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This week,
Conspiracy Journal takes a
look at such spirit-lifting tales as:
- Confessions of a Time Traveling "Star Goddess" -- Tempus Edax Rerum -- Nessie Sceptic Now Convinced About Loch Ness Monster -AND: Giant Spider of the CongoAll these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue ofCONSPIRACY JOURNAL! ~ And Now, On With The Show! ~ ![]() SPECIAL
TIM BECKLEY'S BIZARRE AND UNEXPLAINED WORLDS AND THE CASE FOR UFO CRASHES Act now to get these amazing books at our SPECIAL PRICE of $24.00 (Plus $5 Shipping). So Order Right Now Using PayPal From The Conspiracy Journal Bookshop and be amazed by the incredible color photos taken by the modest contactee. ![]() - COSMIC CITIZEN DEPARTMENT -
Confessions of a Time Traveling "Star Goddess" By Sean Casteel ![]() Diane Tessman has been in
contact with “otherworldly entities” from her earliest
childhood. While some people merely dabble in the study of ufology
before moving on to some other temporary obsession, Diane has been
immersed in the reality of the UFO phenomenon her entire life. She has
written about her experiences extensively and has gathered a following
eager to hear the messages from her spirit guide, a being named Tibus.
Timothy Green Beckley, the head honcho of the publishing company Inner Light/Global Communications, has recently published a greatly expanded version of Diane’s first book, from 1983, with new material and updates, making it over 300 large format pages. The newly-renovated book is called “The Real Life UFO Transformation of Diane Tessman: A Continuous Close Encounter with Future Man — Space Man.” What makes Diane’s life journey so fascinating – and so different from others who have related their personal endeavors with the Ultra-terrestrials – is that she had made the full transition from UFO investigator for the influential MUFON and APRO groups to an abductee whose experiences have been verified (as much as scientifically possible) by several members of the academic community, to an individual who is actually able, she says, to communicate with her “Special One,” a human-looking individual who she has come to believe represents “future human.” Diane does not deny the possibility that some UFOs may come from outer space, other dimensions or parallel dimensions. “It’s a big universe,” she says, “and therefore I am open to a multitude of theories.” “Where do I begin?” Diane asks in her preface. “It was a long time ago that I wrote ‘The Transformation’ on a $5.00 garage sale typewriter, which, in 1983, was considered a very old-fashioned typewriter. It was a heavy beast which weighed about a ton. I knew I had a lot to say. Much of it was not generated by my mind but catapulted into my head from outside. It was from an ‘unknown,’ but I somehow knew and loved that unknown.” It is most reassuring to read Diane’s continual testimony about her contact with Tibus being rooted in love. The fact that she “knew and loved that unknown” extends beyond herself to the Planet Earth itself, which is in dire need of some form of intervention in order to survive. Diane writes that, in spite of the passage of many years since she wrote her first book, the message of her contact Tibus remains the same: he is part of an effort to love and protect Mother Earth and all her lifeforms and to guide humankind through this time of change and upheaval. “Throughout the years,” Diane writes, “he predicted what has come to pass with climate chaos and change, the tragic extinction of many species, social unrest, mass hysteria, mass insanity, and even deadly viruses which emanate from humans transgressing upon nature. However, Tibus had a great hope for our planet way back in 1983, just as he does today. “ AN EARLY AWAKENING
Diane had long had an ongoing relationship with the study of the nuts-and-bolts aspects of the UFO phenomenon, being a member of the Mutual UFO Network and the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, but, in 1981, she decided to explore another aspect of UFO contact by undergoing hypnotic regression with well-known psychologist Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle. Under hypnosis, Diane recalled her earliest UFO encounter: “I’m playing with Pat, my dog, on the farm. And I had stayed out late and Mom is inside cooking. Father’s inside. I don’t know where my brother is. The stars are clear. It is chilly, November. I am seven years old. And I have contact with something that has contacted me before, but I’m not allowed to remember. I want very much to remember them, though, and I try very hard. But this night I worry about Pat, my dog, when I go with them. They say he is all right. “And there is someone onboard I know in particular, and I’ve known him each time. I’m not scared and I’m special, as other people are, but that to function in this life, in the mundane part of life that I have ahead of me, as protection, I cannot know the other side of me for a while, nor remember all that has happened. I love my mother and father, but every time I see them, I feel that this is where I belong. I always hate to leave. I always want to remember, but at that point it is not allowed.” Diane says the entities she sees onboard the craft look fairly much like humans. “The one I know best is human,” she says, “and I love him. There is something between us.” She calls the one she knows and loves her “Special One,” and she will eventually come to call him “Tibus.” It seems that Diane was never formally “introduced” to Tibus, but rather had known him all her life without any conscious recall of “how.” As part of this experience at age seven, Diane says “I know that I will be watched – or monitored – throughout my life, until the point comes where I finally enter the world where I belong, where they are. I’m reassured.” TIBUS SPEAKS
Tibus is quite the vocal presence in Diane’s work. The Future Man Space Man of the new book’s title, describes their relationship as “an experiment in shared consciousness between two individuals. Our sharing is a thing of joy and wonder to both of us, but we could not be sure at first that it would turn out as well as it has.” Tibus recalled that when Diane was typing out the original “Transformation,” she was sitting on the floor of her duplex apartment because she couldn’t afford any furniture. “I couldn’t be sure,” Tibus says, “that our shared consciousness would work, but, as the book progressed, I realized my messages were getting through loud and clear. I send them telepathically and they land in her head, often a few paragraphs long, then she hurries to write them down accurately.” There are some mind-bending aspects of time travel in the relationship. “As individuals,” Tibus says, “Diane and I have much in common. You might even wonder if she is me in a previous lifetime or I am her in a future lifetime. Ah, well, possibly so. She and I always proclaim that we are both separate, physical individuals, but we do acknowledge symbiosis, not only in working with our messages but as individual spirits as well. “The difference is,” he continues, “I am of the future from her point of view and yours. But all time is simultaneous! I have always promised that Earth and the human species do make it into the future. As a human from the future, I am proof of this. However, I realize that having a conduit of shared consciousness with Diane is not what most scientists call ‘proof.’ My coworkers on starships and time-ships are indeed extraterrestrials from far different planets, as well as humans of my (future) time. We do have the key to time travel, and you will soon also. “The entire magnificent galaxy and the incredible universe beyond awaits humankind at The Moment – a moment of humankind’s own choosing. Out there, that-a-way, is a magnificent quilt of multiple interdimensional worlds. But first mankind needs to make one small step up the awareness ladder. I speak of humankind as one collective consciousness. “However, you have to CARE about the fate of Earth and her animals and CARE about your fellow humans. Be an activist in bringing our new world!” MORE ON TIME TRAVEL
The predominate theme of “The Real Life UFO Transformation of Diane Tessman” grapples with the nature of time and the many different ways it is manifested and experienced. The new book includes an interview with Diane conducted by one of her fellow UFO researchers, who goes by the name Quantum Shaman. Quantum Shaman asks Diane: Why are you so involved and even defensive of the concept that UFO occupants are time-traveling humans? I know you have faced a lot of criticism from people who hold fast that UFO occupants are aliens from far distant solar systems. Diane: This is the first sentence of my book, “Future Humans and the UFOs,” published in February 2020: “I do not deny that there are probably thousands of advanced extraterrestrial races in the galaxy and that some may visit Earth. However, I think we have ignored what is right before our eyes: our children’s children’s children are the occupants in most or all unidentified flying objects.” I am not excluding aliens from being among our strange visitors. I am merely trying to bring to light the fact that we have not seriously considered that time traveling humans are here also, in the flying vehicles that we will create in the relatively near future. Quantum Shaman: What is your conclusion then about abductions? Do humans actually abduct other humans? Diane: Of course they do! We abduct each other all the time. What else is kidnapping? We murder each other, we molest each other, “we” being our species. In our history, we have taken each other as slaves and we have committed genocide. Future humans may want to know more about the biology of their ancestors, either for scientific research or perhaps they need our DNA for some reason. Certainly most abductions do include tissue samples being taken. Humans are a flawed, adolescent species. I do not claim that UFO occupants are angels. We can be cruel and self-serving. Isn’t this how we current humans are too? We fail to consider that future humans visit us from all different levels of time. Of course, once we conquer time, we are perhaps timeless. However, there is no doubt that our species is behind in spiritual evolution while we excel at tech and science. What will we be in 500,000 years, which is just a drop in the bucket of time? Will we have grown even more selfish? Or will we have evolved spiritually? Long story short, Tibus is not from 35 years ahead, but from hundreds or possibly thousands of years ahead. He is truly timeless in that he is a citizen of the cosmos as much as he is a citizen of Earth. He has learned the lesson, finally, that humans have taken so long to learn. And so, there is no contradiction between Tibus’ spiritual messages and the future human premise. TIBUS HOLDS FORTH ON THE FLUID NATURE OF TIME
In one of the many messages from Tibus included in the book, he talks about transcending time altogether. “Most people on Earth accept that time ticks along just as the river keeps flowing downstream and that this is an absolute that can never be overcome. However, with advanced technology and/or with a mind/soul of a higher frequency, one may head upstream just as if you had a motorboat to help you go against the current. Or, one may simply stand on the bank of the river and observe what was and what will be, as well as what is. Also, you must realize that there are other rivers (other timeframes, other dimensions/frequencies) flowing consecutively with the Earth river. “We have stood on the bank of Earth’s timeline/history since human life began on Earth. There are souls among us whose unique essence very much belongs to our frequency/dimension who volunteer to live on Earth for a lifetime, awaiting contact from us, for this promise from HOME never leaves their hearts and souls. In a sense, we infiltrate. Our star people are on lifetime ‘espionage’ missions. However, these missions are ones which are only to enlighten Earth, to gently guide her, to quietly raise the raise the frequency level, to pave the way for a higher dimension but within Earth’s historical timeline. “We do not overtly interfere or change history or meddle unless individual crises do not allow otherwise; and even then we often choose to allow the mundane dimension’s karmic debts to be enacted, lived out, fulfilled – so that the higher dimension may occur naturally.” SCIENCE AND SPIRIT
For nearly four decades, Diane and Tibus have run a joint venture called “The Star Network” with which they reach out to fellow believers with a regularly published newsletter and monthly group meditations intended to help envision a new and better day for Mother Earth. “Channelers usually give a message and then move on,” Tibus writes, “never going back to be accountable for the information they offered. For perhaps the first time in the world of channeling, Diane and I are happy to offer input on our original messages where need be.” Which is a big part of why “The Real Life UFO Transformation of Diane Tessman” is such a valuable source of information. The new book not only revisits Diane’s classic “The Transformation,” it also adds a perspective from the future in which many of the messages are reevaluated or given the benefit of years of hindsight, an important factor in any endeavor that deals with the bending of the fabric of time. “This book contains science and it contains spirit,” Tibus says. “Reality is composed of both.” Diane can be contacted by email at:
Her mailing address is: Diane Tessman PO Box 352 Saint Ansgar, IA 50472 www. Source: Spectral Vision - TIME AND AGAIN DEPARTMENT - Tempus Edax Rerum Good luck, John. By Rob Schwarz ![]() “Tempus Edax Rerum” is a Latin phrase which translates to “time devours all things.”
Tangentially related to the alleged time traveler John Titor, the first known appearance of the phrase in relation to him occurred on November 19, 2009 in a YouTube video titled “John Titor Letter 177 tempus edax rerum” by user lryhaber. The video’s description references a website registered on April 22, 2009,, which also contains the phrase: “177 Tempus Edax Rerum – Good Luck, John.” It also displays a table containing dates and alleged amounts of worldline divergence. In the video, a text-to-speech narrator claims that John Titor was only one of multiple time travelers using the moniker John Titor. The narrator claims that when he arrived to 1999, he found that another Titor was already there. Together, they worked out a way to return to their original respective worldlines. This involved traveling to other nearby points in time and measuring the divergence. “As I write this now,” states the video, “the date is March 22, 2009 and the divergence is 1.941.” To communicate with each other during this process, they left information in the form of the original faxes to Art Bell and posts online. The video claims the divergence numbers and other forum messages are “sign posts” to “other Johns” who may be lost and looking for their way back home. “Every time someone posts about John Titor after 2001, they will become more permanent and easier for me, or the other John, to find. If the other John, or even another John ever arrives in your future, trying to get home, he will now see the numbers he needs in the posts. If he were to hear this message, he will know what to do.” The veracity of the video remains in question, as it only claims to be related to the original person calling himself John Titor in 1998 and later 2000-2001. The video also claims that its contents were written on March 22, 2009. It’s impossible to know whether or not the video has any true relation to the original John Titor. NOTE ON JOHN TITOR INSIGNIA: It’s unclear whether or not the phrase appeared on the original logo John Titor shared in 2000-2001. The insignia appears at the aforementioned foundation website with 177 inside and “Tempus Edax Rerum." However, has the original uploaded image, which contains neither. ![]() The YouTube user name lryhaber may be a reference to Larry Haber, the Florida lawyer who represented John Titor’s alleged family in this worldline. The video in question was allegedly shared by John Titor’s mother. The phrase itself was originally used in Latin by Ovid: “Time, devourer of all things.” There’s a possible connection to the visual novel Steins;Gate, which first released on October 15, 2009 – some kind of viral marketing? Source: Stranger Dimensions - SEARCHING FOR THE UNKNOWN DEPARTMENT -
The Housewife, the Ghost Hunter and the Poltergeist By Kate Summerscale In 1938, 34-year-old Alma Fielding reported objects mysteriously flying around her home. Eighty years on, Kate Summerscale, author of true crime classic "The Suspicions of Mr Whicher," set out to investigate the unexplained case of the Croydon poltergeist. On 20 February 1938, the Sunday Pictorial carried a report of a haunting in Croydon. A 34-year-old housewife had called to tell them about strange events at the home she shared with her husband Les, her son Don and their lodger, George Saunders. “Come to my house,” Alma Fielding implored the Pictorial’s news desk. “There are things going on here I cannot explain.” The Sunday Pic, as it was known to its readers, dispatched two reporters to Croydon. As Alma opened the front door to them, they saw an egg fly down the corridor to land at their feet. As she led them to the kitchen, a pink china dog rattled to the floor and a sharp-bladed tin opener cut through the air at head height. In the front parlour, a teacup and saucer lifted out of Alma’s hands as she sat with her guests, the saucer spinning and splintering with a “ping!” as if shot in midair. She screamed as a second saucer exploded in her fingers and sliced into her thumb. While the wound was being bandaged, the reporters heard a crash in the kitchen: a wine glass had apparently escaped a locked cabinet and shattered on the floor. They saw an egg whirl in through the living room door to crack against the sideboard. A giant chunk of coal rose from the grate, sailed across the room, inches from the head of one of the reporters, and smacked into the wall. The Fieldings’ house seemed to be under siege from itself. Les, Don and George were at home but, as far as the Pictorial men could tell, none of them was responsible for the phenomena: the objects were propelled by an unseen force. The Pictorial published its piece the next morning, under the slogan: “This is the most curious front page story we have ever printed.” In an ordinary terrace in Croydon, it declared, “some malevolent, ghostly force is working miracles. Poltergeist … That’s what the scientists call it. The Spiritualists? They say it’s all caused by a mischievous earth-bound spirit.” In January 2017 I visited the Society for Psychical Research archive in Cambridge to look up some references to the ghost hunter Nandor Fodor, who had investigated the case of Alma Fielding and the Croydon poltergeist. I didn’t expect to find anything directly relevant: Fodor had been working for a rival organisation, the International Institute for Psychical Research, whose papers were said to have been destroyed by German bombs. But when the documents were delivered to the university library’s manuscripts room, I discovered that they were Fodor’s original records. The SPR must have acquired the International Institute’s archive when the smaller organisation was disbanded in the 1940s. To my delight, one of the files turned out to be Fodor’s dossier on Alma, mistakenly catalogued as a holding on “Mr” Fielding. The manila folder contained transcripts of Fodor’s interviews and seances with Alma, lab reports, X-rays, copies of her contracts, scribbled notes, sketches, photographs of the damage wrought by the poltergeist in Alma’s house and on her body. From Alma’s story Fodor had deduced, to the horror of his colleagues, that repressed memories could generate terrifying physical events. A Jewish-Hungarian émigré, Fodor had thrown himself into the 30s supernatural scene. He joined the Ghost Club and the London Spiritualist Alliance, befriended members of the Faery Investigation Society, contributed articles to the spiritualist weekly Light. Spiritualism was big business in Britain. The faith offered “something tremendous”, said Arthur Conan Doyle, “a breaking down of the walls between two worlds … a call of hope and of guidance to the human race at the time of its deepest affliction”. After the terrible losses of the first world war and the influenza pandemic of 1918, thousands of spiritualist seance circles had been established by the bereaved. In effect, a seance was a voluntary haunting, a summoning of ghosts, at which the dead would speak through mediums, rap on tables, sometimes even let themselves be touched, smelt or seen. These forms of contact seemed hardly more outlandish than methods that had become commonplace since the war. Soon, predicted Fodor, “the mechanism of psychic communication will be understood and used with the same facility as the wireless and the telephone”. Alma seemed able to astrally project herself from Croydon to Kensington and back again, and to open herself to spirit possession Scores of seances and private consultations were advertised in the spiritualist press, along with lectures at psychical research societies, books and pamphlets on the occult, displays of clairvoyance and levitation. Some spiritualists believed that there was so much supernormal activity because the dead were straining to come closer. “The boundary between the two states – the known and the unknown – is still substantial,” wrote the renowned physicist and radio pioneer Sir Oliver Lodge, who had lost a son in the war, “but it is wearing thin in places, and like excavators engaged in boring a tunnel from opposite ends, amid the roar of water and other noises, we are beginning to hear now and again the strokes of the pickaxes of our comrades on the other side.” But Fodor, having read the work of Sigmund Freud, was becoming sceptical about spiritualism. He believed that supernormal phenomena might be caused not by the shades of the dead but by the unconscious minds of the living – and he sensed that Alma Fielding was the perfect subject on whom to test his theories. When Fodor took Alma to the International Institute in Kensington, he and his colleagues saw a diamanté brooch materialise from thin air, then an ancient oil lamp, a white mouse, a scarab beetle, a Javanese sparrow. She seemed able to astrally project herself from Croydon to Kensington and back again, and to open herself to spirit possession. To assess her powers, Fodor used all the modern methods at his disposal: voice recorders, telephones, cameras, X-rays, chemical analysis, hypnosis and word-association tests. He gathered witness statements and transcribed Alma’s dreams, sent investigators to track her movements. He laid traps. If Alma’s phenomena were tricks, he wanted to know how she was pulling them off. If not, he needed to understand the psychic mechanisms by which they were generated. “There is a door which leads from the mind we know to the mind we do not know,” he told the Daily Mirror in March 1938. “Now and again that door is opened. Strange things happen. There are manifestations, queer phenomena, transfigurations.” As the door to the unconscious swung open, Fodor reasoned, a suppressed feeling might escape its human host in material form. He speculated that mediums discharged electromagnetic rays from their fingers and toes, or extruded invisible, semi-metallic psychic rods, or ectoplasmic threads like cobwebs. “There are, it is plain, strange forces about us of which we know practically nothing,” he said, “just as once we knew nothing of electricity.” Fodor noticed that Alma often seemed detached from herself when a weird event took place, and he wondered if at such moments her buried life surged to the surface and broke out. He was intrigued by the phenomenon of mental dissociation, which had been observed both in mediums and in victims of shellshock. The subject fascinated novelists, too. Agatha Christie featured characters with split consciousness or dual personality in her short-story collection The Hound of Death. The protagonist of Patrick Hamilton’s novel Hangover Square is helplessly besotted with a woman who spurns him, and at a “click!” in his head (“or would the word ‘snap’ or ‘crack’ describe it better?” he wonders), his yearning, humiliated self is replaced with a numb, implacable avenger. Fodor wondered whether Alma’s psyche had fractured under pressure of a forbidden emotion. Perhaps she underwent spells of amnesia in which she unconsciously carried out supernatural tricks. Or perhaps her estranged alter ego was escaping her body altogether, snapping and cracking itself into being as an external, physical force. Ping! In March, Fodor arranged a day trip to Bognor Regis with Alma and four members of the Institute. Alma, in skittish spirits, agreed to see if her poltergeist could spirit a ring from the local branch of Woolworths. At the jewellery counter in the Bognor Woolies, Fodor and his party watched Alma select a ring with two stones on a curved bridge, examine it, then return it to the assistant; it was the nicest ring there, Alma said, but she did not want to buy it today. The shop girl eyed them suspiciously as they moved away. “It looked fishy to her,” wrote Fodor. “She followed us. We began to feel uncomfortable.” As the group turned into a road near the shop, Alma said that she heard a rattle in the box that she was carrying. Fodor took the box from her, opened it, and found the ring she had handled. “My flesh creeped,” he said. Everyone was staggered. All swore that they had seen the ring still on the jewellery counter as they left. “The experience was rather alarming,” Fodor said. “We had committed psychic shoplifting!” A few of the hauntings that Fodor investigated took place in crumbling old manor houses with creaking stairs and hidden priest holes, but most were in ordinary towns and suburbs such as Bognor and Croydon. He had become familiar with the consumerist, aspirational working-class culture of postwar Britain. “This is the England of arterial and by-pass roads,” wrote JB Priestley in English Journey, “of filling stations and factories that look like exhibition buildings, of giant cinemas and dance-halls and cafes, bungalows with tiny garages, cocktail bars, Woolworths, motor-coaches, wireless, hiking, factory girls looking like actresses, greyhound racing and dirt tracks, swimming pools, and everything given away for cigarette coupons. “You need money in this England,” Priestley added, “but you do not need much money. It is a large-scale, mass-production job with cut prices.” Poltergeists were a Woolies brand of phantom, vulgar copies of the ethereal phantoms of old. According to the Daily Mail, they were “altogether different from the honest, upright ghosts of decaying castles and ancient halls”. They displayed “low cunning and nasty intention” and “mean, underhand ways”. Poltergeists were domestic hoodlums: destructive, subversive, uncouth. Fodor’s fellow ghost-hunter Maude Ffoulkes said that she longed for ghosts in the same way that she yearned for the “unspoilt country of yesteryear”, a land untainted by roadhouse pubs and electricity pylons, but Fodor was not bound by the snobbery or nostalgia of his adopted country. Far from sneering at poltergeists, he liked them. And where others might see Alma as typical of her class and gender – irrational, opportunistic, sly – to Fodor she was ingenious, complex and fun. He guessed that she sometimes faked phenomena in order to retain the researchers’ interest, but he forgave such lapses. He had no doubt that her terror at the original poltergeist activity was genuine, and he understood why an imaginative working-class woman might resort to supernatural hoaxing. Alma’s days were a repetitive round of domestic chores, relieved only by forays to the shops and cups of tea with friends. She had to dust and polish, to darn, sew and knit, launder and iron, cook meals for her family, sweep hearths and floors, fetch coal and lay fires, scrub pots and pans. British women had enjoyed a spell of freedom during and immediately after the war, when many of them went out to work, but the popular press now encouraged them to keep to the home. They were urged to tend to their appearance (“What men hate about your hair” the Mirror revealed in March) and their family’s health. The Daily Mail warned female readers against having too lively a relationship even with their belongings. “Don’t wear a necklace if you’re tempted to twiddle it,” advised the paper. “Keep your hankie in your bag; it’s not meant to be twisted.” The ideal woman was contained, composed, restrained. But for a woman with psychic powers, different rules applied. A medium could undertake extravagant feats of mobility – astral projection, transfiguration, time travel, levitation – and in doing so escape the constraints of her gender and her class. Alma’s poltergeist not only twiddled necklaces but sprang them from shop counters; it whipped saucers across rooms, upended eiderdowns, spun rings on to fingers. It took gifts to the researchers at the institute, as if to charm or trade its way into their world. The American writer Charles Fort noted that poltergeists often emanated from those who had no direct power – women, servants, adolescents, children. In the event of a world war, Fort suggested in Wild Talents (published in 1932), a squad of poltergeist girls might be deployed against enemy troops. He imagined the scene – both futuristic and archaic – in which the girls combined their violent gifts: “A regiment bursts into flames, and the soldiers are torches. Horses snort smoke from the combustion of their entrails.” It struck me that Alma’s haunting, like other supernatural events of the 30s, was an expression of national as well as personal dread. The poltergeist story of 20 February 1938 shared the front page of the Sunday Pictorial with a giant photograph of Adolf Hitler, so that the headline seemed to issue from the Führer’s shouting mouth: “‘GHOST’ WRECKS HOME” it read; “FAMILY TERRORISED”. Every week that spring, the press carried warnings about Hitler and Mussolini’s belligerence, and reports of the British government’s frantic efforts to shore up the country’s defences. The threat of war touched everyone. Alma’s husband Les had been injured in the last conflict – he still woke in terror from “trench dreams” – and their only son, Don, was likely to be called up in the next. As summer approached, Fodor intensified his efforts to unearth the childhood trauma that might explain Alma’s poltergeist. In his desperation, he stepped up his surveillance, and he resorted increasingly to deception. He was convinced that a repressed memory was responsible for the storm of violence in Alma’s home. Supernatural events, he believed, embodied the splintering and contradiction of a traumatic experience – a ghost conjured the uneasy sense that something both was and was not real, that an event recurred as if it were outside time, undead. Fodor’s colleagues were appalled when they learned of his conclusions about Alma’s haunting. In the autumn of 1938, they expelled him from the International Institute and confiscated his papers. These were the papers that I found in the Cambridge archive. The fat folder of evidence seemed to me a wonderful object: a documentary account of fictional and magical events, a historical record of the imagination. Some of Fodor’s methods were troubling, but I was moved by his refusal to condemn Alma as a maniac or a fraud. By the time that Fodor’s book about the Thornton Heath poltergeist was published, in 1958, psychical research was no longer taken seriously by most scientific thinkers. Yet his ideas about poltergeist psychosis found expression in fiction. In The Haunting of Hill House, a novel of 1959, Shirley Jackson explores the possibility that a disturbed individual can trigger supernormal events. She describes a ghost hunt conducted under the aegis of the psychical researcher Dr John Montague, in which weird incidents seem to emanate from a young woman called Eleanor Vance. When Fodor was invited to serve as a consultant on the film adaptation of the novel, in 1963, he asked Jackson if she had read his work, and she confirmed that she had. The film-makers proposed to Jackson that they present the events in her novel as the hallucinations of a woman in a mental asylum, but she discouraged this approach: the story was about real supernatural happenings, she said. Like Fodor, she chose not to explain away psychic experiences as madness or lies. Fodor wrote an article about The Haunting of Hill House shortly before his death in 1964, in which he observed that Jackson had adopted “the modern approach” to the supernormal: “The creaks and groans of furniture, the imbalance of a spiral staircase and the abnormally cold spots are objectifications of the mental anguish and chill of Eleanor’s soul, the violent slamming of doors are explosive manifestations of inner conflicts.” This strand of psychological gothic emerges again in Stephen King’s novels Carrie, in which a humiliated teenager’s suppressed feelings erupt in supernatural violence, and The Shining, in which ghosts are awakened by the obsessions of the living. It runs through books and films such as Barbara Comyns’s The Vet’s Daughter, Daphne du Maurier’s Don’t Look Now, Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Hilary Mantel’s Beyond Black, Sarah Waters’s The Little Stranger, Jennifer Kent’s The Babadook. To the question of whether a haunting was real or fantasised, psychological or supernatural, the answer given by such stories was: both. A ghost could be imagined into being, from a feeling repressed so forcefully that it acquired uncanny power. “Our irrational, darker selves,” wrote Elizabeth Bowen, “demand familiars.” Source: The Guardian -hunter-and-the-poltergeist PAYPAL
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- SOMETHING FISHY GOING ON DEPARTMENT - Nessie Sceptic Now Convinced About Loch Ness Monster ![]() A Nessie sceptic has been converted after spotting a giant creature rise out of the water while out for a walk.
Corey (23) and Lauren (22) Sturrock were walking at Dores on Saturday at around 3.40pm when they saw something the “size of a bus” emerge from the depths. Mr Sturrock, who is a full-time carer for his wife, said he has always dismissed any talk of the Loch Ness monster, but after seeing the eel-like fish believes that there is something lurking in the waters that is quite unbelievable. Mr Sturrock said he was reluctant to come forward in case people thought he was claiming to have seen Nessie. But he said there were a number of people on the loch-side who saw the same thing. He said: “I have been camping and walking on Loch Ness my whole life and I have never believed in the Loch Ness monster. “But what my wife and I saw was something quite extraordinary and I would like to know if other people have seen the same. “It was, what looked like to me and Lauren, like a massive eel. It was the size of a bus. “It was massive. “We saw the water rippling as if something was swelling, and that is what grabbed our attention. “We then saw this thing, that looked like a massive eel rise from the water, and then go back under again. “There was a large swell. “Other people walking on the same path saw it as well. “I reached for my phone – but it was all over in a matter of about 10 or 20 seconds – and it only showed itself for a few seconds. By the time I got my phone out it had gone underneath again. “It didn’t look like all those Nessie drawings with the humps – it was just a large, or very large eel. “After never believing there was anything in the loch, and no basis for belief in the Loch Ness monster, I would say that perhaps there are large eels in the water – and when they emerge they may look like a monster. “Whatever it was it was some size.” Not including Mr and Mrs Sturrock’s experience, seven Nessie sightings have been recorded in 2020 so far. The latest in the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register was added on August 29 after photos were taken by tourist Mr Van-Schuerbeck. A spokesman for the register said he spotted an “unexplained phenomenon” when he looked back at photos taken near Point Clair. A long-distance walker was also convinced earlier this month he captured the shadowy shape of the Loch Ness Monster while hiking between Fort Augustus and Invermoriston. Source: The Inverness Courier -during-loch-ness-walk-213374/ - MORE BIG STUFF DEPARTMENT - Giant Spider of the Congo by Terrence Aym ![]() Spiders might exist that have
crawled out of nightmares. They're called the "J'ba FoFi" (giant
spider, pronounced ch-bah foo fee) in Central Africa.
Many people might define a giant spider as one that's bigger than their hand. Some may think bigger and envision the horrifying Goliath 'bird eating spider' that dwells in the darker corners of the ancient Amazon rain forest. That eight-legged terror spans a whopping 14-inches. Unfortunately, those people aren't thinking big enough. The size of the Congolese Giant spider-when its legs are included-is said to be up to five feet across. According to cryptozoologists (researchers that investigate unknown creatures that have not been recognized by orthodox science), most of the J'ba FoFi dwell in the Congo. Natives tell stories of the giant web-nests the spiders build, similar to a trap-door spider. Most of the many anecdotal tales describe the spiders digging a shallow tunnel under tree roots and camouflaging it with a large bed of leaves. Then they create an almost invisible web between their burrow and a nearby tree, booby-trapping the whole thing with a network of trip lines. Some hapless creature—soon to end up on the menu—will trip the line alerting the spider. The victim will be chased into the web. This predatory entrapment is similar to some species of tarantula. Presumably, the J'ba FoFi eggs are a pale yellow-white and shaped like peanuts. Native claim the hatchlings are bright yellow with a purple abdomen. Their coloration becomes darker and brown as they mature. Some of the natives indigenous to the regions in the Congo where the J'ba FoFi has been seen assert that the spider was once quite common, but has become very rare. Other than the testimonies of natives, there is one clear story of the really large ground-dwelling spider collected by naturalist and cryptozoologist, William J. Gibbons, who writes: "I first became aware of a giant ground-dwelling spider through Miss Margaret Lloyd, formerly of Rhodesia and now living in England. Her parents, Reginald and Margurite Lloyd were exploring the interior of the old Belgian Congo in 1938 when they spotted something crossing the jungle track ahead of them. At first they took the object to be a large jungle cat or a monkey on all fours. When they stopped their vehicle (an old Ford truck) to allow the animal to pass, they were thunderstruck to see that it was a very large brown spider, similar in its appearance to a tarantula, with a leg span of at least four or five feet. Mr. Lloyd trembled so much with excitement that he was unable to retrieve his camera in time to take a snap, and Mrs. Lloyd was so distraught that she wanted to return home (Rhodesia) immediately. This creature is known as the J’ba Fofi; J’ba meaning “great” or “giant” Fofi meaning “spider” (spiders of all kinds are called Fofi)." Gibbons, has spent many years in Africa hunting for what some think may be a living African dinosaur called Mokele-mbembe. On his third expedition in search of the creature he came upon natives who related their experiences with giant spiders. He shared his experience with readers upon his return to Canada: "On this third expedition to Equatorial Africa, I took the opportunity to inquire if the pygmies knew of such a creature [giant spider], and indeed they did! They speak of the Jba Fofi, which is a "giant" or "great spider." They described a spider that is generally brown in color with a purple abdomen. They grow to quite an enormous size with a leg span of at least five feet. The giant arachnids weave together a lair made of leaves similar in shape to a traditional pygmy hut, and spin a circular web (said to be very strong) between two trees with a strand stretched across a game trail." This is exactly the same description that other researchers have heard. Although the spider seems to have been spotted mostly in the Congo, there are reports of the same—or similar—spiders inhabiting Uganda and the Central African Republic. "These giant ground-dwelling spiders prey on the diminutive forest antelope, birds, and other small game, and are said to be extremely dangerous, not to mention highly venomous," Gibbons states. "The spiders are said to lay white, peanut-sized eggs in a cluster, and the pygmies give them a wide birth when encountered, but have killed them in the past. The giant spiders were once very common but are now a rare sight." Many of the natives describe the spiders as once being numerous, but now a vanishing species. Encroachment by civilization in the form of rain forest being converted to farming may have driven the spiders from their natural habitats. [Although their numbers are dwindling] they are still encountered from time to time. The Baka chief, Timbo, casually mentioned to us that a giant spider had taken up residence in the forest just behind his village in November 2000, when I and Dave Woetzel from New Hampshire had visited him! He did not think that we would have been interested in the creature as our interest was focused on Mokele-mbembe at the time! Valuable evidence had eluded us." Cryptozoologists—like any other researchers—sometimes only get the information they specifically ask for! If these giants do indeed exist, their physiology is puzzling. As some entomologists have rightly pointed out, spiders of that size would have to overcome the limitations of their exoskeletons. In addition to that hurdle, many of the more primitive arachnids have a primitive book-lung respiratory system. Modern spiders, however, often have a trachea and book-lungs. That combination allows for a smaller heart, more efficient blood flow and greater speed and stamina. If the Congolese giant spiders exist, they would most likely have both trachea and book-lungs. "On questioning our group of six Baka guides," Gibbons narrative continues, "they have all seen these spiders at one time or another and state that they are quite capable of killing a human being. According to the Baka (and the Bantu hunters who have encountered them) the giant spiders were once surprisingly common and would often construct their lairs very close to human villages. They have become quite rare now thanks mainly to the deforestation of Central Africa, but my guess would be that they are still to be found in numbers in the vast and still untouched forests of the former [Belgian Congo or Zaire] where the Lloyds encountered one in 1938." Gibbons knew the Lloyd's personally and adds that Mr. Lloyd tried to get a photo of the spider while Mrs. Lloyd was so stricken with fear all she wanted to do was return to their home in Rhodesia. Other stories of giant spiders abound. Some of the stories are little more than spotty tales told in the villages of unnamed missionaries whose porters were killed by giant spiders. An English missionary named Arthur Simes related an incident that occurred in Uganda during the 1890s. While trekking near the shore of Lake Nyasa, his porters became entangled in a monstrous web. Several giant spiders swiftly descended upon them, injecting the men with poisonous venom. Later, all the men's extremities swelled, they grew feverish, delirious and then died. Simes claimed he drove the giant spiders off with his pistol. Are there other historical or contemporary Giant Spider sightings other than Africa? Loren Coleman's website, Cryptomundo, has an interesting story from correspondent Todd Partain whose father, Richard Partain, had an odd experience in 1948. "One cool night in 1948, in Leesville, Louisiana, 48-year-old William Slaydon walked his wife, Pearl, and his three grandsons to church. Among them was the youngest, Richard Partain, a child of six at the time. They walked north along Highway 171, and as the road began to dip, Grandpa Slaydon suddenly stopped his grandchildren with a gesture and had them step back quietly and freeze. "The grandchildren, aged six to thirteen, knew instinctively to obey this gesture without question. There was a rustling from the ditch, and an unbelievable creature emerged from the darkness. "Richard Partain said that it was a huge spider, the size of a washtub. It was hairy and black. As they watched, the giant arachnid crossed the asphalt from East to West, and disappeared into the brush on the opposite side of the highway. “We asked Grandpa what it was, and he said simply that it was a very large spider. Afterwards, all nighttime walks by the family to the church were cancelled. The incident was never discussed again with the grandchildren. “Through my whole life, whenever I watched a TV program or read an article about spiders, I would wait for someone to identify it, but no one ever has,” said Richard. “I always had the impression that Grandpa was familiar with them, that had seen one before, or at least knew about them." Whether the Congo spider is real, or a myth remains to be seen. And hopefully, whomever the researcher is hunting for it will see the spider before it sees him. Source: Helium Sign
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