I do not know if eels occur in the Great Basin. There is a rumour that Jacques Cousteau dived to the bottom of the lake and filmed the creature but did not release the film saying that “The world was not yet ready for what’s down there”. The whole thing seems to be no more than a tall story. In 1998 the U.S. Geological Survey mapped the entire lake bottom of Lake Tahoe with multibeam sonar. They found nothing unusual. However, it is possible that the creatures, if they exist, are not full time residents but move around the waters of the Great Basin. However, it should be noted that none of these connect with the open sea. Source: Still on the Track - A HAUNTING WE WILL GO DEPARTMENT - Creepy Image Appears in Window of Derelict School ![]() Dozens of Dennistoun residents have been left spooked by a 'creepy' image of a 'ghost' at Golfhill School.
Local Martin Monaghan has caused a stir on social media after sharing the snap on community Facebook group, Dennistoun Information Page. The photo appears to show an old woman peeking through a window at the east end school, which has lain derelict since 2007. At closer inspection, two different faces appear side-by-side. And commenters were quick to refer to previous rumours of a ghost who lived in the school, a young girl who allegedly used to wander around the halls on the top floor. Speaking to Glasgow Live, Martin said his friend John Stewart - who took the photo back in January of this year - hadn't noticed anyone in the frame when he originally took the picture, only to be shocked when he later looked through his photos. Meanwhile, Martin says 'paranormal experts' have reviewed the image and believe it to be 'unexplainable'. He added: "John was out with a couple of friends taking pictures of Golfhill School. The school is due to be demolished soon and the friends wanted some pictures to remember the school. "When John got home he looked through his photos and got freaked out as he didn’t remember seeing anything odd whilst taking pictures but this creepy image stood out. "John said: ‘I am not really a big ghost enthusiast but this image certainly haunted me and my friends "The picture has been sent to paranormal experts who agree the image is certainly unexplainable and that there are actually two heads right beside each other. "We returned one night about a month ago and shined a torch up at night but didn’t see anything. "We are non-religious and don’t believe in ghosts but when you see something freaky you can’t unsee it." Source: Glasgow Live -spooks-dennistoun-18825210 Sign
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