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Conspiracy Journal
Monday, February 2, 2015
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #807 2/2/15
cj#807 It doesn't matter if you lock your doors and throw away the keys - THEY know you are home! Got a computer? THEY know you are online! And THEY know that you have just received another brain-crunching issue of the weekly newsletter of all the weird stuff and conspiracies that THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW - THE CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! So read it quickly before THEY come knocking on your door to take you away! Information is POWER! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Hurdy-Gurdy stories as: - Swedish Tech Company Begins Microchipping Staff - - Telekinesis Experiments in U.S. Air Force-Commissioned Report - - USAF UFO Blue Book Files Forced To Be Taken Down - AND: London's Magical History Uncorked From 'Witch Bottle' All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal807.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 2:38 PM EST
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #806 1/25/14
cj#806 Did you ever feel that you were being watched? Did you ever think that you were being followed and closely monitored? Is your mail and e-mail being tampered with and read? Are there unknown forces manipulating our existence? If you answered YES(or even maybe) to any one of these questions then CONSPIRACY JOURNAL is the answer to your woes. Each and every week, Conspiracy Journal wings its way into your e-mail box with the latest news of conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal, strange creatures and just plain weird stuff. All the things that THEY don't want you to know. This weeks exciting edition brings you such knuckle-dragging tales as: - French Nuclear Director Says UFO Was Over His Plant - - Fast Radio Burst Detected Coming From Deep Space - - Unidentified Sea Creature Spotted Off Long Island - AND: Cave Paintings and Vampires in India All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal806.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 1:05 PM EST
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #805 1/18/14
cj#805 He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras. His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such ocular-piercing tales as: - Nikola Tesla's Incredible Predictions For Our Connected World - - UFOs: Great Cases in Plain Sight! - - America’s Spiritual Destiny - AND: Experts Seek Key to Monster Vegetables All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal804.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 3:55 PM EST
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #804 1/11/14
cj#804 It may just the beginning of 2015 - but strangeness still abounds. Weirdness still stalks the night. Craziness continues to lurk in the open. Madness meddles those who seek openness and truth. That is why we bring you Conspiracy Journal every week - to uncover the uncoverable. To reveal the unrevealable. And to enlighten the unenlightenable all the strange news that everyone else is afraid to even admit. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such fracking tales as: - Divers Retrieve Metal Associated With Atlantis Legend - - Contacting Aliens and Angels With Cipher and Symbols - - Do Star-Gates Exist? - AND: Mysterious Booms Rattle Oklahoma All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal804.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:46 PM EST
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #803 1/4/14
cj#803 Just when you thought it was safe to go to your e-mail box – ANOTHER spirit-shattering issue of Conspiracy Journal has wended its way into your life. Freeing you from the confines of ignorance so desired by THEY who want to keep us all in the dark. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such toe-popping stories as: - CIA Says Half of all UFO sightings Were Spy Planes - - Proof Positive That We Are A Strange Nation - - Seducers from Inner Space - AND: The Haunted Doll of Hokkaido All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal803.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 2:52 PM EST
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #802 12/28/14
cj#802 It has been going on for centuries. The dark, secret places have been their meeting rooms. Behind closed, locked doors they weave their plans. Like the web from a hideous spider, their connections are complex and far-reaching. Their nefarious activities seem disjointed and random -- effectively hiding their ultimate goal. Those who dare oppose them are branded as "conspiracy nuts" and ignored. It is all part of the grand plan. But there is one small kink in their web of deceit...CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! Here each and every week to let you know what is really going on behind the wizards curtain. This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such Karmic stories as: - Should Unprovable Physics Be Considered Philosophy? - - And There Were Giants In All The Earth - - Why Are You Stalling? - AND: On the Surface of it, UFOs Could Lurk All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal802.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 10:50 PM EST
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #801 12/21/14
cj#801 Happy Winter Solstice to all our friends! The Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the new life of the sun for the year. When the sun rises out of the darkest day of the year, it echoes the birth of the light from the dark void on the first day of creation. This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such wintery tales as: - Did Giants Exist? - - Methane Gas on Mars May Indicate Life - - Did Google Earth Spot Sea Monster Off the Coast of New Zealand? - AND: Reports of Santa Claus Sightings All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal801.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 5:14 PM EST
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #800 12/14/14
cj#800 Welcome once again to the greatest show on earth! If you didn't noticed at the top, this is issue number 800, and it is all thanks to you, our beloved readers! Many of you have been with Conspiracy Journal from the very beginning when we started out with just a hand-full of subscribers - now we have thousands of loyal readers from all over the planet, and we expect to keep on growing as more people discover just how weird, wild, and wonderful this world really is. So thanks to you all for 800 great issues and we know that there will be many, many more. Now, more than ever, people are looking for what is really going on -- they are looking for the truth that they may not find in their local newspaper or see on the 6:00 o'clock news. That is why we bring you Conspiracy Journal each and every week, to present to you all of the news and info that THEY don't want you to know. This week Conspiracy Journal takes a look at such chilling tales as: - Recent Mystery Booms a Global Phenomenon - - UFOS, Astral Travel and Visting Other Dimensions - - Ohio’s Silver Creek Wolfmen - AND: Harry Potter Fans Study Wizardry at Real-Life 'Hogwarts' All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal800.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 5:58 PM EST
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #799 12/7/14
cj#799 They live deep underground in the stygian caverns carved from the virgin rock millions of years ago. They are the Old Ones, the first to call Earth their home -- but their original home, somewhere in the vast curtain of stars in the heavens, has been lost in antiquity. They now sit and watch their descendants on the surface who talk of love and forgiveness, but scheme to kill each other for the love of profit and power. They wonder how people who talk of peace and freedom are now considered evil and wrong, fit only to be taken to concentration camps for the ultimate walk down the fiery path. Blessed are the peace makers it was once written -- but now, such words are considered blasphemous and must be silenced. The Old Ones are glad that they live deep underground, free from the madness that envelopes the surface. This week, Conspiracy Journal brings you such table-tapping stories as: - Cosmic Revelations From the Ashtar Command - - Cholera May Be Behind 17th Century Vampire Graves - - The Beast who Walks - AND: Aliens Wearing Human Outfits Visit Vegas Casinos to Unwind All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal799.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 4:59 PM EST
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Conspiracy Journal
Topic: Issue #798 11/30/14
cj#798 He stays up late into the night - fearful to sleep because of those who watch in the dark. They watch from the sky. The watch from the streets. They watch with the cold, glassy stare of hidden cameras. His communications are not safe. They read all that goes in, and all that goes out. His entertainment is monitored 24 hours a day. They know what TV shows he sees and which web sites on the Internet he visits. But despite all they see and do - nothing can prevent the arrival of his favorite weekly e-mail newsletter of the strange and weird. Yes that's RIGHT! Conspiracy Journal is here once again to reveal all the deep, dark secrets that THEY don't want YOU to know! This week Conspiracy Journal brings you such eye-straining tales as: - "Former NASA Employee" Says She Saw Men on Mars - - Pterosaur Sighting in Central Arkansas - - Loud Boom Heard at Same Time in UK and Upstate NY - AND: Another Mystery Monkey of Tampa Bay? All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's issue of CONSPIRACY JOURNAL! https://uforeview.tripod.com/conspiracyjournal798.html Questions? Comments? Send your email to: conspiracyjournal@hotmail.com See you next week! |
Posted by Tim R. Swartz
at 11:54 PM EST
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